Biography of Thomas P. Smith

Thomas P. Smith was born in Clinton County, New York, in 1861, and died in Muskogee, Okla., on October 4, 1917. He attended the village school of Clinton until he was twelve years of age, when his family moved to Plattsburg, N. Y., where he entered the public schools. Graduating from the high school, he became associated in the mercantile business with his two brothers, M. A. and M. J. Smith. In 1884 he was made deputy postmaster at Plattsburg, which place he held until 1887, when he was appointed chief clerk at the San Carlos Indian Agency in Arizona. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas S. Roach

(See Ghigau and Sanders) -George Roach married Nannie Pritchett, and they were the parents of Thomas Snake Roach who married Wycie McDaniel. Mr. Roach who has been for several years Special Field Man for the U. S. Indian Agency at Muskogee, is one of the most prominent full-bloods of the tribe. Besides being cautious and diplomatic, he speaks both the English and Cherokee languages fluently, and is of inestimable value to his employers.

Slave Narrative of Henry F. Pyles

Person Interviewed: Henry F. Pyles Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Date of Birth: August 15, 1856 Age: 81 That’s how the niggers say old Bab Russ used to make the hoodoo “hands” he made for the young bucks and wenches, but I don’t know. ’cause I was too trusting to look inside de one he make for me, and anyways I lose it, and it no good nohow! Old Bab Russ live about two mile from me, and I went to him one night at midnight and ask him to make me de hand. I was a young strapper about sixteen years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank T. Swift

(See Carter and Sanders) -Martha, daughter of LeRoy and Mary (Sanders) Tyner, married Frank Boyd Swift and they were the parents of Frank Tyner Swift, Benjamin W. Swift, and James French Swift. Frank Tyner Swift was born March 5, 1867. Educated in Kansas; Married December 30, 1890 Nellie Butler, born February 27, 1871, in Bourbon County, Kansas. They were the parents of Chrystal, born December 25, 1891; Frank Butler born June 20, 1894; and Mable Swift born July 6, 1896. Frank Boyd Swift was a Captain in the Federal Army in Kansas, and was a pioneer newspaper man in that … Read more

Biography of Kelly Brown

Kelly Brown, whose ripened powers place him among the capable representatives of civil law practice in Muskogee and who is also numbered among the lawmakers of the state, having been a member of the fifth general assembly of Oklahoma, is descended from an old English family, several of the representatives thereof with the nobility. Having incurred the being connected with nobility incurred the displeasure of the reigning monarch, the original progenitors of the family in America were obliged to flee to the new world, this occurring about the time of the Revolutionary war, settlement being made by them in Virginia. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Acemey Wofford

Person Interviewed: Acemey Wofford Date of Birth: June 13 Age: 100 (about) The folks say I’m about 100 years old but there’s no way of me telling about that. I remember the master told me I was born on June 13, but I don’t know what was the year. Maybe I know once, but not now, for the only things I remember now is about the master. I mean my second master who brought me from somewhere in Mississippi to Texas. He was Doctor Hayes; the mistress was Malissa. She was mean, not like the master himself. When the mistress … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Lee Cook

Nannie, daughter of Clark and Lydia (Smith) Swimmer, was born in the Cherokee Nation. Educated in Cherokee National schools. Married at Webbers Falls in 1898 Lee Cook. They are the parents of: Andrew, who served three months in the World war; Glenn, and Evaline Cook. Mr. Cook is a farmer.

Biography of Milton Gooddell Young

Well known and prominent in the financial circles of Muskogee is Milton Gooddell Young, who is the President of the Security State Bank. Long experience has well qualified him for the important and responsible duties which devolve upon him in this connection and as the years have passed he has made himself a forceful factor among the bankers of his section of the state. He was born in Florence, Alabama, February 15, 1884, and is a son of Andrew M. and Ollie (House) Young.  His father was also prominent in financial circles, being the first bank commissioner of the state … Read more

Slave Narrative of Hal Hutson

Person Interviewed: Hal Hutson Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Galveston, Tennessee Date of Birth: October 12, 1847 Age: 90 I was born at Galveston, Tennessee, October 12, 1847. There were 11 children: 7 brothers; Andrew, George, Clent, Gilbert, Frank, Mack and Horace; and 3 girls Eosie, Marie and Eancy. We were all Hutsons. Together with my mother and father we worked for the same man whose name was Mr. Barton Brown, but who we all call Master Brown, and sometime. Master Brown had a good weather-board house, two story, with five or six rooms. They lived pretty well. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. James Grady Harris

(See Cordery) Parker Collins born November 9, 1845, married Angeline Davis born July 19, 1859, in DeKalb Go., Ala. They are the parents of Robert Harris, born Dec. 19, 1882; Colonel Parker Harris, born July 3, 1885 ; Emily Harris, born April 29, 1887; Dr. James Grady Harris, born February 18, 1889; Susie Ella Harris, born September 4, 1890; Mary Vann Harris, born October 10, 1893; George Harris, born November 14, 1895; Martha Harris, born June 2, 1899; lda Harris, born March 1, 1901, and Catherine Harris. Dr. James Grady Harris was educated in the Male Seminary, Northeastern State Normal, … Read more

Biography of Grover P. Watkins

Grover P. Watkins, engaged in the practice of law at Fort Gibson, was born at Carrollton, Arkansas, August 23, 1886, and is a son of Paschal T. and Eliza (Holt) Watkins, who were also natives of Arkansas. The father was a druggist and also a farmer, devoting his attention to the two lines of business at Carrollton. He served as a soldier throughout the Civil war with the Confederate forces and became an officer of the army. He died November 11, 1905, and is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Green Forest, Arkansas. Grover P. Watkins … Read more

Biography of John Daniel Bewley, M. D.

Coming to Miami in 1916, Dr. John Daniel Bewley has thoroughly demonstrated his ability as a physician and surgeon and his professional labors have been attended with a gratifying measure of success. He was born in Dover, Pope County, Arkansas, March 25, 1874, of the marriage of Benjamin V. and Triphenia (West) Bewley, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Arkansas. Her father was a major in the Mexican war and was stationed at old Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. Prior to the Civil war he retired from the United States army and made his home in Arkansas … Read more

Biography of Wallace Buell Butz

Wallace Buell Butz, whose activities since coming to Muskogee have brought him in close connection with educational interests and with the abstract, real estate and insurance business, is now at the head of the Butz Agency, handling general insurance, and his clientage is extensive. A native of Illinois, he was born August 1, 1872, his parents being Jeremiah King and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. The father devoted many years to the occupation of farming and is now living retired at the advanced age of eighty-six. Wallace B. Butz pursued his early education in the public schools of Illinois and afterward attended … Read more

Slave Narrative of Allen V. Manning

Person Interviewed: Allen V. Manning Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Clarke County Mississippi Date of Birth: 1850 Age: 87 Occupation: Sells Milk I always been somewhar in the South, mostly in Texas when I was a young man, and of course us Negroes never got much of a show in court matters, but I reckon if I had of had the chance to set on a jury I would of made a mighty poor out at it. No sir. I jest can’t set in judgement on nobody, ’cause I learned when I was jest a little boy that good … Read more

Biography of Le Roy Kershaw

Le Roy Kershaw of Muskogee, well known because of his extensive operations in real estate and perhaps even better known as one of the leading breeders of Aberdeen-Angus cattle in the United States, was born in Elmwood, Illinois, December 6, 1880. He was educated in the University of Illinois, from which he was graduated in June, 1904. In the same year he came to Oklahoma and through the intervening period has resided in this state, being prominently identified with financial and stock raising interests in the southwest. It was he who organized the First National Bank at Morris, Oklahoma, of … Read more

Biography of Rutherford B. Butts

Rutherford B. Butts, member of the bar at Muskogee, is a veteran of two wars and has been a most prominent factor in the field of relief work, of organized charity and of polity. His labors have at all times and along all lines been far-reaching and resultant and his cooperation is regarded as a most effective force in the attainment of desired results. Rutherford B. Butts is a native of Houston, Ohio, born February 18, 1877, and is a son of Jacob A. and Mary M. (Carpenter) Butts, the former a farmer by occupation. During the youthful days of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. F. Head

(See Ward)-Mary Ward, daughter of Robert Andrew and Frances M. (Ward) Hosey, was bore September 4, 1882; married Walter Ford Head. Mr. Head is an experienced linotype operator, living at Muskogee.

Biography of Joseph L. Hull

Joseph L. Hull, member of the Muskogee bar since 1915 and now engaged in the practice of civil law as a partner in the firm of Gibson & Hull, was born in Athens, Georgia, May 6, 1885, and is a son of Augustus L. and Callie (Cobb) Hull. He is also a nephew of the Hon. Hoke Smith, at one time governor of Georgia and afterward United States senator. Augustus L. Hull was born and reared in Georgia and for a number of years was secretary and treasurer of the State University at Athens, while his name is found on … Read more

Biography of Henry E. Shipley

Since 1912 Henry E. Shipley has been a member of the Haskell bar and he has also become a well known business man with valuable mining and oil interests in Oklahoma and other states. He is a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Petersburg on the 15th of November, 1887. His parents, Clement Washington and Evelyn (Nance) Shipley, are natives of Menard County, Illinois, and the father is now living retired in that state. For many years he devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits, in which he was very successful, and he is now heavily interested in cotton … Read more

Biography of John T. Cooper

Checotah numbers among her representative citizens John T. Cooper, attorney at law with offices in the Peoples National Bank building. He is a southerner by birth, born in Scottsboro, Jackson county, Alabama, on the 7th of August, 1881, a son of Abe and Julia (Anderson) Cooper, both natives of that state. The father engaged in agriculture in Alabama until 1894, in which year he removed to Indian Territory and located at Sallisaw. He engaged in farming there for three years and subsequently came to McIntosh County. He became one of the prominent and successful agriculturists of this community. He is … Read more