Biography of Jehiel T. Day

Jehiel T. Day was born near Mt. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, November 12, 1833. He was reared and grew to manhood in his native place, receiving his primary education in Sloan’s Academy, of Mt. Vernon, which he completed with. a two years’ course in Oberlin College. In his twenty-first year he became a teacher in the district schools, which occupation he alternated with farming, continuing to teach in winter and farm in summer until the dark cloud of civil war hovered over the land in the spring of 1861. In April of that year he laid aside his peaceful pursuits … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Bishop

Stephen Bishop, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Charleston; was born near Providence, R. I. May 30, 1815; when he was but 2 years old, his parents emigrated to the then Far West, and located in Knox Co.. Ohio, where his father entered land from the Government, and engaged in farming, being among the pioneers in that part of the State; Knox Co. was then comparatively a wilderness; Mt. Vernon, the county seat-now a city of about 10,000 inhabitants-containing at that time but half a dozen houses; Mr. Bishop remained at home on the farm until he was 20 years of … Read more

The Waitley family in the United States

The Waitley family in the United States

“Marian Drew Waitley’s ‘The Waitley Family in the United States’, self-published in 1956, documents the lineage and historical narrative of the Waitley family, tracing back to John S. Waitley, an early ancestor from Scotland. This book leverages details from a 19th-century biographical history specific to several Iowa counties to shed light on John S. Waitley’s life, including his migration from Massachusetts to Ohio and his role as a Free-will Baptist Church minister. The narrative explores his family connections, notably a disputed link to Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and outlines the broader familial contributions and movements across the United States, all while addressing discrepancies in historical and genealogical records regarding familial relations.”