Biographical Sketch of T. L. Endsley

T. L. Endsley, merchant, Salisbury; was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Nov. 21, 1842; his parents, Thomas and Matilda, were natives of Harrison Co., Ohio; his father was born in August, 1801, and is still living in Coshocton Co., Ohio, having lost his eyesight in the year 1876; his mother died about the year 1854; the subject of this sketch remained with his parents until he was 25 years of age, when he came to Hutton Tp. in the fall of 1866, and, the first winter, taught school; in the spring of 1867, he went to Westfield, Clark Co., Ill., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Brandenburg

James Brandenburg, farmer; P. O. Diona; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., April 20, 1820; when he was about 3 years of age, his parents moved to Clay Co., Ind., and from there, in the year 1829, came to this county. Mr. Brandenburg lived at home, working in the neighborhood, until he was 18 years of age, when he went to Wisconsin and was engaged in teaming for two years; in 1844, he settled southeast of Salisbury, in this township, and lived there for twelve or thirteen years, when he purchased a farm on Sec. 32, and after being there … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Brandenburg

Solomon Brandenburg, farmer; P. O. Hutton; is the fifth son of Solomon B. Brandenburg, one of the early settlers of this county, and was born in Hutton Tp. Sept. 3, 1830; at the age of 19 he went to Wisconsin and engaged in hauling lead with his brothers C. P. and Wm. H., during the summer, for nine years; in the year 1858, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, on Sec. 13. He married Mrs. Sallie Smith (daughter of James Cox and widow of George Smith), Feb. 5, 1850; they had seven children, five living – Ford, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. B. Davis

G. B. Davis, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Loxa; born in Hutton Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 12, 1836; was brought up a farmer; received his education in a common school during the winter months. Mr. D. resided at home with his parents until he was 32 years of age, during which time he assisted on the farm and also taught school; he taught school in Hutton Tp. and the district where he now resides 104 months in all. He was married to Elizabeth Atkins Aug. 12, 1869; she was born in Clark Co., this State, Sept. 3, 1844; have two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jephthah Parker

Jephthah Parker, farmer; P.O. Westfield, Clark Co.; was born in Crawford Co., Ill., Feb. 13, 1823; he was 3 years of age when he came with his parents to Coles Co., and remained with them until his marriage with Miss Sarah J. Green, daughter of James Green, of Ohio, on the 11th day of May, 1842; she was born in Miami Co., Ohio, July 3, 1818. About nine months after their marriage, Mr. Parker moved to his farm on Sec. 6, the greater portion of which he improved, putting upon it its present buildings, and where he has ever since … Read more