Nichols, A. W. – Obituary

The Waverly (Kansas) Gazette of August 22 contains this announcement of the death of A.W. Nichols, a former respected citizen of Union. A.W. Nichols died Saturday afternoon, August 16, 1913, from appendicitis. He had been operated on for appendicitis a few days previously for the removal of the diseased appendix, but when the incision was made it was found the appendix had ruptured and the puss had entered the abdominal cavity, where it caused peritonitis, which was the immediate cause of his death. Arthur W. Nichols was the son of Joseph H. and Addie F. Nichols, and was born at … Read more

Biography of Bert Edward Nussbaum

Muskogee has every reason to be proud of her bench and bar. The representatives thereof have, on the whole, been men of high character and of marked capability in the field of their chosen profession. In a calling where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability Bert Edward Nussbaum has made for himself a creditable position and by reason of this his life’s story is an interesting one. He was born in La Porte, Indiana, February 16, 1875, and is a son of L. and Bettie (Fleishel) Nussbaum. The father was a merchant who long conducted a saddlery hardware … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Nicholas Hailmann

Hailmann, William Nicholas; educator; born, Glaris, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1836; son of William Alexander and Babette Hailmann; educated, Gymnasium, Zurich, and with tutor; studied in Medical College, Louisville, Ky., 1855-1856; (hon. A. M. University of Louisville, 1864; Ph. D., Ohio University, 1885); married Eudora Lucas, of Louisville, Dec. 24, 1857 (died 1904); 2d Helena Kuhn, of Detroit, Dec. 25, 1907; teacher of natural sciences, Louisville High Schools, 1856-1865; director German and English Academy, Louisville, 1865-1973; director German and English Academy, Milwaukee, 1873-1878; director German-American Seminary, Detroit, 1878-1883; supt. public schools, La Porte, Ind., 1883-1894; nat. supt. of Indian schools, 1894-8; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. Rynearson

A.W. RYNEARSON. – Mr. Rynearson, one of the most substantial fruit-growers of the Grande Ronde, was born in Pennsylvania in 1830. He received an academic education at McEwansville academy, and at the age of eighteen sought a business field at La Porte, Indiana. In 1852 he made the journey across the plains to Oregon, living first at Butteville, in Marion county. Ten years later he sought a new location, selecting the Grande Ronde as the most eligible point, and locating near La Grande. He has brought his farm to high cultivation, having an orchard of eight hundred trees, with small … Read more