Biographical Sketch of Charles Harris

Harris, Charles; university prof.; born Albion, Ill., Nov. 19, 1859; son of George and Catherine Smith Harris; A. B., Indiana University, 1879; Ph. D., University of Leipzig. 1883; married. Mary McCalla, of Bloomington, Ind., Dec. 24, 1884; teacher in academy, Vincennes, Ind., 1883-1886; prof. French and German, Southern Illinois State Normal School, 1886-1888; prof. German, Oberlin College, 1888-1893, Western Reserve University, since 1893; member Modern Language Assn, America. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi; Episcopalian. Author: German Composition, 1890; German Lessons, 1892; German Reader, 1895. Editor: Wichert’s An der Majorsecke, 1895; Goethe’s Poems, 1899; Lessing’s Hamburgische Dramaturgie (abridged edit.), 1901. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mattoon Monroe Curtis

Curtis, Mattoon Monroe; university prof.; born, Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858; son of William F. and Harriet E. (Royce) Curtis; A. B., Hamilton College, 1880; A. M., 1882; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1883; studied University of Leipzig, 1889-1891, Ph. D., 1890; married, Emily, daughter of William Few Chrystie, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1884; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1883; pastor Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1883-1885; Beck-with Memorial Church, Cleveland, 1885-1888; prof. philosophy, Western Reserve University since 1891; supervisor of 13th Federal Census in Cuyahoga County, O., vice pres. Cleveland School of Art; member board managers, Western Reserve University; member American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Johann Heinrich Beck

Beck, Johann Heinrich; composer; born, Cleveland, 0., Sept. 12, 1856; son of Charles and Rebecca J. (Butler) Beck; high school education, Cleveland; graduate Leipzig Conservatory of Music, 1882; special studies on string instruments and all branches of musical composition; married Blandina Fellar, of Tiffin, O., June 19, 1890; ex-member examining board of American compositions and violin examiner of American College of Musicians; director Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1895; director Cleveland Symphony Orchestra since 1900; also of Pilgrim Orchestra, Hermits Club Orchestra and Elyria Grand Orchestra, composer: overture to “Lara,” performed by Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1886; “Skirnismal,” performed by Thomas Orchestra, Chicago, … Read more