Biographical Sketch of Thomas Caughlin

Caughlin, Thomas; insurance; born, Cleveland, June 21, 1876; son of John Coughlin, a native of Ireland; educated, parochial schools of Cleveland and St. Mary’s College of Dayton, O.; married, June 21, 1889, Miss Mary Agnew; issue, three children; entered the insurance business in 1900; appointed City Auditor of Cleveland in February, 1907; and elected to succeed himself in November, 1907; in 1910, left public service, becoming senior member of the firm of Coughlin & Lauerson, district mgrs. The Standard Accident Insurance Co., of Detroit, Mich.; in 1898, elected to the City Council; in 1901, elected to the General Assembly; member … Read more

Biography of Hon. P. I. Bonebrake

There is great truth in the sontence “biography is history teaching by example.” After considering the story related in the following paragraphs one is convinced that there is more real history pertaining to a city, county and state in the life record of such a man as P. I. Bonebrake of Topeka than can be found in many pages of the detailed statisties. The editors of this publication have been fortunate in securing a transcript of Mr. Bonebrake’s personal reminiscences of his life and time, and the following article is a digest of those reminiscences, together with such comments as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dixon, James J. A. T.

Dixon, James J. A. T. dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc., opened business in February 1882 and carry a stock of $3,500. Mr. Dixon first came to Bunker Hill October 5, 1872 for his health, and after eighteen months he began agricultural pursuits and became pastor of the Congregational Church, since which time he has followed preaching irregularly. In the fall of 1875 he was elected to represent Russell County in Kansas State Legislature. Re-elected to same position in the fall of 1876. He was appointed to fill vacancy of Probate Judge in 1878, elected to the office the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Alling Atwater

Atwater, Albert Alling; civil engineer and real estate; born, Cleveland, May 27, 1868; son of Jared J. and Harriet Root Atwater; educated, Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve Academy, Case School of Applied Science; married, Crete, Neb., Nov., 1901, Emily Daniels; finished special course at Case School in June, 1891; followed sanitary construction at Conneaut and Dayton, O., for two years; in charge of mining operations in Michigan, Canada and Missouri for eight years; city engineer of Webb City, Mo., two years; real estate business in Cleveland since 1903; director sec ‘y and 2nd vice pres. The Adams Realty Co.; director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Elgin

William Elgin is a native of Ohio, born in Wayne County, May 28, 1827. When he was four years of age his parents moved to Montgomery County, Ohio, and until he reached his twentieth year he attended school in that County, and also learned the cabinet-maker’s trade and spent some tine in farming. In 1849 he went to Dayton, Ohio, and from thence to Logansport, Indiana, working at his trade in both cities. At the end of two years he returned to Montgomery County and turned his attention to farming. After this he removed to Warren County, and enlisted, in … Read more

Biography of Frank H. Roberts

Frank H. Roberts is proprietor and editor of the Oskaloosa Independent. The Independent enjoys distinction among Kansas newspapers. It was established in 1860 by his father, the late John W. Roberts. It had been published continuously and successfully during all the intervening years by father and son. No other newspaper in Kansas had been published so many years in one locality. The town let in Oskaloosa where John W. Roberts began his pioneer enterprise as a newspaper publisher fifty-seven years ago is still the site of the present plant of the Independent, and in this quality of permanence and stability, … Read more