1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, Atlas and farm directory

1914 Plymouth County Iowa Atlas

This 1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, atlas provides township maps for all townships and towns found within Plymouth County, Iowa, in 1914. The “farm directory” is found on each township map which appear as a land owner map for that township. The 4 towns found within the county, Akron, Kingsley, Le Mans, and Remsen have maps but they do not provide the property owners name in most instances. This atlas does not provide an index, and since the names of lot owners appear in multiple direction of the map, you will need to search each map by hand. That requires you to know the township.

Biography of Paul Phillip MacCaskill

Paul Phillip MacCaskill. One of the younger members of the Kansas bar, in active practice at Parsons, Paul MacCaskill has already had a wide range of experience in his profession and in public affairs. While studying law and since he spent a good deal of time in the service of public men, at Topeks and elsewhere, and in 1915 was secretary to Hon. Baille P. Waggener, the Atchison County representative in the State Senate. He is of a fine strain of Scotch ancestry. The name MacCaskill, or MacAskill, is of Norse origin, meaning Anses Kettle, or sacrificial vessel to the … Read more