Slave Narrative of Henry Banner

Interviewer: S. S. Taylor Person Interviewed: Henry Banner Location: County Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas [HW: Forty Acres and a Mule] “I was sold the third year of the war for fifteen years old. That would be in 1864. That would make my birthday come in 1849. I must have been 12 year old when the war started and sixteen when Lee surrendered. I was born and raised in Russell County, Ol’ Virginny. I was sold out of Russell County during the war. Ol’ Man Menefee refugeed me into Tennessee near Knoxville. They sold me down there to a man named … Read more

Slave Narrative of Marshall Mack

Person Interviewed: Marshall Mack Date of Birth: September 10, 1854 Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Age: 83 I was born September 10, 1854. I am the second child of five. My mother was named Sylveston Mack and my father Booker Huddleston. I do not remember my mother’s master, ‘came he died before I was born. My Mistress was named Mancy Mack. She was the mother of six children, four boys and two girls. Three of dem boys went to the war and one packed and went off sons what and nobody beard from him doing of the whole war. But soon … Read more