Biographical Sketch of Walter A. Bellchambers

Bellchambers, Walter A.; hairdresser; born, New York City, Jan. 18, 1874; son of Robert F. and Ellen Shugg Bellchambers; educated, New York City public schools; two years at Nazareth, Pa., Military School; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1804, Maud L. Weaver; one son, F. Walter Bellchambers; came to Cleveland in 1892; in 1893, bought the business of Geo. Greenfield, which was established in 1854; Mason, Brooklyn, No. 454, F. & A. M., Hellman Chapter, No. 166.

Biographical Sketch of J. I. Ayer

J. I. Ayer, book and music store, Mattoon; was born in Medford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1854. In 1866, the family moved to Elizabeth, N. J.; in addition to his common-school education, he enjoyed the advantages of a boarding-school at Nazareth, Penn.; this school was of a military character, and he here pursued a course in civil engineering; at the age of 15 years he entered the firm of Roberts & Co. (dealers in books and stationery), at Elizabeth, N. J., to take charge of his father’s interest, he being a member of the firm. In the fall of 1870, he … Read more