Biography of John J. Fowles

John J. Fowles has been a Kansas educator since 1908 and is now superintendent of the city schools of Summerfield. Largely through his own earnest efforts he acquired a liberal education. He was born in Eldora, Iowa, January 3, 1884. He is of a Colonial American family. This branch of the Fowlers came out of England and settled in New York in pioneer times His grandfather. Thomas Charles Fowler, was born in Kentucky and died at Eldora, Iowa, before John J. Fowler was born. He was one of the pioneers around Eldora and became well known as a stockman and … Read more

Biography of Wilbur F. George

Wilbur F. George. With the exception of a short time spent in travel, Wilbur F. George had been a resident of Kansas since 1870, and during this time had been commensurately rewarded by the results which inevitably follow in the wake of industry, energy and careful management. Like many of his fellow agriculturists who have won success, he entered upon his career an a poor man, and whatever of success had come to him–and it is not inconsiderable–has beon attained solely through the medium of his own strength of purpose and hard labor. Mr. George, who is now a resident … Read more

Biography of John Duffy Robertson

John Duffy Robertson. Of the men who have attained commercial prominence, based upon character as well as ability, and made their influence felt not only in one locality but throughout the State of Kansas, there is every reason to give permanent record to the career of the late John Duffy Robertson. Mr. Robertson was one of the pioneer merchants of Jewell. He helped found and build up that town. In a few years his success was more than local as he possessed the rare faculty of being able to handle many diverse interests, and these interests became rapidly extended until … Read more