Biographical Sketch of Isaac B. Craig

Isaac B. Craig, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., April 28, 1854; he was brought up upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; with a good education acquired at the common schools, he began the study of his profession in March, 1873, with his brother and O. B. Ficklin; in the fall of 1873, he entered the law department of the Michigan University; he graduated in the spring of 1875, and, in June, 1875, was admitted to practice at Mt. Vernon, Ill.; he began the practice of his profession in … Read more

Conley, A. B. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon A. B. Conley, Pioneer of County, Called Beyond Another pioneer of the Grande Ronde valley answered the last call Sunday when death claimed Archie Bird Conley, of La Grande and former resident of Cove. Mr. Conley, one of the outstanding pioneers of this county, spent a long and useful life, having an important hand in the development of the county to its present stage. The deceased was 88 years, one month and eleven days of age and on January 4th, he and his wife celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. A few days before their daughter … Read more

Conley, Joseph Franklin – Obituary

Long-Time Valley Resident Dies Funeral services for J. Frank Conley, 74, who passed away this morning after several weeks illness will be held at the Snodgrass Funeral home Sunday at 1:30 P.m. with burial in the Island City cemetery. He was born in Mount Vernon, Ill., Nov. 19, 1865. He came to Union county in 1874 and had made his home in the valley since that time. Survivors are: his widow Sarah A.; three sons, Grant, Merrell and Virgil, all of Cove; two daughters, Mrs. Vina Conley Ross of La Grande and Maxine of Cove; a sister, Mrs. Matilda Miller, … Read more

Toney, Elmer A. – Obituary

The funeral of Elmer A. Toney whose body was shipped to Baker Friday, was held at that place Sunday at 2 p.m. from the West undertaking parlors. Rev. O.F. Jones conducting the services. He was born January 15, 1870, at Mt. Vernon, Ill., and with his parents moved to eastern Oregon when he was 10 years of age, locating near Haines. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Toney, both deceased, and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. S.S. Stovall, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. J.H. Toney, of Haines; and by four brothers, John A., of Council, Idaho; … Read more