Biography of Owen A. Thompson

Owen A. Thompson of Independence represents one of the pioneer families of Kansas and had had an eventful career in nearly all parts of the world. Beturning to his native state a few years ago, he exercised his original mind in inventing a machins now extensively used in all the oil districts of the country, and had since applied himself to the management of the manufacturing plant known as the Safety Pulling Machine Company at Independence, of which he is secretary and treasurer. His grandfather, James A. Thompson, was descended from Scotch ancestors who came from Ayr, Scotland, to New … Read more

Cole, Robert Lindford – Obituary

Robert Lindford Cole 1867 – 1950 Robert Lindford Cole was the son of Rev. William Person Cole Sr. AKA Wiley P. Cole and Catherine Lindord Misner Cole. In the early 1940’s the Enterprise Chieftain published articles concerning Wallowa County Pioneers still living in the area. At this time they interviewed Robert Cole and the following article was published as a result. It gives his complete history. Another Wallowa County resident who belongs in the ranks of the pioneers is Robert Lindord Cole of Enterprise who has resided in the county since 1880. Mr. Cole was born on May 5, 1867 … Read more

Biography of Morillo Abial Spalding

Morillo Abial Spalding. In Morillo Abial Spalding the thriving community of Dearing, Montgomery County, has a citizen who has contributed to its upbuilding a conservative and reliable general mercantile business, who formerly, for eight years, carried on the drug business, and whose long experience in a commercial way has been a decided factor in helping his city to better things. Mr. Spalding was born at Morrisville, Vermont, February 13, 1856, a son of A. W. and Mary (Tenney) Spalding, a grandson of Warren Spalding, a Vermont farmer who spent his life there, and a member of a family, which originating … Read more

Biography of Samuel D. Cole

When the history of Wallowa County is written, the names of the pioneers are first, when the history of our nation is written let the names of those who fought her battles appear first. In both of these commendable positions appears the gentleman whose name heads this paragraph, and it is with especial (sic) pride and pleasure that we grant him representation in this volume. He was one of those noble men who assisted to open this county; and when dark clouds hung thick over our nation, the banner had been subjected to insult, and freedom’s institutions were trembling before … Read more

Nebraska Cemetery Records Johnson to Sarpy Counties

Nebraska Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Nebraska county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Nebraska Cemetery Transcriptions, Johnson to Sarpy