Company E, of the First Tennessee Confederate Infantry

Officers Dr. E. Y. Salmon, captain T. H. Mann, first lieutenant C. W. Lucas, second lieutenant W. F. Taylor, third lieutenant W. P. Tolley, first sergeant J. P. Edde, second sergeants T. H. Parks, third sergeant J. N. Taylor, fourth sergeant M. C. Parks, first corporal J. H. Silvertooth, second corporal A. W. Womack, third corporal F. W. Motlow, fourth corporal W. B. Taylor, ensign Killed Lieutenant T. H. Mann Sergeant J. P. Edde Corp. J. H. Silvertooth Privates William T. K. Green B. W. Shaw B. R. Bobo T. E. Brown J. J. Lucas J. W. Stockstill John McCulley … Read more

Company H, Eighth Tennessee Confederate States Army

The following named persons enlisted from what is now Moore County: Killed in the service Benjamin Morgan Frank Johnson Lieut. J. G. Call W. L. Davidson W. H. Martin Joseph Stacy P. Y. Mitchell Alexander Brady John Reese Wounded L. A. Farrer W. J. Taylor Nat. S. Forrester Lieutenant John Sullivan Berry Leftwich Brittain Carragan P. A. Raby Lieutenant John D. Tolley H. L. W. Boon Alex. Crane Stephen Johnson M. M. Dean Wilson Call John Raby Died in the service James Morehead Rufus Morehead Served to the close of the war Albert H. Boon Joseph Broughton Wiley H. Carrigan … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Forester

Alexander Forester, farmer, was born in Moore County (then Lincoln County)in 1820, and is one of eleven surviving members of a family of fourteen children born to Isaac and Matilda (Hodges) Forester. The father was born in South Carolina in 1790, and came to Moore County previous to the war of 1812, in which he participated under General Coffee, and afterward under General Jackson. At the close of the Indian war he returned to Moore (Lincoln) County, and soon after was married. The parents are both still living, having now enjoyed the companionship of each other about seventy years. The … Read more

Company A, Forty-first Tennessee Confederate Infantry

Lieutenant H. B. Morgan, who lost his left arm at the battle of Franklin H. H. Neece lost right arm at Atlanta Lieutenant L. Leftwich Henry Davidson J. C. Davidson killed at Franklin Mart Collier J. R. Rees T. M. Rees Robert Rees J. B. Rainey M. A. Prosser Wash Cox Joseph Brock Nat Rees M. B. Rees Thos. Albright

Biographical Sketch of James C. Tipps

James C. Tipps, a popular citizen of Moore County, and one of six surviving members of a family of twelve children born to Michael and Leah (Seivalley) Tipps, was born August 6, 1839, on the farm he now owns, near Marble Hill, Moore County. The father of James C. was a native of North Carolina, born 1809, and came to Moore County (Franklin) when four years of age. He was a tiller of the soil and magistrate for several years. He died in 1883. The mother, a native of Moore (Lincoln) County, was born January 24, 1810, and is still … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Parks

Thomas H. Parks, of the firm of Parks, Taylor & Co., of Lynchburg, Tennessee, is a son of Ambrose Lee and Eleanor E. (Watts) Parks. The father was born in North Carolina. After his marriage he moved to Missouri, where he resided until 1846, and then came to Lynchburg, Tennessee, where he was engaged the wheelwright and wagon making business. Both parents died in 1850. Thomas H. was born in Missouri October 19, 1840, being but nine years old when his parents died. He made his home with an uncle in Alexander County, North Carolina, until seventeen years old. In … Read more

Biography of J.W. Motlow

J. L. Bryant & Co. This firm is now composed of H. B. Morgan and J. W. Motlow. It was first established in 1872, by J. L. Bryant (now deceased) and H. B. Morgan. J. L. Bryant had himself been in business in Lynchburg since 1806. He was born September 25, 1824, in Lincoln County, and was reared in west Tennessee, and when a young man returned to Moore County, and on August 24, 1845, married Finetta B. Leftwich, and engaged in merchandising at Charity, in this county, continuing in mercantile pursuits until his death. In 1865 he was at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin M. Edens

Benjamin M. Edens, one of Moore County’s pioneer citizens, was born in Madison County, Alabama, July 13, 1822, and is one of five surviving members of a family of nine children born to Samuel and Nancy (Franks) Edens. The father was a native of South Carolina, and came to Limestone County, Alabama, where he married the mother of our subject. They came to Lynchburg, this county, in 1825, located, and engaged in farming. The father’s death occurred about 1866, and the mother followed him about 1870. Our subject remained with his parents until his majority, after which he began farming … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. R.A. Parks

Hon. R. A. Parks, editor of the Lynchburg Falcon and attorney at law, was born October 21, 1849, in Lynchburg. His father is Rufus B. Parks, whose sketch appears next above. His early life was spent with his parents and in school. He engaged in teaching school and studying law when a young man. In June 1872, he obtained license to practice law, and has ever since continued to do so, in the firm of Holman & Parks, from 1872 to 1884, and since then in the firm of Holman, Holman & Parks. He was united in marriage, November 14, … Read more

Biography of E.Y. Salmon, M.D.

E. Y. Salmon, M. D., was born in the “Palmetto State,” on the 26th of June, 1830. His father, William H. Salmon, was a physician and immigrated to Alabama in 1833, and afterward removed to Texas in 1863, where he died. He was identified with public interest in Alabama, and held the office of clerk, for twenty four years. The mother died in Texas at an advanced age. Our subject was reared in Alabama, and resided with his parents until nineteen years of age. He volunteered to serve in the Mexican war in 1846, but peace was declared before he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James F. Ward

James F. Ward, member of the livery firm of Ward Brothers, of Tullahoma, was born in Moore County, Tennessee in 1859, and is the son of Noah Ward, a native of Moore County. Reared on the farm of his parents, near Lynchburg, Tennessee, our subject attended the public schools of the neighborhood. At the age of eighteen he began for himself, and came to Tullahoma in 1880, where he worked at different occupations until 1885, when, with his brother, R. H. Ward, he purchased the livery stable, which they are now conducting. Politically he is a democrat, and is regarded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Parks, Rufus B.

Rufus B. Parks, clerk and master of the Chancery Court of Moore County, Tennessee, is one of four children born to Allen W. and Fannie (Miller) Parks, natives of North Carolina, born in 1797 and 1802, respectively. They took up their abode permanently in Tennessee in 1826. The father was a farmer, merchant, and in latter days kept hotel, and was magistrate a number of years. He died November 18, 1884, and the mother January 6, 1877. Rufus B. was born May 5, 1827, near Lynchburg, and received a good practical education. For about four or five years after attaining … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Taylor

John H. Taylor was born in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, February 26, 1801, and, is the only living member of a family of seven children of Woody B. and Nancy (Seay) Taylor, who were born and married in the “Palmetto State,” and moved to Georgia, and in 1809 to Tennessee. At that time the country was covered with canebrake, and Lynchburg contained only two log cabins. Woody B. Taylor died in 1840, and the mother in 1846. John H. resided with his parents until July 18, 1826, when he wedded Elizabeth Ford, who was born in South Carolina and has since … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S.A. Billingsley

The firm of Billingsley & Bailey was formed November 4, 1885, by S. A. Billingsley & T. G. Bailey. The senior member of firm is a native of Bledsoe County, Tenn., born October 31, 1856, and was reared in his native county. His father was a farmer. Our subject engaged in merchandising for two years at Spencer, Tennessee, before coming here. February 1884, he went to Mulberry and there engaged in teaching, being principal of the schools at that place until June 4, 1886, when he resigned. December 16, 1885, he married Jennie Sugg, of Cyruston, Lincoln Co., Tennessee. The … Read more

Biography of H.B. Morgan

J. L. Bryant & Co. This firm is now composed of H. B. Morgan and J. W. Motlow. It was first established in 1872, by J. L. Bryant (now deceased) and H. B. Morgan. J. L. Bryant had himself been in business in Lynchburg since 1806. He was born September 25, 1824, in Lincoln County, and was reared in west Tennessee, and when a young man returned to Moore County, and on August 24, 1845, married Finetta B. Leftwich, and engaged in merchandising at Charity, in this county, continuing in mercantile pursuits until his death. In 1865 he was at … Read more

Biography of Hon. W.W. Gordon

Hon. W. W. Gordon was born in Winchester, Tennessee, May 20, 1848. His father, Dr. Amzi B. Gordon, was a native of the county of Bedford, moving to Franklin County in about the year 1841, where he began the practice of medicine, soon building up a large and lucrative practice. He was a zealous member of the Baptist Church and one of the founders of the celebrated Mary Sharp College, at Winchester. He died in 1855. His mother is a daughter of John March, a highly respected farmer of the county, and a sister of Hon. Hayden March, who represented … Read more

Company C, Fourth Confederate Infantry

Killed in the service James Osborn James Cobble Henry Farrar James Jackson John Graves John Steagall T. W. Steagall George Shasteen Alfred Travis Joseph Rose Thomas Pearson T. Roberson M. J. Brown Robert Brown Tom Shasteen Wounded Marion Bedford M. A. Couser W. B. Couser S. Dillingham John Eaton Robert Farmer James Gore H. Gore John Byrom George Damron H. Nelson Samuel Rolan Thomas Raney H. Rosenberger J. F. Mitchell J. Hammontree Polk Nix Died in the service William Brannon J. A. Cobb Enoch Garner Davis Marshall Javan Nelson John Buchanan P. Osborn William Runnells Allen Revis A. Shasteen Ed. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M.N. Parkes

M. N. Parkes is one of the ten children born to the union of Martin L. and Susan B. (Smith) Parkes. The father was born in North Carolina in 1793, and immigrated to what is now Moore County, Tennessee, in 1818, where he lived the balance of big life. The country then was dense forests and canebrakes. He was a blacksmith and a farmer, and was a man of simple means. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and was a soldier in the war of 1812, being a lieutenant and also a recruiting officer. He died in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John E. Gore

John E. Gore, farmer, of Moore County, was born in April, 1826, in Bedford County, Tenn., and is a son of Amos and Mary A. (Cowser) Gore. The parents were both natives of South Carolina, and came to Bedford County in the early settlement of the county. Our subject left the parental roof at the age of eighteen, and in 1844 went to Mississippi, where he remained three years engaged in farming and boating. He then came home and bought a small farm in this county (then Franklin County). In September 1849, he was united in marriage to Jane Cunningham, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. A.H. Parkes

Dr. A. H. Parkes, whose birth occurred on the farm where he now resides, in Moore County, October 11, 1936, is one of seven surviving children, born to the union of Martin L. and Susan (Smith) Parkes. The father was a native of North Carolina, born in 1793, and came to this county about 1818. He was an officer in the war of 1812, and was magistrate in Lincoln County for several years. He was a tiller of the soil, and died December, 12, 1845. The mother was born August, 8, 1803, in Virginia, and came to this county in … Read more