Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Vet Thompson

(See Duncan and Grant)-Louisa Tabitha West, born March 8 1862, educated in Female Seminary. Married September 28, 1880, John Rogers Martin, born February 25, 1885. They were the parents of Hernando, born August 14, 1882; Birdie May, born March 26, 1884; Johanna R, born July 18, 1886, and DeWitt T. Martin, born May 12, 1888. John Rogers Martin died November 10, 1887, and she married January 27, 1890, Vet Thompson, born September 8, 1861, in Macon County, Missouri. They are the parents of James W., born April 11, 1891; Lewis, born February 2, 1893, and Carrie, born November 13, 1898. … Read more

Biography of Dr. John H. Moore

DR. JOHN H. MOORE, who has made his home in this county for a number of years, came originally from St. Francois County, Missouri, where his birth occurred on the 27th of January, 1838. His father, Dr. Robert Moore, who was a practicing physician in Iron and St. Francois Counties, Missouri, for years, died in the former county in 1854. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, in 1807, and was a son of Armstead Moore, who was of Irish parentage. The father of our subject began the practice of medicine when twenty-one years of age, and about the year … Read more

Biography of Alexander M. Dockery

Alexander M. Dockery was born in Livingston county, Missouri, February 11, 1845. His father is a distinguished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Sarah E. McHaney, his mother, was a native of Kentucky; of their family of three children, the subject of this sketch is the only survivor. He received a thorough classical education in Macon Academy, Macon, Missouri. In 1863 he entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated in March, 1865, receiving his diploma. Dr. Dockery then located for the practice of his chosen profession in Linneus, Missouri, where he pursued the practice of medicine … Read more