Biography of J. H. Berry

This gentleman is one of the oldest residents of Marion County, Arkansas, and through his enterprise, energy and push he has done much to make that section the prosperous region that it is. He was born in Washington County, Virginia, April 26, 1824, being the third of eight children born to Samuel and Sarah (Hickey) Berry, the former of whom was born in Washington County, Virginia, in 1796, his parents being William and Elizabeth (Duff) Berry. William Berry was a Virginian also, but his father, John Berry, was a native of the State of New York, and in his day … Read more

Biography of James M. Coker M.D.

JAMES M. COKER, M. D. He whose name heads this sketch is a successful practicing physician who has no pet theories to demonstrate at the risk of his patients’ lives, and who is prouder of the confidence reposed in him by the numerous first-class families whom he counts among his patrons than he could possibly be of any fame that could come to him through the following of any fancy calculated to move him. He was born in Marion County, Arkansas, April 28, 1853, the second child of William L. and Elizabeth (Hudspeth) Coker, natives of this State, and grandson … Read more

Biography of James Estes

JAMES ESTES. This intelligent man of affairs keeps abreast of the times and is a successful tiller of the soil of Marion County, Arkansas He was born in Cannon County, Tennessee, July 10, 1839, a son of John and Charlotte (Elkins) Estes, and grandson of Gilbert Estes, who came to this country from England and participated in the Revolutionary War, being killed in the battle of Horse Shoe Bend. One of his sons was in the War of 1812 under Gen. Jackson. Mrs. Malinda Thomas is the only one of that family now living, and she has attained the age … Read more

Biography of Leonard S. Weast

LEONARD S. WEAST. For over forty years this gentleman has been an honored resident of Marion County, Arkansas He was born in Guilford County, N. C., October 26, 1845, a son of Adam and Sophia (Fortune) Weast, who were born and reared in North Carolina and Virginia, respectively. The latter went with her parents to North Carolina, and there she met married Mr. Weast, with whom she moved to Arkansas in 1850, entering land where Yellville is now situated, purchasing also an eighty-acre tract in the valley of Crooked Creek, on which he built a log house which is still … Read more

Biography of James D. Stanly

JAMES D. STANLY. The farming class of America, and especially of the Western States, is noted for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Mr. Stanly is one of the most progressive of men, and as a tiller of the soil, as well as a merchant, he has been successful, pushing and enterprising. He was born in Perry County, Tennessee, to Henry T. and Jane (Dickson) Stanly, who were born and spent their lives in Tennessee, and inherits English blood of his father. He is the eldest living member of the children born to his parents, and … Read more

Biography of Thomas Benton Musick

THOMAS BENTON MUSICK. This gentleman, who resides in James Creek Township, Marion County, Arkansas, has been remarkably successful as a husband-man, and a biographical compendium of the Ozark Region would be incomplete were not mention made of him, for he is a man of much public spirit; he donates liberally to all public enterprises and gives his influence to every just measure for the promotion of the common good. He was born on White River, just below the mouth of James Creek, in 1856, His parents, Andrew Benton and Louisa (Locia) Musick, having been born in Cole County, Missouri, in … Read more

Biography of Judge William Keener

JUDGE WILLIAM KEENER. Success in professional life is cautiously bestowed upon people by the goddess, who, in a measure, guides and invariably decorates man’s efforts. And this success is more apt to come because of the pursuer’s genius or adaptability for his calling than from any other cause. This is particularly the case in law, a profession which Judge William Keener’s talents caused him to adopt when starting out for himself. He is now a prominent attorney at Lead Hill, Arkansas, and United States commissioner for the Western District of the State. Judge Keener came originally from the Keystone State; … Read more

Biography of James P. Brady

JAMES P. BRADY. Agricultural pursuits have formed the chief occupation of this gentleman, and the wide-awake manner in which he has taken advantage of every method and idea tending to the enhanced value of his property has had considerable to do with his success in life. He was born in Georgia February 9, 1847, a son of Hiram J. and Charity (Cook) Brady, of that State, and grandson of Enoch Brady, who was a son of Irish parents and a participant in some of the early wars of the United States. Hiram J. Brady, with his family, emigrated to Arkansas … Read more

Biography of Col. Eli Dodson

COL. ELI DODSON. This gentleman is the intelligent, trustworthy and efficient county and probate judge of Boone County, Arkansas, and in his official capacity has comported himself with dignity, good sound judgment and judicial fairness. He has resided in the county since 1881, but has been a resident of northwest Arkansas since 1852, whither he came from Madison County, Arkansas, in 1834. He was born on his father’s farm in White County, Tennessee, May 22, 1828, the only child of Eli and Mary (Goad) Dodson, the former of whom was born in Virginia in 1798, a son of William Dodson, … Read more

Biography of N. W. Wood

N. W. WOOD. This successful agriculturist is a native of the county in which he now lives and was born November 4, 1844, a son of William and Margaret (Roy) Wood, the former of whom was born in Kentucky, a son of Abraham Wood, also of that State. The latter removed first to Tennessee and from there to Marion County, Arkansas, and here William Wood settled on the farm on Crooked Creek on which the subject of this sketch is now residing, which place he greatly improved and tilled in such an intelligent manner that he became noted as an … Read more

Biography of George F. Elam, M. D.

The physician is a man who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed and his interest in his patients is intensified by reason of the concern he has for them, as well as for the experience he may gain that may be for the benefit of future sufferers. A student who loves knowledge and a physician devoted to his profession, he is a careful investigator, and gives all the time he can find in his busy life to books and periodicals devoted to medicine and surgery. Such a man cannot fail to grow steadily in … Read more

Biography of Capt. John C. Rea

CAPT. JOHN C. REA. This gentleman possesses a thorough knowledge of the art of the husbandman and has taken pains to familiarize himself with the latest methods of land cultivation, and the result has not failed to be satisfactory. He was born in Franklin County, Illinois, in 1837, in which State his parents, John K. and Sarah (Arnett) Rea, were born, reared and married, Mrs. Rea died in Franklin County, when John C. was an infant, and Mr. Rea afterward wedded Luticia Dudley, and in 1846 came by wagon to Marion County, Arkansas, locating in the vicinity of Yellville, where … Read more

Biography of Prof. J. T. Gilley

PROF J. T. GILLEY. While the life of an educator is generally barren of incidents for biography, it is still true that a life devoted to this calling must have many points of interest to practical thinkers, and be of benefit to the great work of educational progress. Prof. J. T. Gilley is one of the most popular educators of Marion County, Arkansas, and was born in Tennessee March 2, 1855. a son of one of the old and prominent farmers of this section, A. S. Gilley, who came thither from Tennessee in 1870, with his wife, Elizabeth (Little Gilley, … Read more

Biography of Judge W. B. Flippin

JUDGE W. B. FLIPPIN. It is a pleasure to describe a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so rare, so varied and so comprehensive that happiness and success in business were bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any problem of life. It has been said, and truly said, that “some men are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them and some achieve greatness,” and to this last most important class belongs the subject of this sketch, Judge W. B. Flippin, who was born in Monroe County, Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of Dr. R. J. Pierce

DR. R. J. PIERCE. The medical man is held in the greatest esteem by savage as well as civilized people, and deservedly so, because in his hands are the issues of life and death. All honor is due to the profession of medicine, because it is composed of so noble an army of men, and among those whose skill has shed luster upon the profession is Dr. R. J. Pierce, who is known in medical circles throughout the State, and is universally recognized as a ripe scholar and a practitioner of renown. He was born in Hall County, Ga., August … Read more

Biography of De Roos Bailey

Of the younger element of our prominent, energetic and influential citizens, none are better known than De Roos Bailey, one of the distinguished attorneys of the northwestern part of Arkansas, whose home is at Harrison. During the years that he has practiced his profession here he has shown that he is endowed with superior ability, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, together with the soundness of his judgment, secured his almost immediate recognition at the bar. Since that time to the present he has so identified himself with the affairs of his section that its history can-not be recorded … Read more

Biography of Elias Keesee

ELIAS KEESEE. This gentleman is one of the leading agriculturists of Franklin Township, Marion County, Arkansas, and has followed this calling from his earliest boyhood, being initiated into its mysteries by his worthy sire. He was born about fifteen miles from his present place of abode in 1824. His parents, Payton and Nancy (Graham) Keesee, were born in Virginia in 1800, and in Kentucky in 1797, respectively. While in their youth they became residents of the Territory of Arkansas, and in 1818 were married in what is now Marion County, but very shortly afterward removed to what is now Ozark … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of J. J. Keeter

J. J. KEETER. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the practical and successful farmers of Marion County, Arkansas, and has made his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of the county, owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail, and his desire to keep out of old ruts. He is a native of the Old North State, his birth occurring January 5, 1834, a son of James and Elizabeth (Justice) Keeter, who were born and spent their lives in North Carolina, of which State the paternal grandfather, John Keeter, was … Read more

Biography of James Small, M. D.

JAMES SMALL, M. D. The physician is one who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed in the interest he takes in his patient’s welfare, as well as for the experience he may gain while pursuing the paths of this his arduous profession, in order to benefit future sufferers. Dr. Small is one of the old practitioners of southern Missouri, and is living in Smallett. He was born in McMinn County, East Tennessee, October 28, 1841, a son of James and Mary A. (Wallace) Small, the former of whom was born in Kentucky about 1802. … Read more