Biography of William T. Whitaker

William T. Whitaker, owner of the Pryor Bottling Works at Pryor, was born in Andrews, North Carolina, on the 14th of February, 1854, a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Taylor) Whitaker, both natives of that state. The mother was of Cherokee descent and their marriage occurred before their removal to Indian Territory. For many years the father was engaged in the land business, also in farming, and he achieved substantial success. William T Whitaker’s education was mostly self acquired and at an early age he started out into the world on his own account. In 1871 he located in Tahlequah … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Hollister Bell

Harry Hollister Bell, farmer, stock raiser and oil man, living in Muskogee, is now controlling interests that make him a prominent representative of the agricultural and business life of Oklahoma. He was born in Montague county, Texas, January 20, 1881, and is a son of Elvin Golladay and Margaret (Finch) Bell. The father devoted his life to farming and stock raising, thus providing for his family. The early educational opportunities of Harry Hollister Bell were those afforded by the public schools of his native state. He afterward attended Bacone College of Muskogee and also Henry Kendall College, now at Tulsa, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard F. Boudinot

(See Grant, Watie and Adiar.)-Richard Fields, son of William Penn and Caroline M. (Fields) Boudinot, was born June 7, 1856. He married June 8, 1896, Mary Catherine, daughter of James Roe and Rachel Ann (Adair) Treppard, born August 28, 1873. They are the parents of Caroline Mary, born March 22, 1891; Elinor Margaret, born October 25, 1893; Harriet Gold, born November 25, 1897; William Penn, born Nov. 23, 1900; and Rachel Catharine, born Sept. 24, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Boudinot are residents of Braggs, Okla.

Biography of Orlian Scott Redfield

A spirit of undaunted enterprise characterizes Orlian Scott Redfield in the conduct of his extensive business interests. He is proprietor of two grocery houses in Muskogee and is one of the proprietor successful merchants of the city, a point to which he has attained by reason of indefatigable industry, intelligently directed. He started out in life without special advantages and steadily, step by step, has worked his way upward. He has also found opportunity for cooperation in those activities which make for progress and improvement in the community, or which constitute a source of worth to the individual, his labors … Read more

Biography of Claude Luman Steele

Claude Luman Steele, who for two decades was an active and prominent business man, of Muskogee, dealing in real estate and farm lands, was born at Paines Point, Illinois, and was the youngest son of John Roland and Adelaide (Grant) Steele, the latter a representative of the same branch of the family as General U. S. Grant. John Roland Steele was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was brought to America when but three years of age, the family home being established in Rochester, New York. After attaining adult age he wedded Adelaide Grant, a native of the Empire state. Removing … Read more

Biography of Ezra Brainerd, Jr.

Ezra Brainerd, Jr., has been an active representative of the legal fraternity of Muskogee for the past seventeen years, enjoying an extensive clientage that has connected him with much important litigation tried in the courts of the district. He was born in Middlebury, Vermont, on the 26th of August, 1878, a son of Ezra and Frances (Rockwell) Brainerd, the former at one time president of Middlebury College. Excellent educational advantages were accorded him, for his public school training was supplemented by a course of study in Worcester Academy of Worcester, Massachusetts, and in Colgate Academy of Hamilton, New York. His … Read more

Biography of John Downing Benedict

John Downing Benedict was born in Clermont, a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 27th of May, 1854, and there began his education in the common schools. Accompanying his parents on their removal to Vermilion county, Illinois , he there worked on a farm during the summer months, while the winter seasons were spent as a student in the Rossville high school. When eighteen years of age he took up the profession of teaching, which he followed through the succeeding five years in the country and village schools. Subsequently he attended the University of Illinois for one year and then … Read more

Biography of Walton Elan Bass

Walton Elan Bass, who came to Muskogee in April, 1916, and is here a prominent figure in connection with loan interests, holding the office of loan examiner in connection with the Farm & Home Savings & Loan Association of Missouri, was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, July 10, 1878. His parents were William Ambrose and Usa Dissa (Anderson) Bass, the former a dry goods merchant. Walton E. Bass pursued his early education in the public schools and afterward attended the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, from which he was graduated with the class of 1899, having pursued a mechanical and … Read more

Biography of Starkey Brent Dawes

Starkey Brent Dawes, since 1889 a representative of the Muskogee bar, now confining his attention largely to the practice of law as relating to lands and minerals, is a native of Tennessee and a son of Starkey and Amanda (Butler) Dawes. His father was an educator connected with the schools of Tennessee and afterward of Texas. The removal of the family to the Lone Star state enabled Starkey B. Dawes to pursue his high school education in Gainesville, Texas, and later he took the State Normal School course in Texas. His law course was that given by the Texas University, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Hal Hutson

Person Interviewed: Hal Hutson Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Galveston, Tennessee Date of Birth: October 12, 1847 Age: 90 I was born at Galveston, Tennessee, October 12, 1847. There were 11 children: 7 brothers; Andrew, George, Clent, Gilbert, Frank, Mack and Horace; and 3 girls Eosie, Marie and Eancy. We were all Hutsons. Together with my mother and father we worked for the same man whose name was Mr. Barton Brown, but who we all call Master Brown, and sometime. Master Brown had a good weather-board house, two story, with five or six rooms. They lived pretty well. … Read more

Biography of O. H. P. Brewer

O. H. P. Brewer, member of the Muskogee county bar, who on the 8th of August, 1921, retired from the office of postmaster, having filled the position for eight years, has devoted no inconsiderable part of his life to public service and his labors have constituted an important force for public good. Mr. Brewer was born at Webbers Falls, in the Indian Territory, a little village situated twenty-five miles southeast of Muskogee. His parents were Cherokee citizens, who voluntarily removed from Georgia to the Indian Territory in 1838, in accordance with the terms of a congressional act. His father, O. … Read more

Biography of Claude J. Dodge

Claude J. Dodge, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the honored pioneer families of the state, is now serving as postmaster of Boynton and is proving a most capable incumbent in the office, being efficient and trustworthy in the discharge of his duties. He was born in Porum, Muskogee County, June 3, 1898, a son of Thomas and Jane (Chambers) Dodge, natives of Tennessee, who came to Indian Territory at the time, the Cherokees were transferred from Tennessee to this state. The father settled near Porum, in Muskogee County, where he spent his remaining years, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. H. Gainer

(See Ghigau and Oolootsa)-Cynthia, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Jennie (Taylor) Pack, married Daniel Harmon and they were the parents of Emma Henrietta, Jennie, Laura, Elizabeth, McGilbra, Benjamin Franklin, and Lena Modesta Harmon. Lena Modesta Harmon was born October 23, 1885, and married Dr. John Harris Games, born April 29, 1870 in Washington County, Arkansas. He graduated from the Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1906, and is at present practicing medicine at Warner, Oklahoma. They are the parents of Daniel Benjamin, born September 26, 1910; Helen Elizabeth, born September 8, 1912 and Dorothy Gaines, born April 28, 1916. Gaines was … Read more

Biography of Guy Fountain Nelson

Guy Fountain Nelson, judge of the Third judicial district of Oklahoma, his entire official record reflecting credit and honor upon the people who have honored him, came to Muskogee in 1909. At that time he had had sixteen years’ experience in law practice and had made steady progress to a point where he had left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful. He was born in Nevada, Missouri, August 16, 1872, and is a son of I. F. S. and Alice (Pottorf) Nelson. The father is a traveling salesman, having long devoted his attention to that line … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Snelson, M. D.

Dr. Andrew J. Snelson, who has been actively and successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in northeastern Oklahoma during the past two decades, has continuously maintained an office in Checotah since 1908 and is numbered among the leading representatives of the profession here. His birth occurred in Johnson County, Arkansas, on the 1st of January, 1862, his parents being John and Cynthia S. (Davis) Snelson, both of whom were natives of Overton county, Tennessee. The father enlisted for service in the Confederate army at the time of the Civil war and was killed in battle at Camden, … Read more

Biography of David Nicholas Fink

David Nicholas Fink, banker and oil man of Muskogee, was born August 4, 1868, in Russia, Shelby county, Ohio. His father, Henry David Fink, now eighty-four years of age, is residing in Spokane, Washington. His mother, Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Fink, nee Work, passed away in Vernon County, Missouri, in August, 1876. The educational advantages of David Nicholas Fink were only such as the common schools afforded. He never had the opportunity of attending college and his life is a verification of the fact that no matter what the advantages of education one may enjoy he must essentially formulate and determine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Samuel Benge Jr.

(See Hildebrand, Ghigau, Oolootsa and Grant.)-Samuel Houston, son of Samuel Houston and Josephine J. (Walker) Benge, was born at Fort Gibson in 1898. Educated at Fort Gibson. Married in 1918, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand. They are the parents of Samuel Houston Benge. Mr. Benge is a farmer near Fort Gibson. Samuel Houston, son of Martin and Eliza (Lowrey) Benge was born January 28, 1832. Elected Councilor from Sequoyah District Aug. 3, 1857, and elected solicitor of the same District in 1859. He was First Lieutenant of Company A, Third Indian Home Guards, and a signer of … Read more

Biography of John F. Chandler

John F. Chandler, an automobile dealer of Muskogee, was born near Fayetteville, Washington county, Arkansas, September 26, 1861. His parents were Preston and Bathsheba (Bartlett) Chandler, natives of Arkansas and Kentucky respectively. The grandfather in the paternal line was one of the earliest of the pioneer settlers of Arkansas and in that state Preston Chandler was reared and educated. After attaining adult age he became a farmer, purchasing land a mile from his father’s place and continuing the cultivation of his fields throughout his remaining days. He served with the Union army throughout the Civil war, while his brothers were … Read more

Biography of Grover P. Watkins

Grover P. Watkins, engaged in the practice of law at Fort Gibson, was born at Carrollton, Arkansas, August 23, 1886, and is a son of Paschal T. and Eliza (Holt) Watkins, who were also natives of Arkansas. The father was a druggist and also a farmer, devoting his attention to the two lines of business at Carrollton. He served as a soldier throughout the Civil war with the Confederate forces and became an officer of the army. He died November 11, 1905, and is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Green Forest, Arkansas. Grover P. Watkins … Read more

Slave Narrative of Chaney Richardson

Person Interviewed: Chaney Richardson Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Age: 90 I was born in the old Caney settlement southeast of Tahlequah on the banks of Caney Creek. Off to the north we could see the big old ridge of Sugar Mountain when the sun shine on him first thing in the morning when we all getting up. I didn’t know nothing else but some kind of war until I was a grown woman, because when I first can remember my old Master, Charley Rogers, was always on the lookout for somebody or other he was lined up against in the … Read more