Biography of John B. Crawford

John B. Crawford is one of the pioneers of California, dating his first arrival on the Pacific coast early in 1849. His first visit to Southern California was also in that year. Mr. Crawford was born in York Township, County of Peal, Canada, in 1826. His parents, James and Eliza (Beatty) Crawford, were natives of Ireland, who immigrated to Canada in 1810. His mother was a daughter of Rev. John Beatty, a well-known pioneer of the Methodist Church. She is now eighty-five years of age and a resident of Riverside. His father was a prominent businessman of York, owning and … Read more

Biography of Louis L. Keefe

LOUIS L. KEEFE – Born of a family that for generations has made its home in Massachusetts, Louis L. Keefe, today the mayor of Westfield, Massachusetts, was born in Ontario, Canada, but being of American parentage, is naturally a native born citizen. Reared and educated in Westfield, which has always been the family home, he started in his business career on the completion of his education, and after learning thoroughly the business that he had decided to follow, he very early made a start for himself, under his own name, and he has carried his establishment to a fine point … Read more

Biography of Y. H. Scott, M. D.

Y H. Scott, M. D., of Riverside, is one of those successful men to be found in the various walks of life who may be truthfully said to be self-made-men who from boyhood start in life with a fixed object in view; and with strong determination to reach the goal, they develop those valuable characteristics-energy, perseverance, and a determined mind, that enable them to overcome all obstacles and render them intelligent, quick to conceive, and prompt to act-characteristics especially valuable to the skilled physician and surgeon. The subject of this sketch was born in Ontario, Oxford County, Canada West, in … Read more

Biography of Joseph Jarvis, M. D.

Joseph Jarvis, M. D., a well-known citizen of Riverside, is a native of England, born in Oxford, in 1842. His parents, Jonathan and Eliza (Allen) Jarvis, were also natives of that country. The subject of this sketch was reared in his native place until eighteen months of age. His parents then immigrated to Canada, locating in Oxford County. There he graduated at the Ingersoll High School, and in 1862 entered upon his medical studies. In 1864 he went to New York City and spent the next two years in medical study in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College and in the … Read more

Biography of Simeon Cook

Simeon Cook, of Redlands, is a native of Richmond, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, born April 14, 1821; his parents being Simeon, Sr., and Rachel (Holman) Cook. Both parents came of old New England families, and the father of our subject went with his parents from Billingham, Massachusetts, to New Hampshire, when he was but three years of age. He was born December 8, 1770, and died March 18, 1859. Our subject’s mother was the daughter of Elijah Holman, who lived on the line between Winchester and Richmond, New Hampshire, and before her marriage to Simeon Cook, Sr., was the widow … Read more