Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biography of John Lumbard

The name of John Lumbard is closely interwoven with the history of Muskogee, for he remained an active factor in the development and progress of this section of the state to the time of his death. He was born in Sweden, May 21, 1862, and was a son of William and Catherine Lumbard, who were also natives of that country. The father was warden of the Lutheran church in Sweden, to which he belonged through the greater part of his life, and was always a faithful follower of the teachings and high purposes of the church. He died in Sweden … Read more

Biography of Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D.

Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D. Since 1899 Doctor Browne had been in steady demand for his exceptional professional ability as a physician and surgeon in Galena. His offices are at 305½ Main Street. Doctor Browne is an active member of the Cherokee County, Southeastern Kansas and State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association, and by these associations and by all other standards of judgment that can be applied to members of this profession he ranks as one of the leaders in his section of the state. Doctor Browne came to Galena after one year of practice in Kansas City, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert H. Horton, Judge

Judge Albert H. Horton was identified with the State of Kansas for a period of more than fifty years in the most important phases of its civil and judicial development. His great influence extended from the year of its birth in 1861 to the time of his own death in 1902. For nearly twenty years of that period he served as chief justice of its Supreme Court. Judge Horton was born near Brookfield, New York, March 12, 1837, his ancestors being of an anceient English family, the first American representatives of which settled in New England. Albert received his preparatory … Read more

Biography of William Elliott Barnhart

William Elliott Barnhart, who has lived in Kansas City, Kansas, since 1887, has held many large responsibilities in connection with transportation lines, both urban and general railway companies, and has also regulated his private affairs so as to give time for much public service to his home city. His personal career has been one of many interesting experiences and achievements and his ancestry is also an appropriate matter of record. Mr. Barnhart was born at Cedar Valley in Wayne County, Ohio, December 8, 1857, a son of Frederick William and Clarisas (Gooding) Barnhart. The paternal ancestry goes back to his … Read more

Susan M. Todd Everett of Brooklyn NY

EVERETT, Susan M. Todd9, (Abraham H.8, Abraham7, Abraham6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 27, 1850, married April 10, 1878, Samuel H. Everett. He was at one time engaged in the hotel business in New York City. Mrs. Everett was living at 490 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1913. Children: I. Samuel H., b. April 20, 1879. II. Susan May, b. June 22, 1881, m. J. Willis Clark, of Mt. Kisco, N. Y. III. Charles E., b. Jan. 20, 1885, m. Florence Webster. IV. Edith E., b. Aug. 26, 1888.

Biography of Samuel Partridge Billings

SAMUEL PARTRIDGE BILLINGS, as deputy collector of internal revenue for Franklin and Hampshire counties, is rendering efficient service in local public office. Mr. Billings traces his descent from Richard Billings, who was in Hartford, Connecticut, with his wife, Margery, in 1640. He removed to Hatfield, Massachusetts, in 1661, and died there March 3, 1679. The line descends through their son, Samuel Billings, who married Sarah Fellows, daughter of Richard and Ursula Fellows. Their son, Samuel Billings, who married Hannah Church. Their son, Fellows Billings, born February 15, 1704, died June 29, 1784; removed to Conway during the Revolutionary War, in … Read more

Willem Willemsen Genealogy

Willem Willemsen Willem Willemsen, the Long Island ancestor, was born in Holland in 1637, came to New Amsterdam in the ship Concorde in 1657, and settled at Gravesend, L.L., where his name appears on the tax list of 1683, and on the census of Gravesend in 1698. He took the oath of allegiance to England in 1687. In the allotment of lands, 1670, he drew lot 32, and received another portion in 1700. In his will dated Dec.1, 1721, recorded in the surrogate’s office, New York (p. 288, liber 9), and other contemporaneous documents he signs his name Willem Willemsen. … Read more

Ciesiel, Robert F. “Bob” – Obituary

Robert F. “Bob” Ciesiel, 77, a longtime Baker City resident, died Oct. 1, 2005, at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise. Bob’s vigil/wake will begin at 5:30 tonight at his residence at 42797 Nye Road. Mass of Christian Burial will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Bob was born on Aug. 7, 1928, at Brooklyn, N.Y., to Leo and Viola Lechmanski Ciesielski. He was raised at Brooklyn and Floral Park, N.Y., graduating from Sewanhaka High School. He enlisted in the U.S. Army on … Read more

Biography of Louis J. Licht

Louis J. Licht, secretary and treasurer of a large stock company for the preparation of cereals, in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is of German descent. His father Frederick Licht was born in Germany, 1825, and died in this country, 1905. He came to America in 1832, and was the inventor of the process which has since been improved upon by his sons and in which the family has been successful in accumulating a fortune. He married Elizabeth Klinck, born in this country, 1832, died, 1882. They had five children, three of whom are now (1910) living and engaged together … Read more

Will of Jean Le Telier – 1671

Whereas JEAN LE TELIER, of New Utrecht, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, did by his will leave his wife Christina sole executrix. She is confirmed as such, September 12, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 68

Biographical Sketch of Martin W. Annin

Martin W. Annin, carpenter and builder, Oakland; the subject of this sketch is the son of J. V. D. Annin, whose biography appears in this work, and whose genealogy is given for four generations past; he was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 5, 1831, where he engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he went to Brooklyn, N. Y., and learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 20 years of age, when he emigrated; with his parents, and located in Lee Co., Ill., in 1850, remaining here a short time, when he went to Peoria … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank L. Eksward

Frank L. Eksward, the Secretary Manager of the San Mateo County Development Association, has taken a leading part in the recent development of the county. Many of the notable promotion projects of this community have been successfully launched and carried to a satisfactory conclusion under his leadership and co-operation. Mr. Eksward was born in Brooklyn, New York. in 1870. He has traveled all over the United States and visited portions of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. He has been identified with San Mateo County for the last seven years, five of which he has been engaged actively in promotion work. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Pieter Claesz Wyckoff

Pieter Claesz Wyckoff, the immigrant ancestor of the Wyckoff family, came from the Netherlands in 1636 and finally settled in Flatlands. He married Grietje, daughter of Henrick Van Ness. He cultivated the bouwery of Director Petrus Stuyvesant in Flatlands in 1655, having previously, in 1698, bought of Wolfert Gerritse Van Couwenhoven twentynine morgens in that town and in 1656 another tract of Wolfert. He was a magistrate of Flatlands in 1655-62-63, on the patents of 1667 and 1686, and a member of the Flatlands Dutch Church in 1677. Children 1. Annetje Pieterse, baptized November 27, 1650; married Roelif Martense Schenck. … Read more

Biography of Colonel Henry W. Robinson

Colonel Henry W. Robinson, for nearly a quarter of a century, has been identified with Southern California, and for the past seventeen years has been a resident of Riverside, and associated with its growth and progress. He was born in Chelsea, England, in 1840. In 1850 his parents immigrated to the United States and located in Brooklyn, New York, where he attended the public schools until thirteen years of age and then engaged as clerk in a drag store in New York City. He was attentive to his duties and acquired a practical knowledge of the business, but his naturally … Read more

Will of Cornelius Beackman – 1668

CORNELIS BEACKMAN, New Utrecht. “Being sicke in his bed, disposes his estate as follows.” First, he, the said Cornelis Beackman, and his wife Marihe Cornelis “do break and anull their first Contract of Marriage,” and do declare that of all they have in this world the said wife shall have one half, and his daughter Mellitie the other half. But if his wife should die before the daughter is twelve years of age, “which God forbid,” the testator appoints Lucas Dirckse and John ye Cooper, Jr., to be tutors of said child, they being both inhabitants of New York. Dated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Parks

One of the oldest pioneers of Malheur County and a man of excellent capabilities, being possessed of practical ability and judgment, and a keen discrimination that have made him a very successful business man and one of the leaders in the realm of finance in this section, the subject of this article is abundantly worthy of recognition and especial mention among the prominent men of Malheur County and this portion of Oregon, being also a man of worth and personal virtues. Mr. Parks was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 7, 1845, being the son of Abraham and Jane … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Suverkrup

John Suverkrup, senior partner of the firm of Suverkrup & Hook, manufacturers of and dealers in lumber at San Bernardino, has been sixteen years on the Pacific coast and twelve years in San Bernardino County. Prior to locating here he was engaged in the grocery business in Sacramento; and after settling in San Bernardino he for a time devoted his attention to farming. In 1887 he and his partner, John Hook, built the mill known as the Saverkrup & Hook Mill, on the mountains north of the city, which has a cutting capacity of 20,000 feet of lumber per day, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George P. Comey

Comey, George P.; manufacturer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 21, 1858; son of George P. and Clara Dean Comey; educated, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Connecticut Literary Institute, at Suffield, Conn.; married, Hinsdale, Mass., June 29, 1881, Miss Nannie J. Gill; issue, seven children, Clara M., Florence L., George Lawrence, Frederick Harlan, Ralph, Harold and Robert; business career with his father and uncle in New York City, in the manufacture of ladies’ hats and straw goods for two years, came to Cleveland in 1880, and engaged in the same business with J. G. Pettee & Co.; after three years bought Mr. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Margaret E. Dickens

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Margaret E. Dickens Location: Raleigh, North Carolina (1115 E. Lenoir St.) Date of Birth: June 5th, 1861 My name is Margaret E. Dickens and I was born on the 5th of June 1861. My mother wuz free born; her name wuz Mary Ann Hews, but my mother wuz colored. I don’t remember anything about Marster and Missus. My father was named Henry Byrd. Here is some of father’s writing. My mother’s father was dark. He had no protection. If he did any work for a white man and the white man didn’t like it, … Read more