Yurok Tribe

Yurok Indians (from Karok yuruk, ‘downstream’). A tribe living on lower Klamath River, California, and the adjacent coast constituting the Weitspekan linguistic family. They have no name for themselves other than Olekwo’l (‘persons’), sometimes written Alikwa. The territory of the Yurok extended from Bluff Creek 6 miles above the mouth of the Trinity, down Klamath River to its mouth, and on the coast from beyond Wilson creek, 6 miles north of the mouth of the Klamath, too probably Shad river. Their settlements in the valley were confined closely to the river, and those along the coast were close to the … Read more

Whilkut Tribe

Whilkut Indians. The Hupa name of a small Athapascan division occupying the upper portion of the valley of Redwood Creek, north California. Their language differs slightly from that of the Hupa, from whom they were separated by a mountain ridge, and they might be considered a part of that tribe except that they seem to have had no political connection with them and differed in religious practices. The routes of the pack-trains lay through their territory, and the conflicts between the whites and Whilkut were frequent and bloody. The survivors were taken to the reservation at Hupa soon after its … Read more