Biography of Leander Stillwell, Judge

Judge Leander Stillwell, now retired from the active duties of his profession, living at Erie, was one of the two pioneer attorneys who composed the first bar of Erie, and located there in 1868, nearly half a century ago. Aside from the amount of work he had performed as a lawyer and citizen, the chief distinction of his life rests upon his record of service, continued through nearly twenty-four years, as a judge of the district court. He is of English and Scotch ancestry. The first Stillwells on coming from England settled on Long Island, New York, in the seventeenth … Read more

Biography of Eber Cowen

Eber Cowen. One of the oldest residents of Osage County is Eber Cowen, who came to this part of the state when it was raw and new, nearly half a century ago. The business by which he had gained his prosperity had been farming, and at the same time he had enjoyed the respect and esteem of his fellowmen by his sturdy citizenship and his ability as a home maker and valuable factor in community affairs. He was born in Jersey County, Illinois, February 22, 1846, a son of John and Maria Cowen, his father a native of Vermont and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Landon Chapman

Harry Landon Chapman, a native of Illinois, was born at Jerseyville, in this state, on October 29, 1875, and was the son of T. S. and Sarah E. Chapman. His mother was formerly Miss Sarah E. Landon, of German parentage, while his father was an Englishman. Mr. Chapman is now prominent in banking circles in the City of Moline, where he holds the honorable position of vice-president of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company. He took up his residence in Moline February 1, 1904, and since that time has made many staunch friends. After obtaining a public school education he … Read more

Biography of William Nairn, M. D.

For thirty-five years Dr. William Nairn has been a resident of Nowata County, his residence here dating from 1882. While he has long stood in the front rank of his profession he has also become a prominent factor in agricultural circles and is now living on his farm three and one-half miles northwest of Alluwe. William Nairn was born in Jersey County, Illinois, on the 5th of December, 1848, a son of James and Susan (Barker) Nairn, the former a native of Georgia and the latter of Alabama. For some time James Nairn engaged in farming in his native state … Read more

Biography of Elizabeth Tantum Spencer

Elizabeth Tantum Spencer was born near Jerseyville, Illinois, September 28, 1871. She attended the rural schools in Jersey County, Illinois, and Woodson County, Kansas, was graduated from the Yates Center High School (a member of the first class) in 1890, and from the Kansas State Normal at Emporia in 1894. She taught three years in the rural schools of Woodson County, during the first year riding fourteen miles each day. Since that time she had taught in the schools of Yates Center, Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. In 1912 she became deputy county treasurer of Woodson County under … Read more

Biography of Joseph Voohers

JOSEPH VOOHERS. In reviewing the leading industries of the town of Willow Springs, the mercantile interests claim special attention. Mr. Joseph Voohers, one of the leading merchants of the place, is esteemed on all sides for his enterprise and just methods, and has many warm friends. He is a native of Missouri, born January 24, 1853. The son of Dr. James B. Voohers, who was an early pioneer of Missouri. The Doctor was born in the Buckeye State, and practiced his profession many years in Springfield, Illinois, Booneville, Missouri, and St. Louis. His death occurred in 1855. Our subject received … Read more

Millering, Katherine Ann – Obituary

Services Tomorrow For Mrs. Millering Katherine Ann Millering died at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday night at her home, 1810 Adams ave., after a short illness. Mrs. Millering was born April 12, 1865, in Jersey County, Ill., and was 73 years, 4 months and 11 days old. She had resided in Grande Ronde valley the past 51 years. She was married to John Henry Millering, May 1, 1883, in Vernon Co., Missouri. Her husband died Aug. 27, 1921. There were nine children of which four boys, Charles, Frank, Jay and Roy, have preceded her in death. The following children survive her: Bessie … Read more

Biography of Hon. Eugene Semple

HON. EUGENE SEMPLE. – Eugene Semple was born June 12, 1840, at Bogota, South America, his father being at the time the Minister of the United States at new Granada. Coming with his parents to Illinois, his youth was spent in Madison and Jersey counties of that State. Attending the common schools of the latter county, he finished his education at the St. Louis University in 1858. Commencing the study of law in the office of Krum & Harding, in St. Louis, he afterwards attended the Law School of the Cincinnati College, where he graduated in 1863, taking the degree … Read more

Biography of J. H. Settlemier

J.H. SETTLEMIER. – Mr. Settlemier was born on the 5th of February, 1840, in Jersey county, Illinois. In 1849 his parents, George and Elizabeth Settlemier, becoming imbued with the restless spirit that possessed all the pioneers of the Pacific coast, and, selling their home, turned their faces towards the setting sun. The family at that time consisted of eleven persons, father, mother, eight boys and one girl. They crossed the Missouri river at St. Joseph, and bade long farewell to civilization; for at that time there was not a settler’s house from the Missouri to the Sacramento, which was reached … Read more