Biography of John Cozzens

The man whose name appears above is one of the most prominent citizens of Montpelier, Bear Lake county, Idaho, and is entitled to the distinction of having been a pioneer and a leader of pioneers on the site of the present town, where he first arrived a third of a century ago and where he has lived since, active in all good works tending to development and prosperity. John Cozzens was born in South Wales, at High Cross, Penbrookshire, May 17, 1833, of Welsh, Scotch and Irish ancestry. James Cozzens, his father, was a farmer and a member of what … Read more

Bear Lake County

Bear Lake County is the smallest in Idaho, yet one of the richest, and one of the very few counties comparatively free from public indebtedness. The natural wealth of the little domain is about as happily diversified as its residents could wish. It has mountains on either side rich in minerals, timber and building stone, which have recently been developed to a greater extent than during all the years of its settlement. The county was settled by Mormons in the year 1863, and for a number of years afterward their residence continued under circumstances of the most forbidding and discouraging … Read more

Biography of William Severn

An interesting book might be written about the early settlement of Montpelier, Idaho, to which no one could contribute a more edifying chapter of personal experiences than the man whose name appears above, and some account of his venturesome, busy, useful and successful career is necessary to the completeness of this work. William Severn was born in Hucknell, in Nottinghamshire, England, October 4, 1836, of an ancestry English in all known lines of descent. His parents were Enoch and Ann (Allen) Severn. They were married in England and were there converted to the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ … Read more

Biography of Hon. James E. Hart

Faithfulness is the surest stepping-stone to success. Faithfulness in small things begets confidence in one’s ability to undertake more considerable tasks; and in business life, in professional life, in the church and in public affairs, faithfulness and thoroughness have carried thousands and are carrying thousands up from the day and place of small things to places of higher and still higher responsibility and honor. These thoughts have been suggested by a consideration of the successful career of the man whose name appears above. James E. Hart, clerk of the district court and ex-officio auditor and recorder of Bear Lake county, … Read more

Biography of Clayton A. Hoover, M. D.

It is a noteworthy fact that, wherever his lot may be cast, the up-to-date physician is a successful man also outside of his profession, and becomes a leader in the affairs of his town. This has been proven true many times, and the career of Dr. Clayton A. Hoover, of Montpelier, Idaho, is another conspicuous testimony to the same effect. Dr. Hoover located at Montpelier in 1882 and is the pioneer regular practicing physician of southeast Idaho. He is a native of Washington, D. C, and was born February 25, 1853, a son of William and Elizabeth (Hough) Hoover. In … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Underwood

Hon. John L. Underwood, postmaster at Montpelier, Idaho, successful businessman, prominent citizen, veteran of the civil war and influential Republican, is widely and favorably known throughout the state. He was born in Broome County, New York, January 15, 1832, of parents who traced their ancestry to good English families. Jonas Underwood, his grandfather, was a native of Fishkill, New York, and held a commission in the Revolutionary army. He died at Deposit, New York, in his eightieth year. His wife, who was of the New York family of Pine, survived him only a few days. Philip Underwood, son of Jonas … Read more

Bieber, Olive D. Grunig Mrs. – Obituary

Medical Springs, Baker County, Oregon Olive D. Bieber, 82, of Port Angeles, Wash., a former resident of the Medical Springs-Pondosa area, died Sept. 7, 2005, at the Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle, Wash. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Bieber was born on Sept. 7, 1923, at Montpelier, Idaho, to William and Daisy Grunig. She attended Union High School. She was a farmer’s wife and worked as a school bus driver, a bookkeeper for Tide Water Oil at Mossyrock, Wash., and retired after working for 25 years as a clerk at Johnson … Read more

Sirrine, Laura Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Laura Sirrine, wife of Theodore Sirrine, of North Union, died of heart failure at about 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. T. C. Sirrine passed away suddenly at the home residence in Union at 3 p. m. Tuesday last. She had been poorly for over two years. Mrs. Sirrine was Laura Holmes of Montpelier, Idaho. She was born June 15, 1852, and married T. C. Sirrine Nov. 14, 1869 at Montpelier, Idaho. In the fall of 1877 Mrs. Sirrine and her husband left Idaho and went to Salt River Valley, Arizona, by team and arrived there Jan. … Read more

Biography of Bishop Wilford W. Clark

Wilford Woodruff Clark, bishop of the Montpelier ward in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has risen by successive steps from deacon to elder, from elder to one of the seventy, thence to the office of high priest and finally to that of bishop. As a member of the seventy he performed a mission in the south, principally in North Carolina, where he met with great success in establishing churches. In civil life he is known as Hon. Wilford Woodruff Clark. He was elected, as a Republican, to the third Idaho state legislature, of which he was … Read more

Biography of Hon. John S. Barrett

The pluckiest men, those who may go down temporarily in the world’s great battle, but who will never give up the fight and are certain to overcome all obstacles and win the victory sooner or later, are those who have gone into the battle while yet in their childhood, and as boys have done the work of men, and have been men before their time. An illustration of this fact is afforded by the career of Hon. John S. Barrett, of Montpelier, Idaho. John S. Barrett was born in London, England, February 8, 1854. In 1860, when he was eight … Read more

Biography of Edward Burgoyne

Edward Burgoyne is one of the leading business men and the leading merchant of Montpelier, Idaho, and was one of the fifteen heads of families who came to the spot in the spring of 1864, volunteers in response to the call of the authorities of their church, to settle Bear Lake valley and spread the peculiar doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was born in South Wales, February 22, 1835, a son of Thomas and Sarah (Strong) Burgoyne, who were natives of Wales and lifelong Episcopalians. Thomas Burgoyne was a prosperous blacksmith. He died … Read more

Biography of Jacob Jones

Jacob Jones, a pioneer property-owner, merchant, farmer, blacksmith and hotelkeeper at Montpelier, Idaho, and one of the most prominent citizens of the town, was born in Breconshire, South Wales, May 14, 1825. His parents were descended from old Welsh families and his father was a Methodist, and his mother was a Presbyterian. Of their ten children he was the youngest. He was educated and entered upon the active struggle of life in his native land and there married Miss Anne Collier on the Saturday before Christmas, 1852. As early as 1846 he had been converted to the faith of the … Read more