Biography of John F. Gallagher, M. D.

Dr. John F. Gallagher, physician and surgeon of St. Louis, is a native of the neighboring state of Nebraska, his birth having occurred at O’Neill, December 26, 1883. His father, the late Michael Gallagher, was a native of Ireland but came to America when fourteen years of age, arriving in 1858. He cast in his lot with the pioneer settlers of Nebraska and there for many years successfully followed farming and stock raising, death terminating his labors on the 24th of December, 1916, when he had reached the age of seventy-two years. His wife, Mrs. Bridget (Erwin) Gallagher, is a … Read more

Biography of John V. Cortelyou

John V. Cortelyou, who took the chair of German at the Kansas State Agricultural College in 1904, was at that time only recently returned from Germany. Professor Cortelyou holds his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Heidelberg University, though he is an American by birth and training, and represents a long and interesting lineage of some of the old Dutch families of New Jersey. He was born on a farm near Harlingen in Somerset County, New Jersey, September 19, 1874. He is a son of John G. and Mary (Van Zandt) Cortelyou, both natives of New Jersey and in both lines … Read more