Biographical Sketch of J. M. Mock

J. M. Mock, farming; P. O. Charleston the subject of this sketch was born in Hocking Co., Ohio, April 1, 1839. He married Miss Catharine J. Zimmerman Nov. 22, 1866; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., near Ashmore, June 17, 1843; they had six children – four living, viz., Sarah C., Edward W., Oscar B. and Florence I. ;he lived in Ohio until he was 15 years old, when, with his parents he moved to Coles Co., Ill., and settled near Oakland; this was in 1854; they engaged in farming, where he lived until 1860; they then moved to … Read more

Biography of Albert Arthur Hurd

Albert Arthur Hurd. The professional intimates of the late Albert Arthur Hurd unhesitatingly place him among the most able corporation lawyers who ever graced the Topeka bar. The reputation of men who gain eminence in this branch of the law is not made in a day. Such a reputation requires not only natural talent, but the most thorough preparation and strenuous, continuous and intense application and industry. That he became recognized as one of the best railroad lawyers in the United States was due to the possession of exceptional ability and character, and also to the fact that he was … Read more

Biography of Joshua A. Downing

A man of ability and executive force, as is manifested in the results of his faithful endeavor, in the industrial world: a pioneer in at least two different counties of our state: a builder of Wallowa County, and a stanch and upright citizen of the same today, the subject of this article is eminently worthy to receive proper representation in this volume that purports both to chronicle the history of Union and Wallowa counties and makes mention as well of the early pioneers, as the leading citizens of today: and it is with pleasure that we accord the same to … Read more