Biography of Alonzo D. Norris

ALONZO D. NORRIS. Holding prestige as the leading fruit grower of Adams Township, Alonzo D. Norris has also the distinction of belonging to that class of men who have achieved their success through personal effort, as he entered upon his career without financial backing or influential connections and has worked his way to the front by steady application, untiring industry and constant perseverance. From modest beginnings he has built up a business which adds to the importance of Madison County as a fruit-growing center, and at the same time has identified himself with all movements which have gone to make … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city. Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris

THOMAS MORRIS. Perseverance, intelligence and industry combine oto form the price of success in farming in these modern days of agricultural work, when the hard, unremitting toil of former years has given way in large degree to the scientific use of modern machinery and a comprehensive knowledge of intelligent methods of treating the soil, Madison County is the home of many skilled farmers who treat their vocation more as a profession than as a mere occupation and take a pardonable and justifiable pride in their accomplishments, among, these being Thomas Morris, the owner of eighty acres of fine land located … Read more

Biography of Walter Isanogel

WALTER ISANOGEL, Special interest attaches to the career of this well known and highly esteemed citizen of Chesterfield, for he is a native of Madison County, a representative of one of its sterling pioneer families and has been prominently concerned with civic and business activities in the County which has ever been his home. Mr. Isanogel was born on a farm in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana, on the 3rd of January, 1863, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Goheen) Isanogel, whose names are prominently identified with the annals of Madison County, where they took up their abode … Read more

Biography of John W. Lewark

JOHN W. LEWARK. Madison County’s citizenship contains few members whose careers have illustrated so well the varied battle with fortune and with circumstance as that of Mr. John W. Lewark, of Pendleton. Mr. Lewark came to Madison County a runaway boy, obtained his education between periods of hard work, went from this County to the Union ranks in the great war between the states, and since returning a veteran from that conflict has been one of the honored citizens and business men of Pendleton. John W. Lewark was born in the city of Anderson on Ninth Street, April 20, 1842, … Read more

Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of Amos Underwood

AMOS UNDERWOOD. About the best means by which a man can establish the highest credit for integrity and good citizenship, is to maintain a long residence in one locality, where all his neighbors know him under a great variety of circumstances, test his reliability and still continue to sustain him as a valued and valuable citizen. It is through this test that Amos Underwood has been judged one of the leading agriculturists of Adams Township, while his reputation as a citizen is equally high. He is now the owner of a well-cultivated property, situated on the northeast one-quarter of section … Read more

Biography of Dr. Lot Edward Alexander

Lot E. Alexander

DR. LOT EDWARD ALEXANDER has practiced medicine and has performed the varied responsibilities and duties of good citizenship at Pendleton, since 1879, and is one of the best known citizens of Madison County. His name is spoken with respect on the north and east sides of the County, but it is with his home community of Pendleton that he has been most closely identified. Dr. Alexander is descended from old ,American stock, originally of Scotch ancestry on both father’s and mother’s side. The family was founded in America by Hugh Alexander, who emigrated from Scotland in 1736 and settled in … Read more

Biography of Ira Williams

IRA WILLIAMS. Now retired from business and looking after his real estate business in Anderson, Mr. Williams is a citizen of Madison County, who started out as a farmer, found himself against a losing game, then managed to turn, ventured into a new field in a very modest way and by furnishing exceptional value and service in return for his customer’s money, built up a local business which was highly profitable and from which he was able to retire a few years ago, and spend his later years in comfort, To his wife he also credits a large share of … Read more

Biography of James J. Netterville

James J. Netterville

JAMES J. NETTERVILLE. It is highly probable that there are few residents of Madison County who are unfamiliar with the name of James J. Netterville. His is the name of a man, essentially self-made and the term in this instance is used in the broadest application possible, being that of one who in early life determined to win success if industry :Ind good management might be held as factors in the ultimate realization of his ambition. With neither the prestige of family nor the open sesame of money to aid him, he has made his way to the front ranks … Read more

Biography of George W. Showers

GEORGE W. SHOWERS. Now filling the office of justice of the peace in Anderson, Mr. Showers has been identified by residence and business with Anderson and with Madison County for more than twenty years. In business affairs he is best known as a building contractor, and has done much substantial work as evidence of his ability in this line. George W. Showers was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1847, a son of John H. and Maria (Hicks) Showers, In 1856, when George was nine years old, the family moved from Pennsylvania to Henry County, Indiana, locating at a … Read more

Biography of Bushrod W. Scott

BUSHROD W. SCOTT. For many years the name Scott was familiarly associated with the mercantile enterprise of the city of Anderson. Mr. Scott first became a resident of Madison County, about the beginning of the Civil war, 1860, arriving here a comparatively, poor young man, and from one employment to another gradually advanced until he became an independent business man, and was in the list of successful merchants until he finally retired from business and is now spending his later years in the enjoyment of a well won prosperity, He belongs to a prominent old family of colonial ancestors, and … Read more

Biography of Mark E. Winings

MARK E. WININGS, The proprietor of the undertaking parlors at 1610 Main Street in Elwood, Mr. Winings is a young business man whose conscientious work in his profession has been much appreciated in Elwood, where he has been a resident for the past ten years, and has enjoyed a progressive success in his business, He was born, reared and spent most of his life in Indiana, and Mr. Winings has enjoyed probably a larger share of world travel than any of his contemporaries in business at Elwood, and his career has had many diversified and interesting experiences. He was born … Read more

Biography of Carroll K. McCullough

C. K. McCullough

C. K. MCCULLOUGH. Until his death on October 31, 1909, Carroll K. McCullough was one of the foremost leaders in the business activities of Anderson and Madison County. He was known as a banker in the local insurance field, as a legislator, and in many ways was identified with the public life of his County and state. The McCulloughs have for sixty years been prominent in the history of Madison County, and members of three generations have given their enterprise and character to the framing and development of the varied life and interests of this locality. The late C. K. … Read more

Biography of Oscar F. Mingle, D. V. S.

OSCAR F. MINGLE, D. V. S. A resident of Pendleton for the past four years, and the only doctor of veterinary surgery in that locality, Dr. Mingle is a progressive young citizen and has made a very excellent success in his profession and in general affairs of citizenship in this locality. Oscar F. Mingle was born in Hancock County, Indiana, May, 28, 1878, a son of Madison and Martha D. (Jackson) Mingle. The father now makes his home in Pendleton and the mother passed away in the fall of 1906. They were the parents of five children, four of whom … Read more

Biography of Henry P. Hardie

HENRY P. HARDIE. Among the capable public officials of Madison County who are discharging the duties of high public positions with fidelity and efficiency, none is held in higher esteem than Henry P, Hardie, the postmaster of Anderson, a man who has long been identified with the business interests of the city. He is a native of England, born at Woolwich in County Kent, in February, 1868. His parents were Henry and Mary (Johnson) Hardie, natives of England, the former being for a number of years employed in the Illinois Steel Company’s works at Joliet, Illinois. He came to Anderson … Read more

Biography of Weems Bronnenberg

WEEMS BRONNENBERG. Agricultural methods have changed very materially during the past several generations, and now that progression among the farmers has become a vital national issue there is every reason to suppose that still further advance will be made along all lines, Interurban service, the telephone and the automobile, with the consequent bettering of the roads on account of the increased popularity of the last- named, have brought the farmers much closer together and have placed them in close touch with the centers of activity, and the man today who devotes himself to the cultivation of the soil finds himself … Read more

Biography of Harrison Rittenhouse Kincaid

HARRISON RITTENHOUSE KINCAID. – This well-known journalist of Oregon, the emanations of whose pen have appeared either originally or as selections in almost every newspaper of the state, is the eldest son of Thomas and Nancy Kincaid, pioneers of 1853, and was born in Madison county, Indiana, January 3, 1836. At the age of seventeen he came with his parents to our state, and with them made his home in Lane county. Among his early labors was work on the mill-race at the present site of Springfield. In 1855 he made a trip to Southern Oregon to operate in the … Read more

Biography of C. B. Pendleton, M. D.

C. B. PENDLETON, M. D. Among the men of Madison County who have won positions of prestige in various lines of endeavor through the exercise of native ability, good judgment and constant integrity, Dr. C. B. Pendleton, of Adams Township, holds prominent place. A member of a family that had been connected with the growth and development of this section for more than eighty years, he has steadfastly maintained the family reputation for public spirit and personal probity, and no man stands in higher esteem in the medical profession, in agricultural affairs or in public life. He was born on … Read more

Biography of Frank W. Witter

FRANK W. WITTER, The genuine western spirit of enterprise and progress is exemplified in the careers of such men as Frank W. Witter, of Van Buren Township-men whose laudable ambition, persevering determination and energetic natures have enabled them to conquer many adverse circumstances and surmount numerous obstacles, and to advance steadily to a leading position in their chosen walks of life, A resident of Van Buren Township for upwards of a quarter of a century, Mr. Witter has during this time gained the high regard of his fellow- citizens by his genuine worth, and as the owner of 170 acres … Read more