Biography of Bartlett H. Campbell

BARTLETT H. CAMPBELL. A senior member of the law firm of Campbell & Kidwell in Elwood, Mr. Campbell is head of the best known combination of legal talent in this city, and has been an active member of the Madison County bar for more than twenty years, During this long practice as a lawyer, he has become one of the conspicuous leaders in political affairs and has been prominent in the councils of his party in many capacities, Bartlett M. Campbell is a native of Madison County, born in Richland Township, April 14, 1862, and represents the best of citizenship … Read more

Biography of Frank W. Witter

FRANK W. WITTER, The genuine western spirit of enterprise and progress is exemplified in the careers of such men as Frank W. Witter, of Van Buren Township-men whose laudable ambition, persevering determination and energetic natures have enabled them to conquer many adverse circumstances and surmount numerous obstacles, and to advance steadily to a leading position in their chosen walks of life, A resident of Van Buren Township for upwards of a quarter of a century, Mr. Witter has during this time gained the high regard of his fellow- citizens by his genuine worth, and as the owner of 170 acres … Read more

Biography of Winfield Shaul

WINFIELD SHAUL. The Shaul family, which Winfield Shaul of this review represents in this Township, is one of the oldest in Madison County, and the subject is the representative of the fourth generation to hold the land which the founder of the family entered from the government when the first of the name located here from the Keystone state in the earliest days of Indiana, long prior to her statehood, The first of the name to locate here entered land from the government, and ended his days in the cultivation of the wilderness tract he thus acquired. His son, Orange … Read more

Biography of Owen Huffman

OWEN HUFFMAN. Farming, with all its branches, has been considered a good line of business since the beginning of the world, but within the last quarter of a century it has been developed in a remarkable degree and at this time offers exceptional field for the man of energy, perseverance and ability. One of the excellent representatives of this modern progressive class of young farmers in Madison County is Owen Huffman, of Stony Creek Township, who has spent all his life in this County, and as the fruit of his own industry and good management has acquired an excellent homestead. … Read more

Biography of John B. Cragen

JOHN B. CRAGEN. Every branch of commercial and industrial activity is represented at Lapel, for this locality is not only a flourishing community, but furnishes a large contiguous territory that looks to it as a base of supply, For this reason many progressive men who seek the best locality for the prosecution of their lines of endeavor have settled here, confident in the future of the place and in their ability to make their mark upon its advancement. The men who succeed here, as elsewhere, in forging their way to the front ranks have to possess more than the average … Read more

Biography of Alva Thorn

ALVA THORN. one of the most progressive and successful agriculturists of Madison County, is the owner of a handsome farm of 260 acres, located in Van Buren Township, and has the added distinction of belonging to that class of self-made men of which this County is justly proud, His methods of farm management show sound judgment combined with deep scientific knowledge of his vocation, and the results of his labors demonstrate the fact that high-class farming as an occupation may be made profitable as well as pleasant, He has been a resident of this region throughout his career, and during … Read more

Biography of Emmor Williams

EMMOR WILLIAMS. Among the highly respected citizens of Madison County who have returned to agricultural pursuits after many years spent in other lines of endeavor, Emmor Williams, of Adams Township, is a representative example, He has always been an industrious, energetic workman, making his own way in the world by well directed efforts, and has fairly earned the respect and esteem in which he is universally held, Mr. Williams was born on a farm in Fall Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana, June 21, 1848, and is a son of Samuel F. and Arie A. (Rice) Williams. Henry Williams, the grandfather … Read more

Biography of Joseph Draper

JOSEPH DRAPER. In the eighty-fifth year of his life, Joseph Draper, whose home is in what is known as Scotts addition, and who is the owner of a section of land in Monroe Township, is one of the venerable old men of Madison County, has been a farmer, has grown many thousands of bushels of corn and wheat and other grain crops during his career, and his record is one of which his family and fellow citizens may well be proud, Joseph Draper was born December 18, 1828, in South Hampton, Virginia, the old Dominion state, a son of Thomas … Read more

Biography of Chester F. Scott

CHESTER F. SCOTT. The firm of Scott & Mead, plumbers and dealers in heating and plumbing supplies, is one of the well known business concerns of Anderson, established here in recent years, with Chester F. Scott as junior member of the firm. Mr. Scott was born in Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana, on January 25, 1883, and is the son of Dr. W. F. and Ada V. (Conkling) Scott. The father is a West Virginian by birth and there he spent his early days, coming to Indiana while yet in his young manhood. He is still living, and is in his … Read more

Biography of Alvin B. Williamson

ALVIN B. WILLIAMSON. Alvin B. Williamson has a well cultivated tract of eighty acres of land in Fall Creek Township, where he carries on stock farming, and where he has reached a comfortable state of prosperity in his agricultural activities, He ranks among the best known and most popular citizens of the Township, and has a host of good friends in and about the community which represents his home. Born on January 14, 1876, in Madison County, he is the son of Burwell and Mary J. (Mairifold) Williamson, both of whom are now deceased. Burwell and Mary Williamson were born … Read more

Biography of Walter Maul

WALTER MAUL. A native son of Pendleton, where he has passed all his life, Mr. Maul grew up in this community and learned a trade there, has used his business energy in extending his work and service, and is now enjoying a yearly increasing success as a brick-mason contractor. Walter Maul was born in Pendleton December 24, 1871, a son of George K. and Susan R. (Parson) Maul, The father was born at Huntsville in Fall Creek Township in 1847, so that the family is among the oldest in southwestern Madison County, The father now resides at Caney, Kansas, During … Read more

Biography of John W. Lambert

JOHN W. LAMBERT, originator of the famous Lambert Patented Friction Transmission, and treasurer and general manager of the Buckeye Manufacturing Company. The “Sage of East Aurora” has said: “To achieve fame, seek out an unpopular cause that you kn0w is right; then work for it, live for it, die for it.” There is something reflecting this thought underlying the struggles of those pioneers of industrial progress who have had the hardihood to disagree with established ideas and processes and substitute for them new methods and revolutionary inventions. Through years of discouragement and ridicule, Alexander Bell brought his telephone to final … Read more

Biography of Hon. Frank P. Foster

Frank Foster

HON. FRANK P. FOSTER. Anderson’s present mayor. has been one of the city’s most progressive and loyal citizens since locating here in 1879. Neither as a citizen nor as a representative in the lower branch of the State Legislature, at home or abroad, has he ever let a fitting opportunity pass to add his mite to the sum total of praise in favor of Anderson as a busy, enterprising city. A native of Orange County, Indiana, after receiving a common and high school education, he took a four years’ course at the Indiana State University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall

CURRAN “JACK” BEALL, Modern agriculture holds out many inducements to the industrious, progressive worker, especially when he has been trained to farming from boyhood, It is natural for such a man to capably perform the duties pertaining to this class of work, and, having had wide experience, he is able to recognize and appreciate the various advantages offered by new methods, Again, having passed through instructive experiences, he is not to be easily deceived with relation to the true value of proposed innovations, nor is he apt to decline advantageous propositions, The demands of his neighborhood are known to him, … Read more

Biography of James D. McKenzie

JAMES D. MCKENZIE, Situated half a mile southwest of the town of Lapel in Stony Creek Township the rural home of James D. McKenzie, a place of one hundred and twenty acres possesses all the attractive improvements and profitable quality for which Madison County farms are noted throughout the state, Mr. McKenzie has made farming his life work, has given it his best energy, and not only has substantial material fruits of his labors, but also the esteem and respect of the community in which he has for many years resided. James D. McKenzie was born in White River Township … Read more

Biography of Michael Striker

Michael Striker

MICHAEL STRIKER, When the Striker family first located in Ander-son son much of what is now within the city limits was open country covered with hazel brush or wood, and Eight Street, now one of the busiest thoroughfares of the County seat, wound in and about the trees which still cumbered its course. Various members of the family have been well known in this city and County and Mr. Michael Striker was for a long number of years successful as a butcher and wholesale and retail dealer in meats, but is now living retired. Michael Striker was born in Cincinnati, … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Nichol

HON. GEORGE NICHOL. Still hale and hearty at the age of eighty- three and a familiar figure on the streets of Anderson and a daily visitor at the store whose business was founded and built up by him, Hon, George Nichol has a record as a soldier, business man, public spirited citizen and official, which places him among the most venerable and useful men of Madison County, Nearly sixty years of his life time has been spent within the limits of this County, and he is one of the few still living whose memory and intimate knowledge of business and … Read more

Biography of Samuel Swain

SAMUEL SWAIN. The old citizenship of Madison County had no better representative than the late Samuel Swain, who was born in Fall Creek Township in the decade of the forties, and who died on the 9th of September, 1913. He had been continuously identified with this section of the County throughout practically all the years that intervened since the pioneer period. Mr. Swain was an infant when the first railroad was brought through the County and in the vicinity of his old homestead, he was a boy in his teens when the Civil war broke out, and he witnessed practically … Read more

Biography of Enoch E. Byrum

Enoch Bryum

ENOCH E. BYRUM. A distinguished and influential member of the clergy of the Church of God, author of high-grade and valuable works and president of the Gospel Trumpet Company, whose printing and publishing plant, located near the city of Anderson, is one of the finest in the state of Indiana, Mr. Byrum is numbered among the prominent and honored citizens of Madison County, has been a power for good in the various relations of life, is a man of high attainments and exalted character and is eminently entitled to representation in this publication. Enoch E. Byrum is a native son … Read more

Biography of Frederick Mosiman

FREDERICK MOSIMAN. Into two classes may roughly be divided men who achieve success. The first of these are the dashing geniuses who engineer brilliant coups and march to victory with good fortune waiting on their talents; the second class consists of the patient, solid men, who forge more slowly but more surely forward, and whose accomplishments are as a rule more stable and permanent. In the second class of business men of Elwood may be mentioned Frederick Mosiman, a resident of this city for more than twenty-two years, during which time he has steadily advanced as a factor in the … Read more