Huss, Rose Rader – Obituary

Mrs. Rose Huss, Pioneer, Passes. Widely Known Valley Resident Taken By Death Today. Mrs. Rose Huss, 73, widely known Kittitas Valley pioneer, died at her home here this morning [March 12, 1946]. Mrs. Huss traveled with her parents to this area by covered wagon over the Old Oregon Trail when a girl of seven, in 1879. She was born Rose Rader, a daughter of the late A. J. and Margaret Rader, October 9, 1872, near Hollister, Cal. She was the youngest member and last survivor of the sturdy Iowa family which moved into the Northwest in pioneer days. Their first … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henry Barg

Few of the San Mateo county offices have a better reputation for efficiency than the office of County Recorder William Barg. His system, modern and up-to-date in every respect, is known through the bay regions as a model of its kind. Mr. Barg is the son of one of Redwood’s best known and highly respected citizens and is himself well known throughout the county. When the Supervisors elected him to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harold O. Heiner, Mr. Barg’s agreeable personality, accommodating manners and ability to carry on the work of his office, soon made him … Read more