Biography of Charles W. Kent

Charles W. Kent of Coffeyville is a veteran newspaper man of Kansas. His has been an interesting past. He served as a boy soldier in the Union army, and several of his brothers also bore arms for the Stars and Stripes. In a half century of active experience he has largely been identified with the newspaper business, and has been in Southern Kansas about a quarter of a century. On July 7, 1893, he established and brought out the Gate City Independent, the forerunner of the present weekly Independent. For a number of years Coffeyville was familiarly known as the … Read more

Biography of Capt. Jared E. Smith

CAPT. JARED E. SMITH. This prosperous merchant of Roy, Missouri, was born in Tennessee, October 8, 1826, a son of William P. and C. (Patterson) Smith, who were born in North and South Carolina, respectively, were pioneers of Tennessee and moved from that State to Texas in 1851, settling in Ellis County, where both were called from life. They reared eight children; Jared E.; Benjamin Franklin (deceased); Henry W. (deceased); William H., who is a resident of Texas; Melissa, and the following daughters, who are dead: Mary J.; Eliza A. and Ona. The subject of this sketch is the only … Read more

Biography of Ward Smith

Ward Smith, secretary of the Hunter-Robinson Milling & Grain Company and manager of the grain department, was born in Tullahoma, Tennessee, May 22, 1888. His father, Dr. J. Crittenden Smith, was a native of Columbia, Tennessee, and is now in business in Chicago. His father, Dr. T. C. Smith, is still living in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. He and his immediate ancestors in the two preceding generations were physicians. The Smith family comes of English lineage. J. Crittenden Smith was united in marriage to Ella Ward, a daughter of John H. Ward, a wholesale furniture dealer of Nashville, Tennessee. He came … Read more

Biography of Robert Thompson

Robert Thompson, a farmer of Lake County, was the son of Robert and Sallie (Tharp) Thompson. His father was born in Guilford County, North Carolina in 1792, his mother in Rockingham County, North Carolina in 1790; they were married in Guilford County in 1814, and had eight children, five boys and three girls. They moved to Maury County, and lived there until 1847, when they moved to Lake County, which was then called Obion, and his mother died in 1858 and his father March 28, 1860. They were not connected with any church, though Mrs. Thompson was raised a Quaker. … Read more

Biography of Basil Tonion Barber

Basil Tonion Barber. The ever-changing conditions of present-day competition in business life offer splendid opportunities for men of foresight and sagacity in any growing locality, whether it be developing from wilderness to settlement or from hamlet to metropolis. The ability to recognize in advance the strategic commercial situation is an asset the value of which may not be overestimated, and the man who possesses this quality is bound to find himself, sooner or later, in a position of importance in the business world. It was through the ability to predict where business would develop and to know in advance what … Read more

Biography of Jesse Andrews

JESSE ANDREWS, one of the most prominent farmers of Douglas County, Missouri, first saw the light of day in Maury County, Tennessee, his birth occurring February I101836. His parents, D. F. and Sally (Morton) Andrews, were natives of Tennessee, but the grandfather, John Andrews, was born in the grand old State of Virginia. He was of German origin and served as a soldier in the Indian wars. About the year 1868 the parents of our subject moved to Missouri and settled near Ava, this county, on a farm where both passed the remainder of their days, the mother dying in … Read more

Maury County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Maury County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Greenwood Cemetery Grigg Cemetery Perry Family Cemetery Perry Surnames in Various Cemeteries Rose Hill Cemetery St. Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery Wilkes Camp Ground Cemetery Zion Presbyterian Church Cemetery  

Biography of Maj. R. B. Weaver

The facility with which the American soldier laid down the implements of war, at the close of the great conflict between the Northern and Southern States, and adapted himself to the pursuits of civil life, has been the wonder of all nations, and scarcely less surprising than gratifying to the American people themselves. While not a few very profound citizens of the republic were speculating as to what was to become of the thousands of men mustered out of the armies, the question was solved by the ex-soldiers themselves, who quietly stepped into the ordinary walks of life, bent the … Read more

Memoirs of John Pitchlynn

Peter Perkins Pitchlynn was the Choctaw Principal Chief from 1864-1866

John Pitchlynn, the name of another white man who at an early day cast his lot among the Choctaws, not to be a curse but a true benefactor. He was contemporaneous with the three Folsom’s, Nathaniel, Ebenezer and Edmond; the three Nails, Henry, Adam and Edwin; the two Le Flores Lewis and Mitchel, and Lewis Durant. John Pitchlynn, as the others, married a Choctaw girl and thus become a bona-fide citizen of the Choctaw Nation. He was commissioned by Washington, as United States Interpreter for the Choctaws in 1786, in which capacity he served them long and faithfully. Whether he … Read more

Biography of D. R. Riggs

D. R. RIGGS. This prominent and law-abiding citizen has been a resident of Douglas County, Missouri, for many years, and his career here has been an exceptionally honorable and useful one. He was born in Maury County, Tennessee, May 20, 1832, a son of Alvis and Petronila (Ray) Riggs, natives of the Old North State, where the grandparents were also born. Samuel Riggs, the paternal grandfather, was a soldier of the Revolution, and died in the State of his birth. The maternal grandfather, David Ray, was a merchant by occupation, and was an honorable, upright man. Alvis Riggs became a … Read more

Biography of James McCaskill

JAMES MCCASKILL. This resident of Texas County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Maury County, Tennessee, where he was born February 13, 1854. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born, reared and married in Giles County, Tennessee They immigrated to Shannon County, Missouri, in 1855, where they entered land and began making a home for themselves and family. Mr. McCaskill served in the Confederacy under “Old Pap” Price during most of the war and was with him in his famous raids through Arkansas and Missouri. He was captured on Pike Creek, Shannon County, but effected his escape and returned … Read more

Biography of David B. Pratt

DAVID B. PRATT. The name mentioned above is well known in the agricultural districts of Douglas County, Missouri, and is a synonym for all that is pushing, enterprising and successful. Mr. Pratt was born in Maury County, Tennessee, September 10, 1828, a son of Joseph and Mary (Buchanan) Pratt, the former of whom was born in Georgia, but when a young man removed to Tennessee, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a cabinet maker by trade, was a soldier of the War of 1812, and was an upright and honorable man. His wife was born in … Read more

Biography of Alexander Thompson

ALEXANDER THOMPSON, farmer and stockraiser of Williamson Township, Stone County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the section in which he lives, is a native of Tennessee, born in Maury County March 25, 1833. His parents, Thomas and Lucinda (Dobyns) Thompson, were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, respectively, and their nuptials were celebrated in the latter State. From there they moved to Indiana, and thence to Tennessee, the father dying in Williamson County of the latter State when about forty-five years of age. He was a farmer, but was of a roving disposition, and never accumulated much property. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry A. Bliss

Bliss, Harry A.; mgr. Bliss Supply Co.; born, Columbia, Tenn., Aug. 3, 1871; son of William L. and Anna M. Johnston Bliss; educated, Columbia and Medina; married, Cleveland, Aug. 31, 1910, L. Blanche Fisher; member Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery and Naval Reserves; worked for George Worthington Co., H. A. Bliss, Mfg. Agt., 465 Arcade; Bliss Supply Co.; mgr. director Grafton Stone Co.; member Builders’ Exchange; sons of Veterans, Cleveland Yacht, Lakewood Yacht, Hermit, Century and Lotus Clubs and (old) Cleveland Athletic Club. Recreation: Yachting.

Biography of John H. Nunnelee

JOHN H. NUNNELEE. The sons of Tennessee are well represented in Ripley County, Missouri, and they hold conspicuous places in many pursuits which make that county a substantial star in the galaxy of Missouri’s many interesting counties. John H. Nunnelee is one of the prominent residents of the same and was recently solicited by the Democratic party to accept the nomination for collector. He was born in Columbia, Tennessee, July 22, 1858, to the marriage of James M. D. L. and Lucy Jane (Fowlkes) Nunnelee. The father was a native of Hickman County, Tennessee, and the son of Edward Nunnelee, … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherly

J. A. WEATHERLY. In this day and age of bustle and hurry very few people stop to consider what we can and how to select it, but the skillful housewife is very careful in her purchase of groceries, for she knows that on their purity and wholesomeness depends in a large measure the health and happiness of her family. J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, Arkansas, enjoys a reputation for courteous dealing and promptness in his line of business which any grocer might be proud to have and his goods have become noted for their excellence and purity. … Read more

Biography of Samuel D. McSpaden

SAMUEL D. MCSPADEN. We present with pleasure a sketch of the life of one of the most substantial and prominent farmers and stockraisers of Pike Creek Valley, Carter County, Missouri This worthy citizen was born in Gordon County, Ga., in 1847. The son of Joseph and Edith (Dillard ) McSpaden, the father a native of Virginia, born October 16, 1820, and the mother of east Tennessee, born October 1, 1827. Mr. and Mrs. McSpaden met for the first time in Gordon County, Ga., whither they had removed with their parents, and here they were married. In 1869 they moved to … Read more

Biography of Jacob I. Brown

Jacob I. Brown, Justice of the Peace, Charleston; a sun of John and Rachel Brown; born Oct. 12, 1819, near Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tenn.; his parents afterward removed to Wayne Co., Ind., but soon returned to Tennessee; their next move was to the White Water River, where his father and eight brothers and sisters died of yellow fever inside of a few months. His mother soon afterward removed with her remaining children, consisting of three sons and one daughter, to Bloomington, Ind. In 1832 or 1833, he went to learn the printing business, and worked for different parties till 1840, … Read more

Biography of Prof. T. B. Kelly

Prof. T. B. Kelly, A. M., LL. B., president of Pure Fountain College, Smithville, was born in Columbia, Maury Co., Tenn., in 1852. His parents were Thomas J. and Elizabeth (Hardwicke) Kelly. The father was of Irish descent, born March 9, 1810, in Dickson County, Tenn., where his father, Thomas Kelly located after emigrating from Ireland, about 1800. Thomas J. married in 1838, and about 1844 moved to Columbia, where he established a queens ware store, which he managed successfully until the year of his death, 1861. His first wife was of French extraction, born in 1817, in Buckingham County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. F. Cecil

J. F. Cecil was born in Maury County, Tennessee, in 1849. He was taken to Clark County, Ohio, when he was one year old, and he lived there till 1878, when he removed to Shawnee County, Kansas. He had been at his present location since 1882, following the business of raising fruit and nursery stock, and also engaged in a general line of farming. He was married to Miss Hattie Parkhurst, of Madison, Wisconsin in 1885. They have two sons: Kirk, 29 years of age, and Ralph, 27 years old, both of whom are in business in the Northwest.