Biography of Omer O. Clark

Omer O. Clark, a well known Kansas banker, is cashier of the Exchange State Bank of Nortonville. The Exchange State Bank of Nortonville was organized in 1902 by Mr. C. C. McCarthy, and O. A. Simmons as cashier. The bank had been a medium for careful conservation of the funds of its depositors and of active service to its patrons in every way consistent with legitimate and conservative banking, It had a capital stock of $10,000, surplus and profits of $30,000, and the personnel of its stockholders and officers indicates great resources and strenght besides its nominal assets. The bank … Read more

Biography of George Eli Whitcraft

George Eli Whitcraft, superintendent of the city schools of Oskaloosa, had been active in educational work in Kansas for over twenty years, being well known as a teacher, superintendent and school executive throughout Northeastern Kansas. He was born in Jackson County, Kansas, June 28, 1872. His people have been in the state almost as long as Kansas had been a state. His grandfather, George Whiteraft, was born in Ireland in 1798, and came to America when a boy. After a brief residence in Pennsylvania he went to Ohio and was a farmer in that state for many years. He served … Read more

Biography of George Howe Bechtel

George Howe Bechtel. Of the men who are maintaining Montgomery County’s reputation and prestige in financial circles, few are more highly esteemed as banking officials and citizens than George Howe Bechtel, eashier of the Liberty State Bank, of Liberty. Like many other Kansas bankers, Mr. Bechtel is a product of the farm and of the schoolroom. It would seem that the practicality developed in agricultural life and the mental sharpening acquired in the educator’s vocation form a combination happily adaptative to the great and important business of banking. At least, Mr. Bechtel’s career and his success support such a view. … Read more

Biography of Frank H. Roberts

Frank H. Roberts is proprietor and editor of the Oskaloosa Independent. The Independent enjoys distinction among Kansas newspapers. It was established in 1860 by his father, the late John W. Roberts. It had been published continuously and successfully during all the intervening years by father and son. No other newspaper in Kansas had been published so many years in one locality. The town let in Oskaloosa where John W. Roberts began his pioneer enterprise as a newspaper publisher fifty-seven years ago is still the site of the present plant of the Independent, and in this quality of permanence and stability, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert G. Patrick

Albert G. Patrick, of Jefferson and Calhoun counties, Kansas, was one of the free-state leaders and, although he finally died full of years and honor, had a most narrow escape from death in the most exciting period of the border troubles. He was an Indiana native, born at Salem, Washington County, in 1824, and a settler at Leavenworth, February 18, 1856. He wrote an account of the robbery and stuffing of the ballot box in the Currler-Beck contest for a seat in the Council, which was published in an Indiana paper and aroused the men of the town. In the … Read more

Biography of William A. Smith

William A. Smith, a prominent young lawyer of Jefferson County and now serving as county attorney, is also one of Kansas’ young soldiers and now awaiting the call to the colors to serve with the American armies in the war with Germany. He was born at Valley Falls, Kansas, December 30, 1888. He is descended from old American stock. His ancestors came from England about 1636, and were identified with the Rhode Island and Providence plantations colonization project of Roger Williams. His grandfather, Miller Smith, was born at Providence, Rhode Island, was a carpenter by trade, moved out to Missouri in 1841, … Read more

Biography of George A. Frisbie

George A. Frisbie is now concluding his second term as county treasurer of Jefferson County, but the main business of his mature years had been farming. His father was one of the early settlers of Jefferson County, and Mr. Frisbie had spent all his life since boyhood in the same locality. He had an interesting Colonial and Revolutionary ancestry. The Frisbies were originally French, went from that country to England, and in Colonial times settled in Connecticut. Mr. Frisbie’s great-grandfather, Levi Frisbie, was born at Bristol, Connecticut. He atterward moved to Pennsylvania, was a farmer and died at Orwell, Pennsylvania. … Read more

Biography of Charles G. Royer

Charles G. Royer, whose father was one of the men chiefly identified with the early history and upbuilding of Winchester in Jefferson County, is cashier of the Citizens State Bank of that town. Mr. Royer entered the bank in 1907 as cashier, and had been continuously in that post since the day the bank was first opened for business on August 22, 1907. Throughout the ten years this bank had stood representative of strength and a wholesome influence and helpfulness in that farming community. It had a capital of $25,000 and surplus of $6,000, and its service is such as … Read more

Biography Of Clitus B. Hosford

Clitus B. Hosford. The Hosford family is one of the oldest in Kansas, dating back to territorial times. The three generations have been represented in this state by men of force and ability and of that initiative which brings constructive results in any community. Dr. William Hosford, the founder of the family in Kansas, came to this territory from Ohio in 1858. He homesteaded a tract of 160 acres in Jefferson County, and developed his claim though he was a physician by profession and immediately undertook to meet the heavy demands upon his professional skill. He was a native of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carl H. Skinner

Carl H. Skinner is superintendent of the city schools of Nortonville. He had been engaged in school work since before he attained his majority, and is one of the school men who are thoroughly in love with their calling and profession. Mr. Skinner possesses that fundamental requisite of a good teacher–a love for and understanding of young people. That is worth more than a bundle of academic degrees. But he also possesses in addition the technical skill and the experience which enable him to guide and administer a school system. A native of Kansas, Mr. Skinner was born at Burden … Read more

Biography of James D. Corbet

James D. Corbet. A resident of Kansas more than half a century, since early boyhood, James D. Corbet is one of the substantial farmers and stock raisers of Shawnee County. His life and career is one worthy in every respect of emulation. He had been enterprising and progressive and having acquired success as a business man had devoted a goodly tithe of his means and his energies to the public welfare. He had been especially intezested in the advancement of public schools. His is an ancestral history of unusual interest. The family is of French origin, and at the time … Read more

Biography of John W. Roberts

John W. Roberts, educator, superintendent of the city schools at Sedan, had attained prominence in educational circles in Southeastern Kansas, and though a native of the City of Topeka he represents one of the oldest and most noted families of Oskaloosa. Both his grandfather and father were men of distinction in the newspaper profession and his grandfather edited one of the early free state papers of Kansas. The family of which he is a member originated in England, and there were four of the Roberts brothers who came to America in Colonial times, one of them settling in New York, … Read more

Biography of Alvis Clayton Zimmerman, M.D.

Alvis Clayton Zimmerman, M. D. Having survived all his contemporaries, Doctor Zimmerman may be justly called the pioneer physician and surgeon at Perry, where he established himself in practice twenty years ago and where his skill and ability have brought him a commendable place professionally and in the social and civic life of that community. Doctor Zimmerman was born in Jefferson County, Kansas, April 9, 1874, and represents a very early pioneer and territorial family in this section of Kansas. He is a son of the venerable Mathias Coffman Zimmerman, who is still living at Oskaloosa, Kansas, retired, past four … Read more

Biography of James Franklin O’Daniel

The reader of modern Kansas history learns of the wonderful development of the state, of its wealth and resources, of its great educational institutions and its culture, and of its enterprise and reform legislation. Back, however, of all these truthful and encouraging records exists a vital and more interesting page of history, and only by linking the past with the present, may justice be done to all. A half century in the great cyele of Time means little, but it sometimes covers an entire individual life. There are men in different sections of this great state to whose labor, courage … Read more

Biography of Bartholomew John Bux

Bartholomew John Bux. By many years of industry, directed by sound judgment and thorough common sense, B. J. Bux had become one of the most prosperous citizens of Kansas, owner of many valuable farms, and is now living retired at Meriden, where he is one of the directors of the State Bank. A resident of Kansas since he was six years of age, Mr. Bux was born in St. Clair County, Illinois, January 6, 1864. His people were all Germans, His father, John Bux, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1828, grew up there, and had six years of experience in the … Read more

Biography of William Henry Van Meer, M. D.

William Henry Van Meer, M. D. A comparatively recent recruit to the medical fraternity of Elk County, Dr. William Henry Van Meer is a physician and surgeon of more than a quarter of a century of standing and experience. When he entered upon his professional career it was as a man of matured mind, thoroughly alive to the responsibilities of the course which he had chosen, and one whose broad experience in other fields of endeavor had given him a keen insight into human nature, as well as developed his sympathies and spirit of kindliness. During the short time that … Read more

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Biography of J. L. Raines

J. L. Raines.  The bankers of Kansas paid a significant honor to J. L. Raines in 1916 when they elected him president for the year of the Kansas State Bankers Association. Mr. Raines is a country banker, president of the Bank of Perry, and while most of his financial service had been rendered in connection with that institution his range of vision and judgment had not been confined by the limits of his experience. Mr. Raines took the lead in establishing and organizing the Bank of Perry in 1890, his principal associate being W. H. Huddleston, of Oskaloosa. It was … Read more

Biography of Richard O. Preston, M. D.

Richard O. Preston, M. D. Since he completed his medical course Doctor Preston had been in active practice in Meriden in Jefferson County, and his reputation as a capable physician and surgeon is now widely extended. He is the son of a physician, and the name had been identified with medicine and surgery in this part of the state for over forty years. The Prestons are a family originally from England, and they were pioneers in the state of Missouri. Dr. Richard O. Preston was born at Arrington in Atchison County, Kansas, March 12, 1885. His father, Dr. J. F. … Read more

Biography of William O. Worswick

William O. Worswick, though he began his career as a teacher and commercial man, had been in active practice as a member of the Oskaloosa bar for the past thirty years, and is an ex-county attorney of Jefferson County. Mr. Worswick is of English ancestry. The name was originally Warwick, and as such it is famous in English history. Mr. Worswick’s paternal grandfather was Henry Ward Worswick, who served as captain of a Man of War in the English Navy. He was born in Lancastershire, England, and in 1826 he brought his family to America and settled at Brooklyn, New … Read more