Cox, Helen Shirley Leach Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Helen Shirley Leach Cox, 82, a former Baker City resident, died July 16, 2004, at the Royal Vista Care Center in Ellensburg, Wash. Her graveside funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Hagerman Cemetery. There will be a memorial service later in the Seattle, Wash., area. Demaray Funeral Chapel of Gooding, Idaho, is in charge of arrangements. Helen was born on Sept. 11, 1921, at Jerome, Idaho, to Fred and Nettie Leach. She was the only girl in a family with five brothers. She attended public school at Hagerman and played basketball on the Hagerman … Read more

Hicks, Harold Lynn – Obituary

Harold Lynn Hicks, 52, of Jerome, Idaho, and a former Baker City resident, died March 1, 2001, at his parents’ home in Baker City. His memorial service will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Coles-Strommer Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor John Goodyear of the Baker Valley Church of Christ will officiate. Mr. Hicks was born Nov. 5, 1948, at Norwood, Mo., a son of Raymond Eugene and Grace (Smith) Hicks. He received his education in Baker City and worked on various ranches in the area. He loved cars and trucks, and drove big rigs since he was 19 … Read more

Taylor, Muriel Lora Jeffords – Obituary

Muriel Lora Jeffords Taylor, 75, of Hazelton, Idaho, died July 26, 2005, at Magic Valley Regional Medical Center at Twin Falls, Idaho, of natural causes. Her graveside service was Saturday at the Hazelton Cemetery. Family and friends celebrated her life afterward at the Eden Senior Citizen Center. Muriel was born at home to Wendell Richard and Myrtle Ester Wickam Jeffords in Baker City on Dec. 31, 1929. She married John Laree “Jack” Taylor on June 7, 1947, at the Catholic Church in Baker City. They had five children. Muriel and Jack lived in Jerome County, Idaho, for 56 years, 46 … Read more

Patterson, Otto F. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Otto F. Patterson, 75, of Laurin, Mont., passed away Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1984 at St. James Community Hospital in Butte. Mr. Patterson was born March 13, 1909 in Jerome, Idaho to Frank and Semia Abel Patterson. He was raised and attended school in Idaho. Following his marriage to Margaret E. Lewis in 1933, they lived in Flora for 20 years where he ranched and worked as a logger. He is survived by his wife, Margaret of Laurin; daughter, Alice Patterson of Laurin; sons, David of Yakima, Leslie of Larimore, N.D., Edwin and Stanley of Oldtown, Idaho; … Read more