Lewiston New York

Antique Rock Citadel of Kienuka, in Lewiston, Niagara County, NY

Last Updated on June 22, 2014 by In the preceding sketches, evidences have been presented of the readiness and good judgment of the aboriginal fort builders of western New York, in availing themselves of steeps, gulfs, defiles, and other marked localities, in establishing works for security or defense. This trait is, however, in no case […]

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Tuscarora Indians

Last Updated on May 6, 2012 by Dennis Tuscarora Tribe, Tuscarora Confederacy: From their own name Skǎ-ru’-rěn, signifying according to Hewitt (in Hodge, 1910), “hemp gatherers,” and applied on account of the great use they made of Apocynum cannabinum. Also called: Ă-ko-t’ǎs’-kǎ-to’-rěn Mohawk name. Ani’-Skǎlǎ’lǐ, Cherokee name. Ă-t’ǎs-kǎ-lo’-lěn, Oneida name. Tewohomomy (or Keew-ahomomy), Saponi name.

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