Biography of Hon. George A. Neeley

Hon. George A. Neeley, of Hutchinson, is one of the younger men of Kansas, but had already gained distinction both in the law and business and as a valiant fighter for the cause of advanced principles in public affairs. Mr. Neeley came into special prominence not only in Kansas but over the nation during his two terms as congressman from the “Big Seventh” district. He was elected on the democratic ticket. In 1910 he was a candidate for the office against the redoubtable E. H. Madison. Madison was elected, but died in September, 1911, before finishing his term. At a … Read more

Slave Narrative of Henry F. Pyles

Person Interviewed: Henry F. Pyles Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Date of Birth: August 15, 1856 Age: 81 That’s how the niggers say old Bab Russ used to make the hoodoo “hands” he made for the young bucks and wenches, but I don’t know. ’cause I was too trusting to look inside de one he make for me, and anyways I lose it, and it no good nohow! Old Bab Russ live about two mile from me, and I went to him one night at midnight and ask him to make me de hand. I was a young strapper about sixteen years … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Johnson

JOSEPH B. JOHNSON. With a record that is enviable, Joseph B. Johnson has been county clerk of Oregon County, Missouri, for the past eight years, and will no doubt succeed himself to that position at the next election. He has won for himself an honored position among the representative men of this section, and has been closely identified with many of its best interests. Like two-thirds of the best citizens of the county, Mr. Johnson is a native of Tennessee, born in Jackson in 1852, son of William R. and Martha Ann (Brown) Johnson. The father was also born in … Read more

Biography of William A. Halliburton

WILLIAM A. HALLIBURTON. Few, if any, among those engaged in the occupation of farming in Stone County, Arkansas, maintain a higher reputation for intelligence, thrift and industry than William A. Halliburton. He was born in Jackson, Tennessee, July 11, 1842, to Benjamin and Kansas P. (Holliman) Halliburton, who were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father was a small child when taken by his parents to Tennessee, but he grew up and married in Jackson County. He came with his family to Arkansas in 1852, and located in the neighborhood of Bickhorn, his farm at that time being … Read more

Biography of Wiley Terry Wisdom

Wiley Terry Wisdom, Vice President of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee, was born in Jackson, Tennessee, February 22, 1875. His father, Colonel Dew M. Wisdom, was born at Medon, Madison County, Tennessee, February 3, 1836, and was a son of William S. and Jane (Anderson) Wisdom. The grandfather was born in Rockingham county, North Carolina, in 1796, and when Colonel Wisdom was still an infant he was taken by his parents to McNairy county, Tennessee. He completed his education in the Cumberland University at Lebanon and is numbered among its alumni of 1857. He early took up the study … Read more

Slave Narrative of Sallie Carder

Person Interviewed: Sallie Carder Location: Burwin, Oklahoma Age: 83 I was born in Jackson, Tennessee, and I’m going on 83 years. My mother was Harriott Noel and father Jeff Bills, both of them named after their masters. I has one brother, J. B. Bills, but all de rest of my brothers and daters is dead. No sir, we never had no money while I was a slave. We jest didn’t have nothing a toll! We ate greens, corn bread, and ash cake. Do only time I ever got a biscuit would be when a misdemeanor was did, and my Mistress … Read more

Biography of William Henry Tester

William Henry Tester was born in Burgess Hill, a town nine miles north of Brighton, County of Sussex, England, on July 4, 1869. He received the common school education as given by the parochial schools under the care of the Church of England. Six years of his life were spent in Weston Super Mare, situated on the Bristol Channel in Somersetshire. As a boy of ten or twelve, reading of the wonderful things of America–her immense mountain ranges, her Great Lakes and wonderful Niagara Falls, and last but not least of that Great American Desert as shown on the maps … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Joseph S. Hogue

(See Oolootsa and Ghigau)—Mary Erskine Clark, born December 12, 1880, educated at Jackson Tennessee. Married at Chelsea June 5, 1898 to Joseph Sterling Hogue, born January 28, 1867 in Granger County, Tennessee. They are the parents of Joseph Clarke, born January 7, 1900; Condroy Lea, born June 20, 1903 and Sarah Erskine Hogue, born April 7, 1906.