Biography of George H. Grimmell, M. D.

George H. Grimmell, M. D. One of the first graduates of medicine to set up in practice at Howard, Kansas, was Dr. George H. Grimmell, who rendered his first professional services in that section of Elk County thirty years ago. With the exception of about eight years spent at Onaga, Doctor Grimmell had been continuously in practice at Howard since 1898, and is accounted one of the most competent surgeons in that locality. The first authentic records of his ancestry is found in the annals of the first crusade of 1096, A. D. There was a Sir John Von Grimmell, … Read more

Biography of Henry Edward Reece, M. D.

Dr. Henry Edward Reece, born December 27, 1877, in Jefferson, Iowa, was a prominent physician in Thayer, Kansas. After graduating from the University Medical College of Kansas City in 1900, he practiced medicine across Oklahoma and Kansas before settling in Thayer in 1911. Renowned for his dedication to medical ethics, Dr. Reece maintained a flourishing practice, contributing significantly to the community’s health. He was active in several medical societies and fraternal organizations. Dr. Reece married Elizabeth Quinton in 1901, and they had two children, Halley and Ethel.

Rollins, Archie Charles – Obituary

Former Resident Dies In California The following is from a Rosemead, Calif., paper last week. Archie Charles Rollins, 63 years of age, passed away Sunday afternoon at his home on Brookline avenue, Rosemead, California. He had been in poor health for more than a year, so that the end was not unexpected. The deceased was born at Jefferson, Green County, Iowa, September 27, 1864, coming to California with his family in 1905. They have also lived in Oregon a portion of the time since then but moved to Rosemead in 1923 taking up their residence on Earl street. A year … Read more

1884 Directory of Jefferson Iowa

Last First and Middle Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Aiston William 17 Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Massachusetts 1878 Harrison Iowa Acrea Tomas J 7 Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Indiana 1855 Harrison Iowa Armstrong J L 24 Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Ohio 1856 Harrison Iowa Adams Bros 5 Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Ohio 1854 Harrison Iowa Brayton William 7 Logan Jefferson Breeder Poland China Hogs/Farmer Illinois 1868 Harrison Iowa Buchanan James 13W Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Scotland 1877 Harrison Iowa Brady Peter 19 Logan Jefferson Farmer/Stock Raiser Ohio 1852 Harrison Iowa Brady D L 19 Logan Jefferson … Read more

History of Adair County Iowa and its People – vol 1

History of Adair County, Iowa, and its people vol 1 title page

Back in 1915, Lucian Moody Kilburn, was engaged to write a history of Adair County Iowa by the Pioneer Publishing Company of Chicago Illinois, he then being at that time a resident of the county for 50 years. The actual general history of the county, however, was prepared by Gordon K. Miller. The manuscript was divided into two volumes. This volume, volume 1, provides the general history of Adair County that Mr. Miller prepared. You can read or download the free ebook from this website.