Biographical Sketch of Edward A. Merritt

Merritt, Edward A.; sec’y and treas. The Cleveland Stone Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Feb. 12, 1862; son of Daniel H. and Harriett L. Merritt; educated, public schools and Racine College, Racine, Wis.; came to Cleveland, took course in Bryant Stratton and Smith Business College; returned to Marquette, and was in business with his father; married, Dec. 15, 1886, Matildia Huntington, of Cleveland; issue, one daughter, deceased; came back to Cleveland in 1888, as asst. treas. for the Cleveland Stone Co.; also auditor and stockholder and director, connected with the Company for over twenty-four years.

Biographical Sketch of Henry S. Pickands

Pickands, Henry S.; Pickands-Mather Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Oct. 4, 1875; attended public and University School of Cleveland; graduated from Yale in 1897, with degree of Bachelor of Philosophy; took a course in Civil Engineering, and immediately entered the business of Pickands-Mather Co., founded by his father, Colonel James Pickands; married, Marquette, Mich., Dec. 27, 1899, Miss Jeanne Call; issue, four children, Elizabeth, Caro-line, James, and Henry S., Jr.; Mayor of Euclid for five years, from 1903 to 1908; Republican; member Chamber of Commerce, Union, Country, and University Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Livingston Kaufman

Kaufman, Harry Livingston; iron ore and mining; born, Marquette, Mich., 1882; son of Samuel Robert and Juliet Gravereat Kaufman; educated, Cascasella School, Ithaca, N. Y., and Cornell University; when E. N. Breitung & Co. opened their ore sales agency in Cleveland, he became as a partner in the business, at the time was vice pres. and mgr. of mines in Marquette, Mich.; now divides his time, spending the winters in Cleveland and the summers in Marquette; honorary member Naval Reserves of Michigan; director in the following: First National Bank, Cleveland; First Trust & Savings Co., Cleveland; Negaunee National Bank, Negaunee, … Read more