Biography of Thomas J. Mock

Thomas J. Mock, farmer and Constable, Sec. 25; P. O. Oakland; born in Hocking Co., Ohio, March 22, 1845, where he lived until 1854, when he removed with his parents to Coles Co., where he lived until Aug. 1, 1862, when he enlisted at the age of 17 years in Co. A, 123d I. V. I., and at once went into camp at Mattoon, where they remained until Sept. 6, when they were mustered in and at once sent to the front, going to Louisville, they joined the army of Gen. Buell, which had been defeated and driven to that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. M. Mock

J. M. Mock, farming; P. O. Charleston the subject of this sketch was born in Hocking Co., Ohio, April 1, 1839. He married Miss Catharine J. Zimmerman Nov. 22, 1866; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., near Ashmore, June 17, 1843; they had six children – four living, viz., Sarah C., Edward W., Oscar B. and Florence I. ;he lived in Ohio until he was 15 years old, when, with his parents he moved to Coles Co., Ill., and settled near Oakland; this was in 1854; they engaged in farming, where he lived until 1860; they then moved to … Read more

Biography of John Root

A venerable citizen of Wallowa County is named at the head of this article, and we are pleased to grant to him a representation in the annals of his county: since here he has manifested commendable real and ability in forwarding its interests and in assisting to build it up in all lines, while also in other places he has displayed equally excellent activities; and also because when the time of trouble was upon the nation, he immediately responded to the call of patriotism to handle the musket in defense of the flag that had been insulted and was in … Read more

Biography of Walter J. Reed

WALTER J. REED. – A view of this gentleman’s residence in North Yakima, Washington, his hotel (the Reed House in Cle-Elum), together with portraits of himself and his estimable wife, is placed among the illustrations of this work. Although not a pioneer of Washington Territory, he has been a great factor in the development of Yakima and Kittitass counties. He built the first two-story business house in North Yakima, and is the founder of the town of Cle-Elum, in Kittitas county. He has also advanced a great many matters of substantial interest in both counties, and is one of the … Read more

Biography of R. M. South

R.M. SOUTH. – It is quite within the province of the compendium to grant representation to the esteemed gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, since he is really one of the builders of our county, since he has manifested a personality of uprightness and commensurate ability in all his ways, since also he was one of those brave men who pledged their lives to sustain the honor of the stars and stripes to retrieve from insult its glory, and preserve intact the institution of freedom when the minions of treason and rebellion plied their nefarious trade of destruction to all … Read more

Biography of Judge Edgar C. Steele

Edgar Clarence Steele occupies as enviable a position in the public esteem as the most ambitious could desire or as any of our prominent men have achieved. To the citizens of Moscow and the second judicial district he can only be known as being a reputable, prominent man and an honest, able and efficient officer. At the bar he manifests all the qualities of the successful lawyer, and on the bench he displays a rare combination of talent, learning, tact, patience and industry. The successful lawyer and the competent judge must be a man of well balanced intellect, thoroughly familiar … Read more