Biography of William Chester

The substantial rewards that come to the able and upright man as the result of well-doing, small as they may be in comparison with the fortunes and apparent honors won by questionable methods, bring With them a sense of satisfaction to which the sharp financier and the corrupt politician live and die as strangers. A man who wisely and honestly adjudicated the small misunderstandings of his fellow citizens for sixteen years, and who has the respect of all those for or against whom he has decided, as has Justice Chester, of Soda Springs, Idaho, has a greater reward than the … Read more

Biography of Captain Joseph Kellogg

CAPTAIN JOSEPH KELLOGG. – The old People’s Transportation Company of the Willamette has a record in the annals of early navigation scarcely less glorious than that of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company of the Columbia. Of this company, Captain Kellogg was one of the originators. The Kelloggs are of old revolutionary stock, the father, Orrin Kellogg, having been born at St. Albans, Vermont, in 1790. He was married to Miss Margaret Miller, in Canada, in 1811. In 1812 they went to Canada; and, the war between Great Britain and the United States breaking out, they as Americans were not allowed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Z. Howe

Howe, Albert Z.; contract mgr.; born, Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1872; son of Albert E. and Olga C. Zallee Howe; educated, public schools, Buffalo, N. Y., and private tutor in mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry; married, St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1897, Mary Frances Hogue; first business experience, at seven-teen years of age, was in surveying and civil engineering in Buffalo, N. Y., followed by several years of the same class of work in railroad construction in the West and Southwest; later chief draftsman for the St. Louis Water Department, six years, when the sedentary occupation compelled a change; came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Shields

JOHN H. SHIELDS. – The reader of this sketch can find elsewhere within these pages an excellent view of the mill and lumber yard of the gentleman named above, and upon glancing at its proportions will not dispute the assertion that Mr. Shields stands well to the fore among the more prominent of the lumber merchants of the Pacific Northwest. Being attracted with the location of Sprague, Washington Territory, he established himself there in 1882. His business grew to such proportions that in 1885 he found it necessary to add to his equipment a large planing-mill. His enterprise occupies one … Read more

Charles Henry Todd of Lockport NY

Charles Henry Todd8, (Justus B.7, William6, Yale5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 6, 1847, died Dec. 30, 1908, married July 22, 1868, Marilla Augusta Willard, of Lockport, N. Y., who was born Sept. 3, 1849. He, too, was a miller and lived in Lockport, N. Y. He was shipping clerk at the Thompson Milling Company for over 25 years. Also, he was an Elder, Trustee and Treasurer of Calvery Presbyterian Church, in Lockport, N. Y. Children: 2285. Helen Hortense, b. Sept. 24, 1869, d. March 21, 1896, m. June 14, 1894, Charles C. Campbell. 2286. Harry Willard, b. Aug. … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Spooner

Charles E. Spooner. When he started upon his wage-earning career, at the age of fifteen years, Charles E. Spooner began at the bottom of the ladder in the capacity of bundle-boy in a department store. No favors were shown him, for he had no important friends or other favoring influences, but his fidelity, energy and ability won him recognition and promotion and he soon grew beyond the opportunities of his immediate environment, and from that time his advancement has been sure and steady. In 1888 he became connected with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, in a minor position and … Read more

William Todd of Lockport NY

William Todd8, (Justus B.7, William6, Yale5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 30, 1845, married June 12, 1865, Delina Hollenbeck, of Lockport, N. Y., who was born Aug. 18, 1848. He was a miller and lived in Lockport, N. Y. Children: 2282. Charles A., b. June 30, 1866, d. Oct. 14, 1872. *2283. Frank C., b. Sept. 22, 1874. 2284. Frederick Bellamy, b. Dec. 23, 1879, d. Sept. 23, 1888.