Biography of Rev. William H. H. Ruble

REV. WILLIAM H. H. RUBLE. Rev William H. H. Ruble, in addition to looking after the spiritual welfare of his fellows, devotes much of his attention to tilling the soil in Harrison Township, of which section he has been a resident for nearly twenty years.. He was born in Bradley County, Tennessee, in 1841, a son of John G. and Esther (Fine) Ruble, the latter a native of Washington County, Tennessee The father died when our subject was but thirteen months old and it is not known in what State he was born. He was a farmer and about sixty … Read more

Biography of Basil Tonion Barber

Basil Tonion Barber. The ever-changing conditions of present-day competition in business life offer splendid opportunities for men of foresight and sagacity in any growing locality, whether it be developing from wilderness to settlement or from hamlet to metropolis. The ability to recognize in advance the strategic commercial situation is an asset the value of which may not be overestimated, and the man who possesses this quality is bound to find himself, sooner or later, in a position of importance in the business world. It was through the ability to predict where business would develop and to know in advance what … Read more

Biography of John Bailey Heffley

J0HN BAILEY HEFFLEY. John Bailey Heffey has devoted the greater part of his life to the calling of a farmer and stock raiser, and has met with more than the average degree of success by his industry and good management, accumulating a fair share of this world’s goods. Like other representative men of the county he came originally from Marion County, Tennessee, of which his parents, Philip and Hannah Sharp Heffley, were also natives. In that State the father died when our subject was about five years of age and the mother afterward removed to Henderson County, West Tennessee, where … Read more

Marion County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Marion County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Cabe Cemetery Ellis Cemetery Following Cemeteries (hosted at Cenotaph Genealogy of Joseph T. Fleming) Bean-Roulston Cemetery South Pittsburgh Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment) Davis Cemetery Lusk Cemetery Shelton Cemetery Smith Cemetery Teague Cemetery White Cemetery  

Biography of Anderson Carlton

ANDERSON CARLTON. A lifetime of hard earnest endeavor in pursuing the occupation to which he now gives his attention, coupled with strict integrity, honesty of purpose and liberality in all directions, has resulted in placing Anderson Carlton among the truly respected and honored agriculturists and stockmen of Newton County. Like other representative men of the county he is a native of North Carolina, born in Wilkes County in 1825. His parents, Alfred and Polly (Ellison) Carlton, were also natives of Wilkes County, N. C., the former born in 1805 and the latter in 1806. This worthy couple celebrated their nuptials … Read more

Biography of John Stone

JOHN STONE. Among the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, stands the name of John Stone, whose fine farm and surroundings show what perseverance and industry will accomplish. Mr. Stone was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., in the year 1829, to the marriage of Noble and Mary (Simmons) Stone, natives of the Palmetto State. When both father and mother were children they went with their par-ents to Alabama, grew to mature years in that State, married, and when our subject was about six months old they removed to Marion County, Tennessee There the mother died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. S. Deakins

G. S. Deakins, farmer, of the Thirteenth District of Coffee County, Tennessee, was born in Marion County (now Sequatchie) Tennessee, in 1832, and is the son of William and Sarah (Richards) Deakins, natives of Tennessee. The father died in 1848 and the mother in 1836. Both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Reared on the farm with a common school education, he also attended Burritt College at Spencer, Tennessee, and later, Emory and Henry College of Virginia. Having entered the law school of Lebanon (Tennessee) University in 1860, the civil war caused him to enter the confederate service, in … Read more