Biography of Jehiel T. Day

Jehiel T. Day was born near Mt. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, November 12, 1833. He was reared and grew to manhood in his native place, receiving his primary education in Sloan’s Academy, of Mt. Vernon, which he completed with. a two years’ course in Oberlin College. In his twenty-first year he became a teacher in the district schools, which occupation he alternated with farming, continuing to teach in winter and farm in summer until the dark cloud of civil war hovered over the land in the spring of 1861. In April of that year he laid aside his peaceful pursuits … Read more

Biography of Robert Ernest Cullison

Robert Ernest Cullison. The senior member of the well-known law firm of Cullison, Forrest & Clifford, Robert Ernest Cullison had long been a prominent figure in many of the legal controversies of Allen County, in which his unerring judgment and ability to provide the solution of many complexities have proven his right to be numbered among the distinguished members of the bar of his part of the state. Since the beginning of his career he had practiced at Iola, where he had on several occasions been the incumbent of official positions of importance. Mr. Cullison as a lawyer, conducting cases … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Jacob Young’s Company

(From Knox and Richland Counties.) Served from August 26, until October 31, 1812. Capt. Jacob Young Lieut. George Sapp Lieut. Insly Johnston Ensign, John Parcel Ensign, Amos H. Royer Ensign, Daniel Ayres Sergt. Ziba Jackson Sergt. Jesse Inlow Sergt. Andrew Kirkpatric Sergt. Peter Wolf Sergt. John Logan Sergt. Joseph Denman Sergt. Henry George Corp. William Evans Corp. William Tucker Corp. James Johnston Corp. Peter Johnston Corp. Daniel Conger Corp. Noah Young Drummer, John Halderman Fifer, Mathew Merrit Privates Arbuckle, Samuel Aust1n, James Austin, David Bal’ Hiram Barcus, James Beers, Jabez Brown, Benjamin Brown, John, Jr. Bryan, Ellab Bue, Samuel Conger, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Joseph Walker’s Company

(Probably from Knox Co.) Served from August 8, 1812, until June 10, 1813.\ Capt. Joseph Walker Lieut. Richard M. Brown Sergt. John Elliott Sergt. John Beving Sergt. Archibald Crafford or Crawford Sergt. Peter Kile Sergt. Barney John Corp. Samuel Evlrt Corp. George Dickinson Corp. Joliah Trimly Corp. Lewis Grinstaff Drummer, Henry Clemens Fifer, Rowley Clark Privates Barton, Michael Davidson Robert Davy, Michael Elwell, David Emmet, Abraham Enos, Alexander Haun, Emmanuel Kile, Jacob Kile, Nicholas King. Joseph Linn, Adam McConnell, John Mifford, John Munsen, Alexander Newel, Reverent Rogers, Isaac Ryan, John Simpkins, Benjamin Smith, John Sprague, Perez Stewart, Benjamin Strong, Harley … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Ricks

Ricks, Charles A.; sec’y and treas. Kuhlman Car Co.; born, Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1868; son of Augustus J. and Emma Maxwell Atwater Ricks; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, and Kenyon College; married, Oct. 21, 1897, at Detroit, Mich., Miss Margaret Trowbridge; business career, 1888 clerk First National Bank, Massillon, O., sec’y and treas. Massillon Loan Ass’n; came to Cleveland in 1890, and became auditor and traveling salesman for the Standard Oil Co.; in 1896, appointed mgr. of the Cleveland station; in 1900, organized the G. C. Kuhlman Car Co., sec’y and treas., builds electric and steam railway cars, turning out … Read more

Biography of Joshua Ricketts

Joshua Ricketts, dealer in grain and produce, groceries, glassware, queens-ware, etc., Ashmore; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, March 13, 1821. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts. He remained at home until he was 13 years old, when he went to Knox County, Ohio, and engaged in study with a view to preparing for the ministry, but meeting with a change in his religious belief he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming, afterward learning the trade of a marble cutter. At the age of 23 he went to Coshocton, Ohio, and followed farming for a … Read more

Biography of John C. Carpenter, Col.

Col. John C. Carpenter, retired attorney, veteran of the Civil war, Kansas pioneer, ex-state senator, successful business man and public-spirited citizen, had flgured so conspicuously and honorably in connection with the public interests, business activity and substantial development of Neosho County for forty-six years that no history of this locality would be complete without the record of his career. Throughout his entire life he had been looked upon as a model of integrity and honor, one who had always stood as an example of what determination, combined with the highest degree of integrity, can accomplish for a man of natural … Read more

Biography of Preston B. Plumb

In the words of his biographer, Preston B. Plumb was a pioneer in Kansas. He was one of the founders of Emporia. He was in the Union army, and both major and lieutenant-colonel of the Eleventh Kansas. He was long United States senator from Kansas. In the Senate he was one of the men who accomplished things. He was the father of the ides of the conservation of the natural resources of America. It was his law that created the National Forest Reserve and extended aid to irrigation and the reclamation of arid lands. Many of the laws on the … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John Greer’s Company

(Probably from Knox County) Served from August 26 until October 10, 1812. Capt. John Greer Lieut. Carey Cooper Ensign, John Cook Sergt. John Wells Sergt. George Low Sergt. Smith Hadley Sergt. David Brown Drummer, Daniel Dial Fifer, Stephen Butler Privates Ackre, Adam Arnold, John Atberton, Francis Ayres, Ashel Baker, John Baughman, Jacob Blakeney, Francis Boyle, John Brown, Jeremiah Brown, Samuel Carnes, Abraham Chapman, Timothy Craig, Jonothan Davis, Alexander Dodd, Judathan Doty, Frazer Earleywine, Adam Garrison, John Green, John Guinn, John Harris, James Harris, Jesse Harrod, James Harrod, Lerue Hoglin, George Holt, Even Humphreys, John Johnston, Samuel Lepley, Joseph Lewis, Samuel … Read more

Biography of James H. Richards

Among the prominent lawyers of Boise is Judge James Heber Richards, who has practiced at the bar of this state for nine years, winning an enviable reputation by his erudition, his ability to give to each point of a case its due prominence, his force in argument and his mastery of the intricate problems of jurisprudence. In a witty after-dinner speech Chauncey M. Depew once said, “Some men achieve greatness, some men are born great, and some men are born in Ohio.” The first and last clauses are both applicable to Judge Richards, who is a native of the Buckeye … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Harlow Bates

Bates, Albert Harlow; patent lawyer; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 24, 1869; son of Cyrus S. and Lavena S. Bates; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O.; Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland; Lehigh University; graduated, 1889, Mechanical Engineer, Ohio State University; graduated, 1892, LL. B.; married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 1904, Kathleen Jones; two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth; one son, Darwin Bates; in 1892-3, in legal dept. of The Brush Electric Co., Cleveland; 1893-96, with Robert H. Parkinson, patent lawyer, Chicago, Ill.; 1897-1905, member the firm of Thurston & Bates, patent lawyers, Cleveland; 1906-9, member firm of Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent lawyers, … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Baker

Robert M. Baker was a pioneer Kansan. Nearly fifty years ago he identified himself with the frontier in Phillips County and helped to develop that wild prairie section into one of the finest agricultural districts of the state. In the year 1900 he moved his home to Topeka, where he lived in retirement until his death. He was born at Mount Vernon, Ohio, in 1839. His father James Baker had a specially adventuresome and interesting career. James was born in the historic town of Battle, forty miles from London, England. As a young man a romantic experience caused him to … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William Douglas’ Company

(Probably from Knox and Richland Counties) Served from August 26, until October 10, 1812, and from May 4, until May 19, 1813. Capt. William Douglas Lieut. John Wheeler Lieut. Daniel Ayres Lieut. Samuel Everett Sergt. Daniel Cooper Sergt. John C. Gilkison Sergt. Joseph Berry Sergt. Henry Markley Sergt. Cyrus Langworthy Sergt. William McCartney Sergt. Abel Cook Corp. Thomas Axtell Corp. Edward Wheeler Corp. Levi Sutton Privates Adams, James Ashley, Abel Baptist, John Barney, Charles Bartlett, David Bevans, William Burns, Jabez Casper, William Chambers, William Coe, Luther Cooper, Elias Cooper, Jacob Corwin, Benjamin Dowds, William Downs, William Durbin, Scott Durphy, Freeman … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ulysses L. Marvin

Marvin, Ulysses L.; attorney; born, Stow, Summit County, O., March 14, 1839; son of Ulysses and Elizabeth Bradley Marvin; educated, public schools, Twinsburg Academy, Franklin Institute and private tutor; honorary degree, LL. D., Kenyon College; married, Kent, O., Nov. 21, 1861, Dorena Rockwell; died Nov. 1, 1898; married, second time, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1901, Carrie Ensign; two sons living, George U. and Francis R.; volunteered Aug. 9, 1862; served till Oct. 4, 1865, private, first lieut., capt. and Major by brevet; was wounded twice in battle; began to teach school at age of 16; principal Kent High School 1861-1862; Judge … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Worthington

Worthington, George H.; merchant; born, Toronto, Can., Feb. 13, 1850; son of John and Mary Wellborn Worthington; public school and business college education; married, Mount Vernon, O., in February, 1878, Mrs. Hannah L. Weaver; worked in a wholesale grocery store in Canada for three years; came to United States to take charge of his fathers interests as contractor in building the Southern Central R. R., in New York State; then went to Brownhelm, O., and worked for his father and brother in operating a stone quarry; in 1873, admitted to the firm which later became the Cleveland Stone Co.; became … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick B. Ayer

Ayer, Frederick B.; insurance; born, Unity, N. H., Oct. 27, 1874; son of Benjamin F. and Susan V. Bailey Ayer; educated, Preparatory School Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O., 1890-91; Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., class of 1896, degree A. B.; married, Ashtabula, O., June 15, 1899, Agnes Louise Goddard; issue, Edwin, born Aug. 2, 1901, Ethel Louise, born Jan. 22, 1905, Margaret, born Nov. 11, 1906; taught school at Kenyon Military Academy Sept., 1896 to June, 1899; principal of school at Versailles, Ky., from Sept., 1899 to May, 1903; May 1, 1903, became associated with Fred P. Thomas in insurance business … Read more

Biography of George Lord

George Lord, President of the Society of California Pioneers of San Bernardino County, and a representative of the best type of “Forty-niners,” is a native of New York City, and was born June 27, 1800, and consequently was eighty-nine years old his last birthday. His father, George Lord, was a sea captain, who died of yellow fever at quarantine in New York harbor, having contracted the disease in the West Indies, whence his vessel had just returned. The subject of this memoir being left self-dependent went to enlist in mercentile pursuits. Stopping for a time in Louisville, Kentucky, he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Popham

Francis Popham, farmer and stock-dealer, Sec. 10; P. O. Campbell; was born in Knox Co., Ohio, June 2,1838; lived with his parents on the farm; engaged in farming until married to Sarah E. Babbs, Dec. 11, 1862; she was born in Knox Co., Ohio, Dec. 8, 1844; the fruit of their marriage has been four children – William C., Fred D., Minnie A. and Clarence E. Mr. P. owns 100 acres of excellent river-bottom land, which he farms; he also deals largely in horses; he is a very liberal-hearted man, and respected by all who know him.

Genealogy of George Spracklin

George Spracklin, son of Peter Spracklin and Elizabeth Andrews, continued living in Dudley Township, Hardin Co., Ohio. There he met Arloa Turner Minor and was married 9 April 1840, Knox Co., Ohio. In December of 1864 George bought land here in Shelby Co., Illinois in Drypoint Township. He paid $3680 for 200 acres south of Lakewood, Ill; in 1865, he and his family lived in Edwards County, Ill. before moving to Shelby County. By 1868 George owned 300 acres in Shelby County. Arloa, George’s wife, died in July, 1892 and is buried in Red Bank Cemetery, land formerly owned by George … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Armstrong

In a record of those who have been prominently identified with the development and progress of Latah county it is imperative that definite consideration be granted to the subject of this review, for not only is he a prominent representative of the agricultural interests of this favored section, but has the distinction of being one of the pioneers of the golden west, with whose fortunes he has been identified for fully forty years, concerned with varied industrial pursuits and so ordering his life as to gain and retain the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. Charles Dexter Armstrong is … Read more