Biography of George Storch, Hon.

Hon. George Storch was one of the notable and influential figures during the first and second decades of the history of Atchison County. The life of such a man deserves the memory of succeeding generations because it exemplified the dignity of honest labor and was fruitful in all those resources which contribute to the substantial character of a community. He came to Kansas when the state was in its infancy of development and was a pioneer merchant of old Kennekuk, becoming in time a merchant, banker, etatesman and altogether one of the most useful citizens Atchison County ever had. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter J. Cortelyou

Peter J. Cortelyou, third son of Luther Cortelyou, was born on a farm in Talbott County, Maryland, June 25, 1885, and was four years of age when his parents removed to Muscotah, Kansas. He attended the public schools there, graduated from the Atchison County High School in 1904, and then for several years was associated with his father in the grain business. During 1910-12 he owned and edited the Muscotah Record. In November, 1913, he was appointed postmaster of Muscotah, under President Wilson, and had filled that office to the present date. On July 1, 1916, Mr. P. J. Cortelyou … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. Weil

M. Weil, merchant, was born in Alsace, France, December 1, 1858; came to America in October, 1875, and settled at Atchison; moved to Muscotah, Kan., and engaged in general merchandising. He came to Burr Oak, Jewell Co., Kan., in January 1880, and engaged in the same line of business, in a room 22×80 foot, and carries a stock of from $16,000 to $18,000. He is a member of the K. of P., and was married in Holton, Jackson Co., Kan., March 1, 1881, to Miss Ida Sarbach, and they have one child – Carl, born April 28, 1882.

Biography of Luther Cortelyou

Luther Cortelyou was for many years one of the prominent grain merchants of Kansas, and in later years had given his chief attention to the management of the Farmers State Bank of Muscotah, of which he is president. Mr. Cortelyou had resided in Muscotah for nearly thirty years. His family is a prominent one in Atchison County, and his son Peter J. is now postmaster of Muscotah. Mr. Cortelyou was born in Somerset County, New Jersey, December 23, 1851, and is descended from some of the original stock of the Jersey Coast. His ancestors were both Dutch and French. In … Read more