Biographical Sketch of G. T. Kilner

G. T. Kilner, druggist, Mattoon; was born in Manchester, Eng., Nov. 18, 1820; at the age of 15 years, he was left an orphan, and, in 1836, emigrated to America, and first settled in Waterbury, Conn.; here he engaged in the sale of drugs six years; he then moved to Newburgh, N. Y., where he engaged in the same business; in the spring of 1860, he came West and located in Mattoon, opened up his business here; his is the first drug store established in the city; he took a partial course in medicine and practiced some years in connection … Read more

Biography of Dr. Robert C. Hindley

Dr. Robert C. Hindley, chemist with the Horlick Malted Milk Company, is well qualified by thorough college training and broad experience for the position of responsibility which he now occupies. He was born in Manchester. England, in 1848, a son of John C. and Mary A. Hindley, who, in 1856, crossed the Atlantic with their family to Philadelphia. The father was connected with the cotton trade and also engaged in the gun manufacturing business, making guns for the army throughout the period of the Civil war. Robert C. Hindley attended school in Philadelphia, prepared for college in Virginia and was … Read more

Biography of Edwin Scotton

Edwin Scotton. Precisely speaking there is no new country and pioneers and pioneer life no longer exist. An absorbing and fascinating condition has passed into history, and its lessons and inspiration live principally in the lives of those who endured the hardships and contributed by various services and diversified gifts to the upbuilding of the present. Shawnee County has as noble a roll call of early settlers as any part of Kansas, and among those inseparably associated with the Fulton County records, none are more deserving of perpetuation in its annals than is the late Edwin Scotton. Mr. Scotton was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. Evans Whitworth

Whitworth, T. Evans; publisher; born, Manchester, England; son of Joseph and Martha Lewis Whitworth; educated in England; married, Cleveland, Sept. 10, 1900, Elizabeth M. Campbell; issue, three children; for 20 years sec’y and treas. The Whitworth Bros. Co.; pres. The Penton Building Co.; director The Penton Press Co., director The Penton Publishing Co., director The Ben Franklin Club; member the Ben Franklin and Fellowcraft Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cropper

Samuel Cropper was born near Manchester, England, May 12, 1831. His parents were Benjamin and Mary Cropper, also natives of England. He received his education and grew to manhood in his native country, and emigrated to the United States in May, 1853, locating in Rhode Island, where he learned the art of photographing. He has since spent some time in various States of the Union, engaged at his trade. He located in Jamesport in 1875 and has since erected a commodious gallery and built up a good patronage. Mr. Cropper was married in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, October 5, 1853, to … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Kate M. Dilley

Mrs. Kate M. Dilley. The able and honored proprietor of the Dilley Sanitarium, in the City of Wichita, has proved herself one of the vigorous and resourceful business women of the Sunflower State and by the establishing and maintaining of her excellent sanitarium she has made a noble contribution to the list of valuable medical institutions in the City of Wichita. Mrs. Dilley was born in Manchester, England. When she was a child of two years her parents removed to Cape Town, South Africa, and in that far distant land Mrs. Dilley passed the period of her girlhood and early … Read more

Biography of Joseph Heap

Joseph Heap is one of the representative mechanics of Riverside, and is the proprietor of a blacksmith shop on the south side of Eighth Street, between Main and Market streets. He is a native of England, and dates his birth in Manchester, in 1848. His parents, William and Hannah (Ward) Heap, are both natives of that country. In 1848 or early in 1849 his father immigrated with the family to the United States, and located at Council Bluffs, Missouri. The next year he moved to Salt Lake, where he remained until 1852. In that year he brought his family to … Read more

Biography of George Ashton

George Ashton, for twenty years president of the Ashton-Hancock Brokerage Company of St. Louis, his course marked by that steady and substantial progress which shows nothing of the spectacular but moves continuously forward to its goal has ever merited and enjoyed the confidence, respect and goodwill of his fellowmen He was born in Every street, Manchester, England, September 11, 1860, his parents being Thomas and Emma Ashton. His early education was acquired in the Manchester grammar school, in Brooks Seminary, in Owens College, and Manchester University, all of Manchester, England, and having resolved to become a member of the bar … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Morreau

Morreau, Albert; pres. Morreau Gas Fixture Co.; born, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 17, 1861; son of Leopold and Amelia Morreau; educated in public schools of native place; married, Cleveland, Jan. 7, 1893, Lea Nora Heller; issue, two sons, Myron H., and Leopold S.; worked in dry goods store in Frankfurt, for five years; went to Manchester, England, in export house, as asst. correspondent in German, French and English languages; came to Cleveland; for five years stock clerk for Landesman, Hirschheimer & Co.; started in business for himself in 1887; from a small business, the Morreau Gas Fixture Co. has grown to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Neil Stewart

Stewart, George Neil; university prof.; born, London, Can., April 18, 1860; son of James Innes and Catherine (Sutherland) Stewart; A. M., University of Edinburgh, 1883, B. S., 1886, D. Sc., 1887, M. B. and C. M., 1889, M. D. 1891; D. P. H., University of Cambridge, Eng., 1890; married; demonstrator of physiology, Owens College, Manchester, Eng., 1887-1889; George Henry Lewes student, University of Cambridge, 1889-1893; examiner in physiology, University of Aberdeen, 1891-1894; instructor Harvard Medical School, 1893-1894; prof. physiology and histology, Western Reserve University, 1894-1903; prof. physiology, University of Chicago, 1903-1907; prof. experimental medicine, Western Reserve University since 1907; member … Read more