Biography of Harry C. Bohrer, M. D.

Dr. Harry C. Bohrer, a St. Louis surgeon, who though among the younger representatives of the profession, has attained a prominence that many an older physician might well envy, was born in Macon, Missouri, October 8, 1890. His father, the late George W. Bohrer, was also a native of this state and a representative of an old Pennsylvania family that was established in Missouri in pioneer times. The grandfather was David Bohrer, who came to Missouri long prior to the Civil war and devoted his life to agricultural pursuits here. George W. Bohrer was reared and educated in Kansas and … Read more

Biography of Joseph Knight

JOSEPH A. KNIGHT. – A capable and enterprising citizen of Union county who has labored for the advancement of the county for many years, displaying both ability and integrity in these efforts as in all his career, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in ths volume, and it is with pleasure that we accord to him such, being assured that he is one of the substantial men of the county. Caswell county, North Carolina, is his native place and September 19, 1838, the date of his birth, his parents being William and Susan R. (Harrison(, natives of … Read more

Biography of Patrick A. Dickerson

Patrick A. Dickerson is now serving his second term as sheriff of Rice County, with headquarters in the county seat at Lyons. Mr. Dickerson had had a varied and active experience in life, but for many years was in railroad work and was called from a position in that service to his present office. Mr. Dickerson was born at La Plata, Missouri, August 10, 1877. The Dickerson family came originally from Ireland to the United States. His father, P. H. T. Dickerson, was born in Baron County, Kentucky, in 1833. He made a successful career largely by hard work and … Read more