Decision Rendered in Richard B. Coleman, et al

Office of the Secretary Washington, D. G., March 27, 1905 Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: August 25, 1904, you transmitted the record in the consolidated case embracing the applications of Richard B. Coleman, Ida C. Walker, Bettie W. Cooper, Bennetta Coleman, Henry A. Coleman, Willie N. Coleman, Richard S. Coleman, Winifred Coleman, Eva F. E. Coleman, Ida May Coleman, Ruth St. Clair Coleman, Richard W. Cooper, and Coleman Carlota Walker for enrollment as citizens by blood of the Choctaw Nation, and of Eva Coleman and Annie E. Coleman for enrollment as citizens by intermarriage of … Read more

Decision Rendered Emma McMenamin

Office Of The Secretary Washington, D. C., February 3, 1905 Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: In accordance with the opinion of the Assistant Attorney-General of January 28, 1905 (copy enclosed), approved by the Department, the application of Emma McMenamin for enrollment as a citizen by intermarriage of the Choctaw Nation is hereby rejected. The case was submitted with your letter of October 31 and Indian Office letter of November 11, 1904. A copy of the letter of November 11, 1904, is enclosed. Respectfully, Thos Ryan, Acting Secretary. Office Of The Assistant Attorney-General Washington, D. C., … Read more

Decision Rendered Thornton D. Pearce

Office Of The Secretary Washington, D. G., May 21, 1904 Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: March 19, 1904, you transmitted the record in the matter of the application of Thornton D. Pearce for the enrollment of himself as a citizen by intermarriage of the Choctaw Nation, including your decision of the same date, holding that the applicant should be enrolled. The evidence shows that the applicant is a white man; that on January 14, 1883, he was married, in accordance with the laws, customs, and usages of the Choctaw Nation, to Parmelia A. Folsom, a … Read more

Regulations Governing Agents and Attorneys before the Commission

Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T., March 30, 1901. The following regulations governing the recognition of agents and attorneys before the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes and land offices established by said Commission, approved by the Secretary of the Interior March 20, 1901, are promulgated for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Commission: Tams Bixby, Acting Chairman Regulations 1. Any attorney at law who desires to represent claimants before the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes or any land office established by said Commission shall file a certificate of the clerk … Read more

Decision Rendered William C. Thompson

Office Of The Secretary Washington, D. C,, April 7, 1905 Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: April 13, 1004, you transmitted the record in the matter of the Choctaw case of William C. Thompson et al. (M. C. R., 341). Consolidated with said case were the applications of several other applicants, entitled, respectively, “M. C. R., 0258, 6259, 517, 582, 516, 458, 581, 563, 310, 557, 583, and 7124.” All of the applicants above referred to claim the right to be identified as Mississippi Choctaws; also to be enrolled upon the regular roll of Choctaws either … Read more

Benjamin J. Vaughn Decisions Rendered

Office Of The Secretary Washington, D. C., April 1, 1905 Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: On October 27 and 31, 1904, respectively, you transmitted the papers in the matter of the dismissal of the applications of Benjamin J. Vaughan for enrollment as a citizen by intermarriage, and for the enrollment of his children, Edward A., Grover Cleveland, and Oscar S. Vaughan as citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation. The principal applicant, Benjamin J. Vaughan, claims enrollment by intermarriage with Emily Burney, a recognized citizen by blood of said nation. The other applicants herein are … Read more

Rules of Practice in Choctaw, Chickasaw and Cherokee Cases

Rules Of Practice Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T., March 17, 1903. The following Rules of Practice in Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee allotment contest cases, approved by the Department January 27, 1903, and March 9, 1903, are hereby promulgated for the information and guidance of all concerned.” The Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Tams Bixby, Chairman Initiation Of Contests Rule 1. Contests may be initiated by or on behalf of an adverse claimant against any party by or for whom a selection of land has been made in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, or Cherokee nations, for any … Read more

Decision Rendered Wiley Adams

Office Of The Secretary Washington, D. C., May 21, 1903 The Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: I have considered the proceedings of your Commission upon the application of Wiley Adams for enrollment as a citizen of the Choctaw Nation. The facts as found by your Commission are that Adams appeared before the Commission in the year 1899, under the act of June 10, 1890 (29 Stat., 821); that he is a white man, and about 1877 married a Creek, the widow of a Chickasaw citizen, and was by special act of the Choctaw council, approved … Read more