Sterns, John Austin – Obituary

Offers for the dead, followed by a requiem Mass, will be offered Monday, February 25, 9:30 a.m., for John Austin Sterns, 10256 S.E. 41st Court, Milwaukie, Oregon. Vault interment will follow at Willamette National Cemetery, Portland. Peake’s Memorial Chapel 1925 Scott St., Milwaukie, Oregon, is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Sterns was born in Baker on March 27, 1914. He died February 21 in a Milwaukie area hospital. Mr. Sterns lived in Baker until 1953 when he moved to St. Helen’s where he lived five years. In 1958 he moved to Medford and to Milwaukie two years later. He had … Read more

Biography of J. C. Trullinger

J.C. TRULLINGER. – There is scarcely a man in Oregon who has been engaged in more various, or, on the whole more successful enterprises than the man whose name appears above. With a tendency, possibly, to push his efforts a little beyond the line of safety, and to overcrowd himself with different schemes, he has nevertheless a substantial grip on property and business which proves his sagacity. If his love of making inventions and introducing improvements incline him to temerity, his career shows that he has a solid judgment which warns him when to put on the brakes. Oregon owes … Read more

Logsdon, Kertry Lyle – Obituary

Kerry Lyle Logsdon passed away at his home in Milwaukie, Ore., on Nov. 11, 2007, surrounded by his loving family and friends after a long and courageous battle with congenital heart disease. All family and friends are invited to the celebration of Kerry’s life to be held on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007, at the Elks Lodge in Baker City, Ore., from 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Kerry was born on June 13, 1966, in Baker City, Ore., where he graduated high school in 1984. Kerry worked with his dad in construction and then began his own construction company. Even near his death, … Read more

Biography of E. D. Stillman

E.D. STILLMAN. – Mr. Stillman was born in New York in 1828, and learned the trade of a mechanic and machinist. In 1849 he crossed the plains to Oregon in the capacity of wheelwright for the regiment of mounted riflemen who were sent here on the strength of Joe Meek’s urgent representations at Washington, and for the protection of the settlers of this little-cared for wilderness on the Pacific. He well remembers an exciting incident near Green river. The command was there met by one Baptiste, who bore messages from Governor Joe Lane. This Baptiste proved to be a desperado, … Read more

Biography of Green Arnold

GREEN ARNOLD. – One of the earliest pioneers of the country lying east of the Cascade Mountains is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Niagara county, New York, in 1919, and received his education at his native place. In 1833, he moved to Michigan with his parents, where he remained until 1850, when hearing of the wonderful stories of the rich discoveries of gold in California, he buckled on his armor of faith and started across the plains, landing in Hangtown (now Placerville) on the 6th day of August of the same year. He remained … Read more

Biography of Robert J. McWilliams

ROBERT J. McWILLIAMS. – Robert J. McWilliams has been for many years identified with the pioneer business interests of Oregon, particularly in the line of lumbering and preparing materials for the construction of steamboats. He was born in New York in 1825, and in 1839 emigrated to Michigan, where he assisted his father in opening out a farm, and after the age of twenty entered upon the business of lumbering, with which he remained until 1850, when he crossed the plains to California, and remained until his trip overland to Milwaukee, Oregon, in 1851. At that young city, then a … Read more

Biography of Capt. Charles H. Kellogg

CAPT. CHARLES H. KELLOGG. – Charles was the second son of Captain Joseph Kellogg, and was born October 1, 1846, in Wood county, Ohio. Coming as a child to our state, he spent his early years upon the farm of his father at Milwaukee, and learned habits of industry there and in the sawmill. His early education at the Milwaukee district school was further advanced at the Central School and Academy of Portland, and was completed at the Portland Business College, of which he was one of the first graduates. After a short apprenticeship under Captain Baughman, he took command … Read more

Miller, Billy L. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Billy L. Miller, 79, of Clackamas, a former Baker City resident, died April 2, 2006. His memorial service was Saturday at the Milwaukie Senior Center. Inurnment will be later at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Miller was born on July 27, 1926, at Baker City. He attended Baker High School, leaving to join the U.S. Navy. He served as a seaman second class on the USS Richmond. He married Iris M. McKinney on May 1, 1947, at Baker City. She died in 1994. The family moved to Milwaukie from the Baker City area in 1970. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Capt. Orrin Kellogg, Jr.

CAPT. ORRIN KELLOGG, JR. – This gentleman is the son of Captain Joseph Kellogg, and was born October 16, 1845, in Wood county, Ohio. Coming as a child to Oregon, he received in this state the training and education which have fitted him for his career in business, and upon the navigation lines of the Northwest Pacific. His boyhood was spent upon his father’s farm, and in attendance upon school at Milwaukee, rendering his father assistance in the meantime upon the farm and in the sawmill. Upon removing to Portland, he attended the Central School, and, desiring to fit himself … Read more

Martin, Emily Jo Mrs. – Obituary

Emily Jo Martin, 87, of Milwaukie, a former longtime Baker City resident, died Feb. 5, 2002, at the Willamette Falls Hospital at Oregon City. Her funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Gladstone Christian Church. Emily Jo Gholston was born on March 17, 1914, at Stonewall County, Texas. She worked as a registered nurse at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital in Baker City for 35 years. She retired in 1983. She moved to the Gladstone and Milwaukie areas from Baker City in 1996. Mrs. Martin was a member of the Gladstone Christian Church and the Baker City Christian Church. … Read more

Biography of McCauley Porter

McCAULEY PORTER. – This gentleman, one of the oldest and best farmers in the Willamette valley, was born in Todd county, Kentucky, November 28, 1829. At the age of five he removed with his parents to Montgomery county, Illinois, and in 1845 made with them a new home in Missouri. In 1848, by the prevalent reports and fabulous stories of Oregon everywhere circulated, his attention was drawn to the land by the sunset sea; and with his two brothers, William G. and John E., he set out upon the journey across the plains and mountains. He had ox-teams and loose … Read more

Biography of Rev. James R. W. Snellwood

THE REV. JAMES R.W. SELLWOOD. – The Reverend James R.W. Sellwood was born in the Parish of St. Keverne, county of Cornwall, England, June 21, 1808. His father died shortly before he was born; so that he and his older and only brother, the Reverend John Sellwood of Milwaukee, Oregon, were brought up and educated by their mother. In 1833, the three, mother and two sons, emigrated to America, first residing for a time in Cincinnati, Ohio, and afterwards going to the then new State of Ohio, and afterwards going to the then new State of Illinois. Mr. Sellwood was … Read more

Biography of Dr. George Kellogg

DR. GEORGE KELLOGG. – Dr. Kellogg was born in Canada, April 6, 1814, and was the son of Orrin and Margaret Kellogg, and brother of Captain Joseph Kellogg of Portland. He was on of the most bold and original men that our state ever possessed, having that rugged and even combative disposition which finds its delight in antagonizing powerful and customary institutions and methods. Yet his genius was not destructive. It was simply seeking an opportunity to do constructive work that made him ready to give and to take blows; and underneath the shelter of his rugged front grew the … Read more

Schriver, Mae Roop – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Mae Roop Schriver, 95, of Milwaukie died Feb. 8, 2008. The daughter of Monroe and Ida Roop, she was born June 28, 1912, in Wallowa. A graduate of Wallowa High School and the University of Oregon School of Nursing, she married Don Schriver in 1938. A registered nurse for many years, she served in La Grande and the Portland area. Mae was preceded in death by her husband, Don, in 1971, and four siblings: Carrie Rounsavell, Carlton Roop, Pearl Eads and Pat Paulson. She is survived by a daughter, Susan Schriver, and a number of nieces and nephews. … Read more

Biography of Capt. James J. Crow

CAPT. JAMES J. CROW. – Mr. Crow, a portrait of whom will be found in this work, is one of the early pioneers of Oregon, as well as one of the early and substantial residents on White river. He was born in Lincoln county, Missouri, April 5, 1842, and is the son of George and Mary E. (Howdeshell) Crow, both of whom were pioneers of the above state. In the summer of 1848 his parents, with their family of five children, started to cross the plains to Oregon; but, on reaching the Missouri river, it then being late in the … Read more

Biography of Captain Joseph Kellogg

CAPTAIN JOSEPH KELLOGG. – The old People’s Transportation Company of the Willamette has a record in the annals of early navigation scarcely less glorious than that of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company of the Columbia. Of this company, Captain Kellogg was one of the originators. The Kelloggs are of old revolutionary stock, the father, Orrin Kellogg, having been born at St. Albans, Vermont, in 1790. He was married to Miss Margaret Miller, in Canada, in 1811. In 1812 they went to Canada; and, the war between Great Britain and the United States breaking out, they as Americans were not allowed … Read more

Dooley, Elletha M. Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Elletha M. Dooley, 90, of Baker City died Feb. 7, 2002, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. There was a private family graveside service for Mrs. Dooley today at Mount Calvary Cemetery in Portland. The Rev. Joseph Neuville, retired, officiated. Mrs. Dooley was born on Aug. 7, 1911, at Estacada. At a young age she moved to Portland. She attended Alameda Grade School and graduated from Grant High School. She married Robert Dooley on Dec. 31, 1932, at Portland. For many years they were residents of Milwaukie and active members of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Prior … Read more

Smolich, Emil – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Emil Smolich, 75, of Milwaukie, a former Baker City resident, died May 13, 2006. There will be a private service. He was born on May 22, 1930, at Baker City. He served in the U.S. Army from 1951 to 1953. He married Kay Phillips in 1967. He worked as a truck driver for System 99, retiring in 1985. He had lived in the Portland Metro area since 1968. Survivors include his wife, Kay; his sister and brother-in-law, Helen and Jerry Cardinal; brothers and sisters-in-law, Don and Helen Smolich, George and Janet Smolich and Robert and … Read more

Robinson, Roy Rodney – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Roy Rodney Robinson, 62, a former Baker City resident, died May 29, 2004, in Richardson, Texas. His memorial service will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. in Baker City. Pastor Ralph Holcomb will officiate. Roy was born Feb. 26, 1942, in Pryor, Okla., a son of Lois and Walter Robinson. He worked in construction, spending 14 years in underground construction working for such construction companies as Morrison-Knudson and Peter Kewitt. Some of the projects that he worked on were the Washington Tunnel, second power plant at Grand Coulee Dam and the … Read more