Biography of Terry A. Parkinson

The name of Terry A. Parkinson has been prominently connected with the agricultural and stock raising interests of Oklahoma for many years. Kansas claims him as a native son, for he was born in Coffey County, that state, in May, 1866, a son of James and Emma Jane (Randall) Parkinson. The father was born near St. Augustine, Illinois, on the 18th of May, 1840, and removed to Iowa with his parents at an early day. When fifteen years of age he ran away from home, and going to Kansas became identified with the cattle business as night herder of four … Read more

Biography of Roy C. Hinds

Roy C. Hinds, though yet a young man, holds a responsible position in the financial circles of Locust Grove as cashier of the Security State Bank, of which institution he was one of the organizers. He was born in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, on the 2d of July, 1890, a son of Corder W. and Mary E. (England) Hinds, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Illinois. Their marriage was celebrated in Siloam Springs. For many years the father was engaged in the mercantile business there and in 1898 he removed to Rose Prairie, Indian Territory, where … Read more

Slave Narrative of Liza Smith

Person Interviewed: Liza Smith Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma Age: 91 Both my mammy and pappy was brought from Africa on a slave boat and sold on de Richmond (Va.) slave market. What year dey come over I don’t know. My mammy was Jane Mason, belonging to Frank Mason; pappy was Frank Smith, belonging to a master wid de same name. I mean, my pappy took his Master’s name, and den after my folks married mammy took de name of Smith, but she stayed on wid de Masons and never did belong to my pappy’s master. Den, after Frank Mason took all … Read more

Biography of John F. Chandler

John F. Chandler, an automobile dealer of Muskogee, was born near Fayetteville, Washington county, Arkansas, September 26, 1861. His parents were Preston and Bathsheba (Bartlett) Chandler, natives of Arkansas and Kentucky respectively. The grandfather in the paternal line was one of the earliest of the pioneer settlers of Arkansas and in that state Preston Chandler was reared and educated. After attaining adult age he became a farmer, purchasing land a mile from his father’s place and continuing the cultivation of his fields throughout his remaining days. He served with the Union army throughout the Civil war, while his brothers were … Read more

Biography of Clyde C. Cantrell

Clyde C. Cant. a native son of Oklahoma and a representative of one of the pioneer families of the state, is an alert, energetic and enterprising young man who is making wise use of his time, his talents and his opportunities. He is now serving as postmaster of Haskell and is proving a popular and efficient public official. He was born near Pryor, in Mayes County, Oklahoma, January 12, 1894, and is a son of Walter A. and Cora D. (Gortney) Cantrell, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Indiana. When fourteen years of age the father … Read more

Biography of Myron White

Myron White, an active representative of the Muskogee bar for the past two decades, has been accorded an extensive and gratifying clientage in recognition of his skill in the handling of intricate legal problems. He is numbered among the native sons of Kangas, his birth having occurred in Brown county on the 6th of September, 1875. His father, Jesse H. White, a native of Ohio, came of Revolutionary stock and was of English lineage. He served as a soldier of the Union army during the four-year period ‘of the Civil war and after the close of the conflict he married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elizabeth Thatcher Stokes

(See Foreman) Herschael Vetran, son of Jeremiah Young and Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokes, born Sept. 21, 1882 educated in Cooweeescoowee District. Married at Muskogee June 28, 1909 Elizabeth, daughter of Joel T. and Mary L. (Kitchum) Thatcher, born in Delaware District November 12, 1883 and educated at Vinita. They are the parents of: Herschael Owen, born, April 2, 1910 and Darwin Clark Stokes, born September 13, 1911. Minerva Jane Taylor married Robert Wesley Walker and they were the parents of Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokeg. Robert Wesley Walker was elected Judge of Going Snake District March 24, 1879, appointed Attorney General … Read more

Biography of Gabe Edward Parker

Actuated at all times by high ideals having to do with all of the duties and relations of life and particularly in connection with the Choctaw and other civilized tribes of what was once the Indian Territory, Gabe Edward Parker of Muskogee has left the impress of his individuality and ability in large measure upon the history of this section. He retired from the office of Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes on the 31st of May, 1921, and is now concentrating his efforts and attention upon the management of private business interests, being the President of the Muskogee Ice … Read more

Biography of Bert Edward Nussbaum

Muskogee has every reason to be proud of her bench and bar. The representatives thereof have, on the whole, been men of high character and of marked capability in the field of their chosen profession. In a calling where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability Bert Edward Nussbaum has made for himself a creditable position and by reason of this his life’s story is an interesting one. He was born in La Porte, Indiana, February 16, 1875, and is a son of L. and Bettie (Fleishel) Nussbaum. The father was a merchant who long conducted a saddlery hardware … Read more

Biography of Rutherford B. Butts

Rutherford B. Butts, member of the bar at Muskogee, is a veteran of two wars and has been a most prominent factor in the field of relief work, of organized charity and of polity. His labors have at all times and along all lines been far-reaching and resultant and his cooperation is regarded as a most effective force in the attainment of desired results. Rutherford B. Butts is a native of Houston, Ohio, born February 18, 1877, and is a son of Jacob A. and Mary M. (Carpenter) Butts, the former a farmer by occupation. During the youthful days of … Read more

Biography of Kelly Brown

Kelly Brown, whose ripened powers place him among the capable representatives of civil law practice in Muskogee and who is also numbered among the lawmakers of the state, having been a member of the fifth general assembly of Oklahoma, is descended from an old English family, several of the representatives thereof with the nobility. Having incurred the being connected with nobility incurred the displeasure of the reigning monarch, the original progenitors of the family in America were obliged to flee to the new world, this occurring about the time of the Revolutionary war, settlement being made by them in Virginia. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Emma Nora Gatlin

(See Grant and Oolootsa)-Emma Nora, daughter of Frank and May (Hanks) Rhomer, was born February 2, 1889, and educated at Webber Falls and the Cherokee National Female Seminary. She married Samuel Bell Maxey, son of James and Matilda (Yearby) Gatlin, born May 25, 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Gatlin are residents of Webbers Falls. James, son of James and Lucy (McCoy) Gatlin married Matilda Yearby and they the parents of Samuel Bell Maxey Gatlin. Calvin Jones Hanks married Emma Walker the daughter of John Lowery and Charlotte (Ratliff) McCoy, and they were the parents of May Rhomer.

Biography of Robert I. Allen, M. D.

One of the best known surgeons in northeastern Oklahoma is Dr. Robert I. Allen, who was born at Coodys Bluff on the 9th of September, 1877, a son of Dr. R. M. and Mary (Journeycake) Allen. His father was a native of Illinois, in which state he resided until after the close of the Civil war. Upon the outbreak of that war he enlisted in the Federal army and became a member of the medical staff. He was a stretcher bearer at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Dr. R. M. Allen received his medical training at Rush … Read more

Biography of Webb Littlefield

Webb Littlefield, treasurer of the Guaranty Trust. Company of Muskogee, was born March 12; 1884, in Knobnoster, Missouri, a son of Charles B. and Theodosia (Webb) Littlefield, who were at one time residents of Kentucky and afterward established their home in Johnson county, Missouri. The father engaged in banking in Missouri for thirty years and in 1906 came to the Indian Territory, settling at Claremore. Webb Littlefield pursued a public school education in Missouri and afterward attended the Teachers’ College at Warrensburg, that state. He started out in the business world as a clerk in the employ of the National … Read more

Biography of Max Davidson

Prominent among the energetic, farsighted and successful business men of Muskogee is Max Davidson, a clothing merchant who has developed a large business in handling the Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothing, his store being located at Main and Broadway. He is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, born November 17, 1880, his parents being Leopold and Fannie (Schwartz) Davidson, the former a native of Germany, while the latter was born in Bohemia. The father came to America in his boyhood days, settling in St. Joseph, Missouri, where he was engaged in the towel supply business for a number of years. … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Holder

Charles W. Holder, a well known and successful automobile dealer of Coweta, has the local agency for the Ford cars and tractors, in which connection he has built up a gratifying business. His birth occurred in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on the 24th of November, 1892, his parents being Walter W. and Virginia F. Holder, the former a native of Indiana, while the latter was born in West Virginia. Walter W. Holder came to the Indian Territory in 1888 and secured land three and a half miles from Stroud, where he devoted his attention to farming until 1899. In that year … Read more

Biography of Davison L. Youmans

Occupying public office ins Muskogee and previously in Kansas through a number of years, Davison L. Youmans has ever been found loyal to the trust reposed in him and has labored earnestly and effectively to advance public welfare and municipal progress. While born in the east the greater part of his life has been spent west of the Mississippi and he has ever been imbued with the spirit of western enterprise and progress which has been a dominant factor in the up building of this section of the country. A native of Pennsylvania, his birth occurred in Freemansburg, that state, … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Hull

Joseph L. Hull, member of the Muskogee bar since 1915 and now engaged in the practice of civil law as a partner in the firm of Gibson & Hull, was born in Athens, Georgia, May 6, 1885, and is a son of Augustus L. and Callie (Cobb) Hull. He is also a nephew of the Hon. Hoke Smith, at one time governor of Georgia and afterward United States senator. Augustus L. Hull was born and reared in Georgia and for a number of years was secretary and treasurer of the State University at Athens, while his name is found on … Read more

Biography of John H. Plunkett, M. D.

Thoroughly equipped by liberal collegiate training for the profession which he makes his life work and in which he has ever displayed the strictest fidelity to high principles, Dr. John H. Plunkett is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of Porum, where for the past eight years he has been engaged in practice. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan County, April 12, 1874, his parents being Jasper and Mary (Bennett) Plunkett, the former also a native of that state, while the latter was born in Tennessee. The father engaged in the cultivation of a farm in … Read more

Biography of Eugene Sloan Adkins

Eugene Sloan Adkins, organizer and promoter of the Adkins Hay & Feed Company of Muskogee, is also identified with other important business interests of the state, whereby he has won classification with the representative merchants of Oklahoma. His plans have always been carefully defined and promptly executed and his energy has enabled him to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in his path. Mr. Adkins was born in Choteau, Oklahoma, March 26, 1896, and is a son of Moses E. and Hattie (Sloan) Adkins. The father is deceased. Eugene S. Adkins obtained a public school education, completing a course in the … Read more