Biography of Frank J. Murray

Frank J. Murray. Among the important business houses of Scottsville, Kansas, is the Fitzgerald Lumber Company, the efficient manager of which is Frank J. Murray, a member of one of the old pioneer families of the state, one that still owned the homestead secured many years ago. Frank J. Murray was born in Cloud County, Kansas, not far from Jamestown. His parents were Patrick and Mary Murray, of Irish extraction. They came to Kansas in 1869 and were among the first settlers to locate near Parkerville. In 1872 they took up a homestead and through industry and perseverance Patrick Murray … Read more

Biography of Freeman E. Nipps

Freeman E. Nipps is one of the veteran railroad men of Kansas. Like many who have found success in that army of industrial workers, he began at a country station and as a telegraph operator. For more than a quarter of a century he has been the agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway at Topeka. Unlike many railway men, he has at the same time identified himself closely with local affairs, and at the present time his name is familiarly known throughout Shawnee County as chairman of the board of commissioners. Though most of his life has been spent within … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. R. Ansdell

W. R. Ansdell is one of the oldest residents of Cloud County and one of the most prominent citizens in and around Jamestown. He is a pioneer homesteader there and had filled many offices of trust and responsibility. He was born in the State of Wisconsin in 1849 and was reared and educated there. In 1870 he came with his father, F. T. S. Ansdell, and four other children to Kansas, and they all settled in the vicinity of the present Jamestown. W. R. Ansdell being then twenty-one years of age was entitled to take up a homestead, and his … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Pickenpaugh

Walter E. Pickenpaugh is one of the younger generation of business men upon whom had fallen the mantle of responsibility and had already made such headway as to be considered one of Culver’s leaders in business and civic affairs. Mr. Pickenpaugh was born at Jamestown, Kansas, July 22, 1890, twenty-seven years ago. His father, Ed G. Pickenpaugh, was born in Missouri in 1864, grew up a farmer and in 1886 located in Cloud County, Kansas, where he continued in the role of an agriculturist. His wife, Etta A. Stroup, who was born in Eastern Kansas in 1869, lives at Culver, … Read more