George Ammonds Todd of Ottawa IL

George Ammonds Todd9, (Edwin D.8, George7, Joel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 21, 1876, married Anna Barclay Hollis, of Petersburg, Ill. He is director of Manual Training in the Ottawa Township High School, at Ottawa, Ill. Children: 2539. Marguerite Georgiana, b. July 12, 1904. 2540. Maynard Arthur, b. April 10, 1908. 2541. George, b. June 10, 1910.

Biographical Sketch of F. L. Pound

F. L. Pound. Merchant, Ionia, was born in Wayne County, N. Y., May 15, 1844. Removed to La Salle County, Ill., in 1860. Enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August, 1862; was discharged in June, 1865, when he returned to Odell, Ill. He came to Jewell County, Kan, in 1870, and took a homestead nine miles from Mankato. Is now doing business in Ionia, in same county in a room 34×50 feet, two stories high, built in 1882. Held office of Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Is a member of the Odd … Read more

Harry Washington Todd of Davenport IA

Harry Washington Todd9, (Ira8, Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 9, 1856, in Vermillionville, Ill., married Nov. 13, 1899, Neva L. Dimmitt, who was born April 5, 1876, in Kansas. They lived in Urbana, Ill., where he was an instructor in the Illinois Agricultural College. Both of their children were born in Lasalle, Ill. He is now (1920) living in Davenport, Iowa. Children: 2611. Isabel Washburn, b. Sept. 7, 1900. 2612. George Eldred, b. June 26, 1902.

Biography of Keith W. White

Keith Wood White, a retired farmer now residing in Grangeville, is a native of the far-off state of Connecticut, his birth having occurred in the town of Ashford, Windham County, on the 15th of May 1838. His ancestors came from old England and settled in New England at an early epoch in the history of this country, and there the family remained for several generations. Keith W. White, the father of our subject, was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, and married Catharine Farnum, a native of Connecticut. They became the parents of two children, and the father provided for their support … Read more

Biography of Egbert P. Little

Egbert P. Little is one of the old residents of Champaign County, having come here with his parents nearly fifty years ago. The business to which he successfully applied his efforts through many years was farming, but he is now living retired in the city of Champaign. Mr. Little prospered as a farmer and stock man, and his material circumstances have added to his own comfort and have also provided means and training for the careers of his children, in whom he takes special pride. Mr. Little was born in La Salle County, Illinois, September 3, 1857, a son of … Read more

Uebelacker, Frank – Obituary

Last Sunday afternoon about two o’clock Frank Uebelacker passed away. Mr. Uebelacker was born in Germany 44 years ago, came to America, stopping at Streator, Ills., in 1882; came to Kittitas valley and married Miss Anna Michel, July 16, 1888. To this union nine children were born, eight of whom are living. The funeral was held from St. Andrews church Wednesday at 10 a.m. Frank was born September 1860 and died December 22, 1904. He is buried in Ellensburg in the Holy Cross Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Samuel J. Hayes

Samuel J. Hayes, residing in Redlands, on Cypress Avenue, was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, June 20, 1826. His father, Gaylord Hayes, was a second cousin to ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes. When Samuel was a lad of seven his father removed to La Salle County, Illinois, where he engaged in stock-raising until his death, which occurred in 1838, when Samuel was but twelve. His mother died in 1842, and he had to provide and care for his three younger brothers and sister. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, where he mined for six months and then returned to … Read more

Biography of J. C. Manning

One of the most useful and active citizens of Nowata is J. C. Manning, who has been holding the office of city manager since 1920. A native of Indiana, he was born in La Fayette, on the 7th of April, 1881, and there received his early education. After graduating from high school he became a student at Purdue University and was graduated from that institution in 1901, with the B. S. degree. Subsequently he made his initial step into the business world as an employee in the engineering department of the Illinois Central Railroad and after ten years in that … Read more

The Illinois Indians – Indian Wars

Some years ago there was deposited in the Archives of the “Historical Society” of Chicago a record in reference to the history of the Illinois Indians, a portion of which is interesting as connected with this matter. It was deposited by Judge Caton, who became a citizen of Chicago thirty-nine years ago, when the whole country was occupied as the hunting grounds of the Pottowattomie tribe. Their chief, Shabboni, died in 1849, the only remnant of this once powerful tribe. Of him it could be truth-fully said he was the last of his race. Comparatively not long since the surrounding … Read more

Biography of Alonzo D. Haight

Alonzo D. Haight, who is one of the earlier settlers of Riverside, has been identified with the growth of the colony since April, 1876. At that time he purchased a Government claim for forty acres of land located on Palm avenue, about two and a half miles south of Riverside, and commenced its improvement. Later he was compelled to purchase the same land from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, it being claimed under their land grants from the Government. At first Mr. Haight planted largely of deciduous fruits and vines, but as experience showed the value of citrus fruits he … Read more

Biography of Patrick Henry Cain

Patrick Henry Cain. For many years one of the highly respected and substantial citizens of Philo Township, Mr. Cain has been chiefly identified with farming, and has not only provided well for his family but is regarded as one of the men of influence of his community. Though a resident of Champaign County since childhood, Mr. Cain was born at Peru in LaSalle County, Illinois, in 1865. His parents, Thomas and Bridget (Finn) Cain, were both natives of Ireland. In 1878 the family removed to Champaign County and located on a farm in Colfax Township. The parents both died on … Read more

Ainsworth, Margaret Helen Bowling Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Margaret Helen Ainsworth died Feb. 28, 2005, in Baker City. At her request there will be no funeral. Her friends and family will have many memories of her to share now and always. She was born on March 16, 1919, at Mendota, Ill., to Edwin Bowling and Carrie Belle Ashley Bowling. Margaret was raised in Wyoming, Colorado and California. Her father was a Methodist minister and a circuit rider between small towns in Wyoming and Colorado, before being assigned to a church in California. Margaret graduated high school and married Harold W. Davis at Campbell, … Read more

Biography of M. J. Morlan

M.J. MORLAN. – This prominent citizen of The Dalles was born in Lake County, Ohio, in 1835. In 1846 he moved to La Salle County, Illinois. In that state his parents were successful in securing good land and in improving their farms; and this was the home of our subject until he attained his majority. With a somewhat limited education, but with abundance of muscle and determination, he began life for himself working as a hired hand on his father’s farm, and saving nearly all his earnings. His innate ambition and desire to reach the higher walks of life induced … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Antoxe Hinkey

The popular proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Nampa is a native of Ottawa, Illinois, where he was born April 2, 1857, his ancestors having come from Germany. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Ottawa, where he remained until reaching his eighteenth year, when he went to Nevada and engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1888 and then he came to Nampa and built the Commercial House, which has done the greater part of the hotel business of the town. The building is fifty by sixty feet, two stories in height, and contains thirty nicely furnished … Read more