A History of Interlaken New York Newspapers

Winchester Star

The following information is an attempt to provide details into not only the history of the 8 Interlaken New York newspapers, but also the sources available online and offline for the genealogist and historian to access the newspapers, or transcriptions therefrom. Newspapers remain a vital source of material for genealogists. They often provide vivid insight into the lives of our ancestors unlike other factual records.

Seneca County New York Cemeteries

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

The amount of information available for Seneca County New York cemeteries online is restricted to the number of volunteers willing to photograph and transcribe the records. There does not appear to be any one website which has a complete listing, and in fact, I would say overall there is still a lot of work to be done photographing and transcribing within Seneca County is any of you care to volunteer. The following is, however, the most complete listing available of online transcriptions and photographs.

Biography of Dr. Richard W. Padgham

Dr. Richard W. Padgham, who at the time of his death had been engaged in medical practice for almost a quarter of a century, was descended from an ancient English family, many members of which have been represented in various lines of professional life. Both of his parents died in England, where his father had spent the active years of his life in the ministry as a representative of the Methodist denomination. Although Dr. Padgham commenced the study of medicine rather late in life he had achieved a remarkable degree of success and was frequently called into consultation by his … Read more