Biography of Mathias M. Schmidt

Mathias M. Schmidt, who had spent his life since early childhood in Marshall County, Kansas, had had a very intense career as a teacher, banker, business man and public spirited citizen. He is now in the loan and insurance business at Home City in Marshall County. Mr. Schmidt is not only a practical business man but a scholar of exceptional erudition and had been well fitted for the leadership which he had taken in public affairs. Mr. Schmidt is of German descent and was born at Fort Washington in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, July 8, 1876. His ancestors all lived in … Read more

Biography of Howard Dwight Pinkham

Howard Dwight Pinkham. Following is the record of a very successful Kansas business man and farmer. A citizen of New England antecedents and training, he was for many years a resident of Kansas, and toward the close of his life a farmer in Walnut Township of Saline County near Mentor. Born January 4, 1847, at North Chelsea, Massachusetts, Howard Dwight Pinkham was a son of Vincent and Lois (Low) Pinkham, both of whom were New Englanders. He was one of twelve children, the only survivor of whom is Herbert L., who lives at Salina. The other children were named James, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Shope

Robert S. Shope is superintendent of the city schools of Bigelow, Kansas. While not a native of the state, his life had been spent largely within the borders of Kansas, and he is a product of its schools and his work had becn chiefly as a teacher. He belongs to the colonial branch of the Shope family, which originally came out of Germany. His grandfather, William Shope, spent his life in Kentucky, and was a carpenter by trade. His father is David W. Shope, for many years a resident of Maraball County, Kansas. He was born in Kentucky in 1867 … Read more

Biography of John J. Fowles

John J. Fowles has been a Kansas educator since 1908 and is now superintendent of the city schools of Summerfield. Largely through his own earnest efforts he acquired a liberal education. He was born in Eldora, Iowa, January 3, 1884. He is of a Colonial American family. This branch of the Fowlers came out of England and settled in New York in pioneer times His grandfather. Thomas Charles Fowler, was born in Kentucky and died at Eldora, Iowa, before John J. Fowler was born. He was one of the pioneers around Eldora and became well known as a stockman and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin C. Manning

Edwin C. Manning, the founder of Winfield, the organizer of the County of Cowley, one of the early editors of the state and thirty or forty years ago a republican leader of Kansas, was born in Redford, Clinton County, New York, November 7, 1838. He was educated both in Vermont and Iowa, taught school at an early age, at the age of nineteen commenced to learn the printer’s trade and in 1859, then about of age, was among the first to start for the Pike’s Peak region in search of gold. He returned a disillusioned young man, but became interested … Read more

Biography of Edgar Ross Fulton

Edgar Ross Fulton. Though educated for the law and for several years a successful attorney in Western Kansas, Edgar Ross Fulton for the past thirty-five years had given the best of his energies and capacity to banking. He is president of the First National Bank of Marysville, and is officially connected with several other banking enterprises of the state. Mr. Fulton was born in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, on a farm, February 10, 1856. Life early presented itself to him as a matter of self achievement, with dependence only upon his own resources. After attending the common schools of his native … Read more

Biography of Theodore H. Polace

Theodore H. Polace has been a lawyer of recognized standing and ability at the Marysville bar for over thirty-five years. His career began as a teacher, but he soon turned to the law and had found in it an occupation fitted to his talents and tastes, and had made it the medium of his chief service in the world. Mr. Polace was born near Grete in Will County, Illinois, March 12, 1860. He comes of a scholarly family and one that had given several members to the ministry of the Lutheran Church. His father, Rev. Gustav W. Polack, was born … Read more

Biography of Gottlob Ziegler

Gottlob Ziegler. A life of quiet effectiveness marked by a record of many duties well done and many responsibilities faithfully fulfilled was that of the late Gottlob Ziegler, best known by his long residence at Marysville, but who died in Salina November 20, 1911. While he never held an important public office and was not identified with the conspicuous activities of the world, he rendered a faithful and intelligent performance of every task that was allotted to him during his long life. He left a record that may well be envied and admired by the generations that follow him. He … Read more

Biography of George T. Smith

George T. Smith is one of the veteran editors and newspaper men of Kansas and owns and directs the editorial management of the Marshall County News. The Marshall County News is an old and influential paper in Northern Kansas. It was first established in 1869 as the Locomotive. The first proprietor, P. H. Peters, sold it in 1870 to Thomas Hughes, who changed the name to the Marshall County News. This branch of the Smith family had furnished several notable names in Kansas and in Marshall County. George T. Smith is a brother of the late James Smith, former secretary of state of Kansas. … Read more

Biography of William H. Smith

William H. Smith, of Marysville, is a man with a long and notable record in Kansas affairs. He came to Kansas with his arm in a sling as a result of a wound received at Malvern Hill during the Civil war. His home had been in the state for over half a century, and during that time he had been a pioneer farmer, merchant, public official and banker. A Pennsylvanian by birth, he is a grandson of James Smith, who came from County Tyrone, Ireland, and founded the family in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. William H. Smith was born in that … Read more

Biography of Fred W. Reed

Fred W. Reed is publisher and proprietor of the Beattie Eagle, a paper of independent proclivities, issued weekly and with a large circulation and influence in Marshall and surrounding counties. The Eagle is a continuation of the North Star, founded at Beattie in 1884 by A. J. Tucker. In 1885 the name was changed to the Star, with W. W. Brooks as editor. In 1891 the name was changed to Williamson’s Beattie Eagle, and in 1894 was shortened to Beattle Eagle. In 1902 it absorbed the Beattie Palladium, which had been founded in 1898 by J. M. Kendall. Mr. Reed … Read more

Biography of Roley S. Pauley

Roley S. Pauley. The greater part of forty years Roley S. Panley had given to farm ownership and management on a large scale in Marshall County. His achievements classify him as one of the leaders in Kansas agriculture. As a practical man of affairs his advice and counsel have naturally been sought by his fellow citizens, and among other honors a term in the State Senste was conferred upon him, He is also interested in banking and other affairs in his section of the state, but essentially first and last he is a farmer and had always kept in close … Read more