Biography of Walter M. Reitzel, M. D.

Walter M. Reitzel, M. D. A native of Kansas and representing one of the pioneer families of Marshall County, Doctor Reitzel entered seriously upon the work of preparation for a career as a physician before he was at his majority, and now for many years had enjoyed a successful practice and a high standing in medical circles. His residence is at Kanopolis. Doctor Reitzel was born at Waterville, Marshall County, Kansas, November 27, 1878. He is of German stock, but the family had lived in America four or five generations. The Reitzels came out of Hamburg, Germany, and were colonial … Read more

Biography of Daniel B. Cowie

Daniel B. Cowie. In an article on other pages of this publication will be found some account of the salt industry in Kansas and some mention of the more prominent mines and companies. One of the most striking figures in the development of the salt industry in Kansas was the late James Cowie, Sr., and the above named is a son of that salt pioneer and is now general superintendent of the Independent Salt Company at Kanopolis. The Cowie family are Scotch people, and in Scotland they were also identified with mining. The grandfather of Daniel was George Cowie, who … Read more

Biography of Henry Van Deman Faris

Henry Van Deman Faris, of Kanopolis, is a Kansas around whom center many associations of territorial and pioneer times. He is by five years the oldest living pioneer in Kansas west of Salina. He had been continuously identfied with Ellsworth County more than half a century. Mr. Faris comes of that adventuresome pioneer stock that in successive waves had peopled and developed American soil. His grandfather, John Faris, was born in Ireland of Scotch descent. On coming to this country he partieipated as a soldier in the struggle for independence, and afterwards became a farmer in Virginia. He located on … Read more