Slave Narrative of Rosa Starke

Interviewer: W. W. Dixon Person Interviewed: Rosa Starke Location: Winnsboro, South Carolina Date of Birth: 1854 Age: 83 Occupation: Farm work, hoeing and picking cotton. Rosa’s grandfather was a slave of Solicitor Starke. Although she has had two husbands since slavery, she has thrown their names into the discard and goes by the name of Rosa Starke. She lives in a three-room frame house with her son, John Harrison, two miles south of Winnsboro, S.C., on the plantation of Mrs. Rebecca V. Woodward. She still does farm work, hoeing and picking cotton. “They say I was six years old when … Read more

Slave Narrative of Delia Thompson

Interviewer: W. W. Dixon Person Interviewed: Delia Thompson Location: South Carolina Age: 88 “I’s heard tell of you, and sent for you to come to see me. Look lak I can no more git ’bout on dese under pins lak I use to. Dere’s de swing you can set in or chair right by me, now which you rather? I’s glad you takes de chair, ’cause I can keep steady gaze more better on dat face of your’n. Lord! I been here in dis world a long time, so I has. Was born on de Kilgo place near Liberty Hill, … Read more