1897-1961 Mondamin Iowa High School Alumni

Pictures for most of the graduating classes of Mondamin High School can be found in the Mondamin Public Library. Graduating classes from 1897 to 1961 are included here. In 1962 due to reorganization the Mondamin, Modale, Pisgah and Little Sioux schools became West Harrison Community School District. Some of the female names have their married name. Use the find feature of your browser to search this page. Class of 1897 Evelyn Adams-Faylor Mary Barett-Smith Lizzie Brawley-Hyde Myrtle Stamper-Earlywine Maude Weldon-Spurlin Class of 1899 Feren Green Ethel Noyes-Garrison Class of 1902 Lottie Burcham-Goodman Lillian McKean-Jensen Helen Morrow-Toben Class of 1903 Mable … Read more

Mondamin Iowa Early Residents

Joseph Krumel native of Bohemia, arrived in Mondamin in 1868. The day after his arrival he went to work cutting logs. Other men were cutting posts and making holes in logs, fastening them together with mulberry limbs. these were made into rafts which were about 25 feet wide and 80 feet long. These were sent to Florence, Nebraska to a sawmill. Mr. Krumel later married Henry McNealey’s widow. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morrow from Ireland migrated first to Canada and came by covered wagon to Harrison county in 1856. Mr. Morrow was so impressed with the surrounding territory that he … Read more

Mondamin Iowa Civil War Veterans

Barnes Post 103 Grand Army of the Republic was organized in Mondamin October 24, 1882 by seventeen charter members. The first officers were: C. H. Burrows, Commander; T. J. Powell, S.V.; W. B. Keith, J. V.; E. J. Hagerman, Surgeon; John H. Noyes, Q.M.; S. J. Linn, O.D.; and R. Morgriedge, O. G. The following names were given as members in the 1891 Harrison County History Book J. W. Arbaugh, Pvt., Co. F, 73rd Indiana Inf. Jess L. Arbaugh, Pvt. Co. F, 13 Iowa Inf. E. C. Beaman, Pvt., Co E, 21st Indiana Inf. J. W. Beaman, Pvt. Co. E, … Read more

Business Directory of Mondamin, Iowa

Last Name First and Middle Business Origin Date City County State Bonney R B Proprietor of Bonney House Ohio 1869 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Burrows C H Station Agent Ohio 1881 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Garrison A W Dlr Fresh Fish New York 1876 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Manhart L Mfg Harness/Saddles Germany 1873 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Harrison Iowa Physician Ohio 1880 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Noyes Jno Farmer/Stock Dealer Maine 1856 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Noyes Z T Dry Goods Ohio 1856 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Reed J G Attorney at Law Virginia 1875 Mondamin Harrison Iowa Stuart James D Drugs/Stationary Iowa 1880 Mondamin Harrison … Read more