Biography of Matthew Cleghorn

Matthew Cleghorn, a farmer of San Bernardino County, was born in Knox County, Kentucky, in 1829, a son of Rev. Lorenzo D. Cleghorn, who was a native of Virginia and a minister of the Christian Church. His mother, Mary (McLain) Cleghorn, was of Scotch parentage. They had five children, of whom our subject was the second. He left home at the age of twelve years and subsequently entered the Mexican War. He enlisted in the Sixteenth Kentucky Volunteers, but was afterward attached to the Eleventh. He carried the express for eight months from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico … Read more

Biography of Allan Campbell

Allan Campbell, son of John Campbell, died October 13, 187 5. Without a sketch and portrait of Allan Campbell this book would he among the earliest and most prominent pioneers in Bourbon Township. Allan came before his father, and soon after his arrival bought five acres of land just south of Lesterville, at the Bagdad Bridge, and ran a ferry here for three years. Allan Campbell was born in Knox County, Kentucky, in 1809. His grandfather, Allan Campbell, was born in Virginia, and was among the early settlers in Kentucky. His father, John Campbell, removed to Bourbon Township soon after … Read more

Knox County, Kentucky Census Records

1790 Knox County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Knox County USGenWeb Archives Project Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Knox County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Knox County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Knox County USGenWeb Archives Project Census Index To Online Images Hosted at Census Guide 1810 … Read more

Biography of James Westley Hammack

James Westley Hammack, who is living on his ranch located one mile east of Lostine, has always devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits, and has met with a goodly measure of success. His life record was begun in Knox County, Kentucky, his parents being James and Elizabeth (Moore) Hammack, both of whom are now deceased, the father having passed away in 1899 and the mother in 1905. The early years in the life of James Westley Hammack were passed on the farm where he was born and in the cultivation of which he began to assist while still in his … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah De Spain

JEREMIAH DE SPAIN, – This veteran among the pioneers of Union and Umatilla counties illustrates in his career what one may accomplish on this coast. Coming here a poor man, he left at his death a competence valued at many thousand dollars. He was born in Knox county, Kentucky, in 1833, being the fifth child of Benjamin De Spain, whose family numbered six sons. In 1836 he removed with his parents to Warren county, Illinois, and there, on his father’s farm, acquired the habits of industry, and obtained what education was afforded in the frontier schoolhouses. In 1852, having attained … Read more

Knox Co., Ky

KNOX CO. (Stewart Carey) Some slaves were owned in Knox Co., most of them being in Barbourville where they served as house-servants. The negro men worked around the house and garden, while the women were cooks and maids. The slaves usually lived in small one-room houses at the rear of their masters home, and were generally well fed and clothed. There was some trading of slaves among the Barbourville and Knox County owners, and few were sold at Public Auction. These public sales were held on Courthouse Square, and some few slaves were bought and sold by “Negro Traders” who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Hopper

Dudley Hopper, farmer; P. Q. Mattoon; one of the first settlers of Coles Co.; was born in Knox Co., Ky., Aug. 18, 1826; came to this State with his father’s family in 1837, when he was but a boy. He was married to Miss Jane Dixon, now deceased; they have had four children, viz., Felitha, George, Harvey and Matilda. Mr. Hopper was married the second time to Miss Margaret Easter. His farm consists of 330 acres, valued at $9,900; since his residence in the township, he has held the office of Commissioner three years. He was a participant in the … Read more

Knox County, Kentucky Cemetery Records

Hosted at Knox County USGenWeb Archives Project Adams Cemetery Barbourville Cemetery Bargo Cemetery Campbell’s Cemetery Concord Baptist Church Cemetery Cobb Cemetery Coon Branch Cemetery Elliott Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Fisher Cemetery Foley Cemetery Hammons Cemetery Haun Cemetery Helton Cemetery Knox Fork Cemetery Mayhew Cemetery Mayhew 2 Cemetery Miles Cemetery Miller Cemetery Mills 1 Cemetery Mills 2 Cemetery New Bethel Cemetery Old Lee Cemetery Parks-Helton Cemetery Richland Cemetery Shupe Cemetery Small Cemetery Spurlock Creek Cemetery Stinking Creek Cemetery Wm Terrell Cemetery Polly Warren Cemetery Warfield Cemetery Woolum -Davis Cemetery Hosted at Knox County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Bargo Cemetery Abe Bargo Cemetery Finley Bargo … Read more

Biography of Johnson Mulkey

JOHNSON MULKEY. – This prominent pioneer of Oregon was born in Knox County, Kentucky, in January, 1808. His father, Philip Mulkey, and mother (whose maiden name was Margaret Miller), were natives of Germany. In the year 1818 they moved with their young family to Missouri, settling in Lafayette County, where the father soon after died, leaving his widow with nine children. Johnson was married in 1835 to Mrs. Susan Roberts, née Brown. In the summer of 1845 he crossed the plains to Oregon, and on arriving took up a land claim in Benton county three miles west of what is … Read more