Biographical Sketch of A. Ball

A. Ball, of Redlands, is a native of Vermont, born April 5, 1832. His father, Orange Ball, moved to Ashtabula County, Ohio, in 1840, where he farmed until his death, which occurred in December, 1873. The subject of this sketch was reared in the “Buckeye” State, and in 1854 left his native State to be gone only three months. He went to Jefferson County, Wisconsin, where he engaged in farming. Then he took five months to drive with wagons to Silver City, Nevada, where he mined and teamed until 1864, when he went to Sonoma County, California, and engaged in … Read more

Biography of Cassius H. Brown

It is very acceptable to have the privilege of giving in epitome the salient points of the career of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Brown, familiarly known as Judge Brown is one of the pioneers of this County and has always been much interested in its welfare, prominent in politics, a leader in the advancement of the cause of education, a prominent citizen and property owner and a large hearted, genial, upright, capable, and talented American citizen. The birth of Cassius H. was on December 27, 1852, in a log cabin in … Read more