Biography of Col. Walter Crockett, Sr.

COL. WALTER CROCKETT, SR. – The lineal representatives of many of the distinguished families of the Atlantic states have become the builders of our own communities. Such was Colonel Crockett, who was in the line of the old Virginia family that went out West to settle in the early days of Braddock’s war. The father, Colonel Hugh, was of Norman-Irish descent, and earned his rank in the Revolutionary war. His mother, Rebecca Larton, was a Knickerbocker, born at Jersey City, New Jersey. It was near Shawsville on the upper Roanoke, whither the Colonel had gone to settle, that his son, … Read more

Patterson, Lola B. Brannock Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Lola B. Patterson, 77, a 45-year resident of Oak Harbor, Wash., and a former Baker City resident, died Oct. 23, 2003, at Providence General Medical Center in Everett, Wash., after a long illness. Her graveside service will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Mount Hope Cemetery. There was a funeral today at Burley Funeral Chapel at Oak Harbor, Wash. Pastor Benjamin J. Norris officiated. Mrs. Patterson was born on May 10, 1926, at Baker City to Adoniram Judson Brannock and Alma E. Irvin Brannock. She was raised at Baker City where she graduated from high school. She … Read more

Casey, Velma Leona Hayes – Obituary

Velma L. (Toots) Casey, 69, 105 S. Ruby, died Friday [November 24, 1978] at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. She was born September 15, 1909 at Ellensburg, a daughter of the late James J. and Matilda Hayes. She first married Ed Holmes in 1926 at Wenatchee and later married Daniel Casey at Ellensburg in 1947. Both husbands preceded her in death. After her marriage to Casey, they lived on Camano Island for 15 years. They returned to Ellensburg to operate the Edison Hotel from 1952 to 1960. She was a member of the Thorp Grange. She is survived by two sons, … Read more

Biography of Daniel O. Pearson

DANIEL O. PEARSON. – One of the most respected and honored of all of Washington’s citizens is the pioneer of Stanwood whose face looks at us from the opposite page. He is one of those whose integrity and universal kindness, as well as public spirit and business enterprise, are of the truest need in laying the foundations of a community. Mr. Pearson was born at Lowell, Massachusetts, April 11, 1846. His parents were Daniel and Susan (Brown) Pearson, who now reside near Coupville, Washington. The first removal of the family was to Salmon Falls, while Daniel was yet an infant. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert C. Hill

HON. ROBERT C. HILL. – Mr. Hill, one of the most responsible men of Washington, and a pioneer of an early day, was born in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1829, the son of Doctor John Hill, his mother’s maiden name having been Eliza L. Davis. At the age of seven he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, and received his education at the excellent grammar and high schools of that city. He entered upon a business career as clerk in a wholesale dry-goods store in the city, and followed that occupation four years. In 1848 he removed with his parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Kineth

JOHN KINETH. – This pioneer of Oregon and of Whidby Island, Washington, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, and was born in 1828. At the age of ten years he came with his parents to American, and passed his early life in Springfield, Illinois. He there obtained the practical education of the West, and learned as his resource for the livelihood the trade of a harness-maker. As early as 1849 he felt the impulse to go West. Joining a company of emigrants at Springfield, he crossed the plains, arriving at Milwaukee, Oregon, November 3d. Seeing that there was an abundance … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred D. Cleaves

FRED D. CLEAVES. – Although among the young men, Mr. Cleaves has for a number of years held responsible public positions. He was born in Stockbridge, Wisconsin, in 1852, residing in that village and at Fond du Lac until ten years of age, and coming in 1864 to this coast with his father’s family. Here is one of the few cases in which we find one of the early settlers returning to the East. After a year’s residence at Whidby Island, and two years at Albany, Oregon, the elder Cleaves recrossed the plains to his old home in Wisconsin. The … Read more

Island County, Washington Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted At Island County, Washington Tombstone Transcription Project) Bay View Cemetery Bay View Cemetery Camano Island Pioneer Cemetery Camano Lutheran Cemetery Fir Crest Cemetery Langley (Woodman) Cemetery  Section B  Section C Maple Leaf Cemetery, Oak Harbor Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Pioneer (Davis, Morse, O’Brien) Cemetery St. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery Sunnyside (Valley View) Cemetery Part 1 Part 2  

Biographical Sketch of George E. Hartson

GEORGE E. HARTSON. – The subject of this sketch, editor and proprietor of the Skagit News, was born in Troy, New York, in 1855. While but an infant his parents made a new home in Wisconsin, and nine years later in Iowa. In 1869 they came to California, but almost immediately continued their travels up the coast, coming to a final halt at Coupville, Washington Territory. Young Hartson accompanied them, and at this place made such good use of the public school as to be able at the age of seventeen to engage as teacher; but in 1872 he made … Read more