Antique Rock Citadel of Kienuka, in Lewiston, Niagara County, NY

Map of Antique rock citadel of Kienuka, in Lewiston, Niagara County

In the preceding sketches, evidences have been presented of the readiness and good judgment of the aboriginal fort builders of western New York, in availing themselves of steeps, gulfs, defiles, and other marked localities, in establishing works for security or defense. This trait is, however, in no case more strikingly exemplified than in the curious antique work before us, which is called, by the Tuscaroras, Kienuka. The term Kienuka is said to mean the stronghold or fort, from which there is a sublime view. It is situated about three and a half or four miles eastward of the outlet of … Read more

Blakeslee, Caroline D. – Obituary

Caroline D. Blakeslee, age 90 years, 4 months and 22 days, died in La Grande Monday last, and the funeral took place from the Episcopal church, Union, Wednesday afternoon, the 30th inst. Mrs. Blakeslee was 90 years old, having been born in Lewiston, New York, September 6, 1827. She was married to Chas. L. Blakeslee, May 12, 1850, and lived in Battle Creek, Mich., until 1865, when they crossed the plains to Union, where she lived until 1910. Since that time she has loved with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver. Mr. Blakeslee passed away June 1, 1905. She is survived by … Read more

Tuscarora Indians

Tuscarora Tribe, Tuscarora Confederacy: From their own name Skǎ-ru’-rěn, signifying according to Hewitt (in Hodge, 1910), “hemp gatherers,” and applied on account of the great use they made of Apocynum cannabinum. Also called: Ă-ko-t’ǎs’-kǎ-to’-rěn Mohawk name. Ani’-Skǎlǎ’lǐ, Cherokee name. Ă-t’ǎs-kǎ-lo’-lěn, Oneida name. Tewohomomy (or Keew-ahomomy), Saponi name. Tuscarora Connections. The Tuscarora belonged to the Iroquoian linguistic family. Tuscarora Location. On the Roanoke, Tar, Pamlico, and Neuse Rivers. (See also Pennsylvania and New York.) Tuscarora Subdivisions. The Tuscarora should be considered a confederacy with three tribes or a tribe with three subtribes as follows: Kǎ’tě’nu’ā’kā’, “People of the submerged pine tree”; … Read more